Tuesday, July 24, 2018

The Cure For All Diseases by Hulda Clark Ph.D., N.D.

[PDF] The Cure for all Diseases - Dr. Hulda Clark:
eBook:  https://alternativa-za-vas.com/support-files/cure_for_all_diseases.pdf
Amazon:  https://amzn.to/2A53ZXv
eBay:  https://ebay.to/2NEPFXp

"All diseases have simple explanations and cures once their true cause is known. Doctor Hulda Clark explains the causes of both common and extraordinary diseases and gives specific instruction for their cure through natural remedies and an electrical device you can build at home."

Other books by Dr. Clark available from New Century Press:
Books by Hulda Regehr Clark:  https://amzn.to/2mH3edn
eBay:  https://ebay.to/2NEPFXp


Published on 31 Mar 2011

There is a lot of useful everyday health and wellness advice found in Dr. Clark's book, The Cure For All Diseases. I think every home should have a copy. Here is an excerpt from that book. For more books and videos by Hulda Clark visit http://HuldaClark.com

All information is for educational purposes. Dr. Clark's books have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Not intended to replace medical care, diagnose, treat, prevent, mitigate or cure disease. We believe in the individual's informed right to choose their own health care methods. As always, consult with a health professional before attempting any self health program.


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