Here are good religious reasons to refuse vaccines...
These constitute good reasons when a school or college asks for your religious reason on a form that says, state your reason here or attach rationale, etc...
Oftentimes, you will be requested to state your rationale for your vaccination exemption petition. What follows is what is used for public schools, parochial schools, private colleges, and public universities.
Q: What constitutes a religious conflict with vaccination?
A: All vaccines are made in violation of God’s Word. Vaccines are made with toxic chemicals that are injected into the bloodstream by vaccination. All vaccines are made with foreign proteins (viruses and bacteria), and some vaccines are made with genetically engineered viral and bacterial materials.
A conflict arises if you believe that man is made in God’s image and the injection of toxic chemicals and foreign proteins into the bloodstream is a violation of God’s directive to keep the body/temple holy and free from impurities.
Vaccines are produced in animal tissues. A conflict arises if you accept God’s warning not to mix the blood of man with the blood of animals. Some vaccines are produced in aborted fetal tissue.
A conflict arises if your religious convictions are predicated on the belief that all life is sacred. God’s commandment “Thou Shall Not Kill” applies to the practice of abortion. When it is believed that the practice of abortion should not be encouraged or supported in any manner, a conflict may arise with vaccines produced in aborted fetal tissue even though you didn’t have anything to do with the abortions from which the vaccines are made from.
The Hepatitis-A vaccine containing MRC-5 is obtained from human babies that were electively aborted. WI-38 was created from the tissue of an aborted fetus and is used for the rubella portion of the MMR-II vaccine. RA 273 was created from the tissue of an aborted fetus, and is used for MMR-II vaccine. A conflict arises because my religious convictions are predicated on the belief that all life is sacred. God's commandment "Thou Shall Not Kill" applies to the practice of abortion. The acceptance of this/these vaccine(s) promotes/promote abortion and violates the Sixth Commandment of "Thou Shall Not Kill".
The Chickenpox (Varivax) vaccine containing MRC-5 and RA 273, is obtained from human babies that were electively aborted. The acceptance of this vaccine promotes abortion and violates the Sixth Commandment of "Thou Shall Not Kill".
The Hepatitis-B vaccine protects against a disease that is only transmitted through multiple sexual partners or street IV drug users. The acceptance of this vaccine promotes sexual promiscuity and immoral behavior in direct contradiction to the teachings of my faith.
For a child under age 18, where parent has to make the statement, concerning Hep B vaccine...
The Hepatitis-B vaccine protects against a disease that is only transmitted through multiple sexual partners or street IV drug users and therefore usurps my parental authority to condemn such activity in my child. The acceptance of this vaccine promotes sexual promiscuity and immoral behavior in direct contradiction to the teachings of our faith.
”I believe that inherent in each individual is an innate intelligence, provided by God, which will protect the host environment and provide homeostasis.” “Life and physical health are precious gifts entrusted to us by God. We must take reasonable care of them…” [2288 – Catechism of the Catholic Church 1994]
“The virtue of temperance disposes us to avoid every kind of excess: the abuse of … medicine.” [2290 – Catechism of the Catholic Church 1994]
(Indicate rationale and attach statement from clergy or other authority.)
You do not need to belong to a church or religious organization to claim religious exemption from vaccines.
Applicable law has been interpreted to mean that a religious belief is subject to protection even though no religious group espouses such beliefs or the fact that the religious group to which the individual professes to belong may not advocate or require such belief. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended Nov. 1, 1980; Part 1605.1-Guidelines on Discrimination Because of Religion.
Our legal rights are guaranteed by the free exercise clause of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Recent court decisions have upheld the rights of individuals seeking exemptions from immunizations based upon personal and religious reasons. On the U.S. Supreme Court level in Frazee V. Illinois Dept. of Security, 489 U.S. 829, it was found that a state may not deny an exemption simply because a person is not a member of a formal religious organization.
Vaccine Exemption Shirts! I am SO getting one!
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Great religious exemption letter.....
To all concerned parties:
This letter is to serve as notification that ____________________________ and ___________________________, the parents of __________________________, born __________, ___, 20___, are exercising our right to a religious waiver on all future childhood vaccinations because we find them to be in extreme violations of our personal religious beliefs.
The following are ways in which these violations manifest themselves in the vaccinations recommended by the Center for Disease Control.
The use of cells, cellular debris, protein, and DNA from willfully aborted human children found in Adenovirus, Polio, Dtap/Polio/HiB Combo, Hep A, Hep A/Hep B Combo, MMR, MMRV Pro Quad, Rabies, Varicella, and the Shingles vaccines violate the very basic commands found in Exodus 20:13 and Deuteronomy 5:15 which instructs us to not murder. The following ingredients were derived from no fewer than 107 human souls who were sacrificed for social reasons and then used in past and ongoing vaccine research: PER C6, HEK293, WI-38 (RA 27/3), WI-1, WI-2, WI-3, WI-4, WI-5, WI-6, WI-7, WI-8, WI-9, WI-10, WI-11, WI-12, WI-13, WI-14, WI-15, WI-16, WI-17, WI-18, WI-19, WI-20, WI-21, WI-22, WI-23, WI-24, WI-25, WI-26, WI-27, WI-38, WI-44, and MCR-5 plus many other ingredients obtained from human children not required to be listed by FDA guidelines. Supporting vaccinations and vaccination developments is an endorsement of the sacrifice of those and the continuing sacrifice of other human souls.
Genesis 4:1, 17 and Jeremiah 1:5 demonstrate that the deceased children used in the aforementioned vaccinations were recognized by God as human souls from the point of conception in the same way that we, as parents, recognized our child as a human from the moment we were aware of his/her presence in his/her mother’s wombs.
Genesis 1:27 - 28, 4:1, 2 Kings 17:17-18, Psalm 22:10-11, 106: 35, 37-38, 113:7-9, 127:3, 139:13-16, Amos 1:13, Matthew 18:1-4, and Matthew 19:13-15 are just a few verses that illustrate the aforementioned children as blessings from God that are valued and loved by him, their Creator, in whose image they were created and that their killing is condemned and causes God's destructive anger to burn against their murderers and those complicit in those murders.
Exodus 20:13, Leviticus 18:21 & 20:2-5, Deuteronomy 5:13, 12:30-32, 18:10, 2 Kings 16:3, and Psalm 106:38 illustrate that all child sacrifice is condemned with no exception clauses allowing for the greater good or public exception clauses found anywhere in the sacred scriptures.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 and 10:31 remind us that we are to regard our bodies a temples of God's Holy Spirit and that we are to honor God, our Creator and possessor of our very bodies by not defiling them. Notwithstanding the presence of socially sacrificed human cells and debris in vaccinations, we firmly believe that the presence of neurotoxins, hazardous substances, attenuated viruses, animal cells, foreign DNA, albumin from human blood, carcinogens, and chemical wastes is in strict violation of our imperative to treat our bodies as holy temples of the very Spirit of God.
Genesis 9:4, Leviticus 17:10-11, 17:14, Deuteronomy 12:23, Acts 15:20 and 29 informs us that blood represents the life force of human and animal species and that human blood was to be kept pure under all circumstances and free from contaminants such as animal cells, parts, and blood.
We thank you for respectfully adhering to our first amendment rights guaranteed as citizens of the United States of America by her great Constitution and reinforced on a state level by the fourteenth amendment without prejudice.
Maternal Parent printed name:____________________________________________________
Maternal Parent signature:_______________________________________________________
Date signed:___________________
Paternal Parent printed name:____________________________________________________
Paternal Parent signature:_______________________________________________________
Date signed:___________________
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