Wednesday, March 27, 2019

The Daily Messenger: Help Cecil, Help! With videos that is.

The Daily Messenger: Help Cecil, Help! With videos that is.: I've been asking folks in YouTube land for what software they use to make their online vids, and no one - AND I MEAN NO ONE- will answer.


Now I'm asking you all. What is the easiest, best, software to use and what hardware should i have to do two kinds of vids

voice overs on screenshot/clips
and the above with DB insertion shots

I have a blue Yeti mic. And a functional CPU big box.

I put it to you, those who know, to put me in the right direction.


Oh, write me at


Matt and Don, better days

The videos I made were amateur like.  The program that comes with Windows called Windows Movie Maker.  MACs have iMovie, I think, and this MAC has no video app.

I'll ask around.  I did attempt some online video makers, but user UNfriendly, for the most part.

Very few of the YouTube videos I have watched had listed what programs they used.

I'll start listing them here as I find them, and ask others myself.

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