Thursday, March 7, 2019



For those of you who aren’t up to date with politics/senate hearings, please listen to me:

Yesterday (3-5-19) there was a SENATE MEETING. They were discussing Mandatory Vaccines on a FEDERAL LEVEL. Meaning, every adult and child in the US will be FORCED to take ALL vaccines that the CDC says to. You won’t even be able to say no to the flu shot! Don’t you enjoy having a choice about what’s injected into your body? That’s at jeopardy now.

They haven’t decided their final answer yet, there is still 9 days left for them to come up with an answer.

No matter if you are pro-vaccine, or if you like to choose this one or that one but pass on others...even if you don’t have kids YOU should be worried. This is our first amendment that they’re trying to take away.
It will no longer be a Pro/Anti vaxx decision anymore, because everyone will be FORCED.

They talked about how to enforce it for adults: Denying adults their ability to renew their driver's license, professional licenses, and hunting/fishing license was suggested. Not able to get or renew a passport. Withholding tax returns. Not able to get insurance, etc...unless proof of vaccinations is submitted. And I’m not talking about your childhood vaccination records; it’s current vaccination records they will require: boosters on your childhood ones (because they wear off after a few years) proof of annual flu shots, and whatever other vaccine the government decides we should have.

Believe it or not but this bill IS and WILL affect EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN FAMILY not just the Anti or Ex Vax Families.

Here’s how we can all help: Call this number 202-224-3121 every single day for the next 10 days and tell them your state and zipcode and then they'll redirect your call and you tell them you DO NOT consent to mandatory vaccinations.

This bill is unconstitutional and is taking our rights away as people. We should always retain our right to medical freedom.

"Stop everything you are doing!
Call this ๐Ÿ‘‡
This is the switchboard! Tell them which state you are calling from and let your State Rep. know you do NOT consent to mandatory vaccination! Medical freedom hanging in the balance."



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