Dawn Kristhina is with Laira De La Vega and 95 others.
3 hrs ·
Vaccine safety skepticism makes me a conspiracy theorist? Consider this...and please take the time to read to the end.
I didn't distribute a drug called Factor VIII in the 1980's tainted with the HIV virus intentionally, infecting and killing thousands of people around the world...
Bayer did that. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/bayer-admits-it-paid-millions-in-hiv-infection-cases-just-not-in-english/
I didn't experiment with the flu vaccine and expose mental patients and prisoners in Michigan to the pandemic virus in 1942...
Jonas Salk and the U.S. Government did that. http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/health-news/shameful-past-of-medical-trials-prompts-new-us-investigations-2233624.html
I didn't launch a drug called Vioxx in 1999 while knowing that it increased the risk of fatal heart attacks and strokes before it even hit the market. This drug was responsible for at least 55,000 deaths in America...
Merck did that.
I wasn't involved in the forced sterilization of immigrants, people of color, poor people, unmarried mothers, the disabled and the mentally ill that spanned 32 States in the first half of the 20th century...
The U.S. Government was.
I wasn't behind the illegal clinical trial of the drug Trovan in Nigeria in the 1990's during a meningitis epidemic that left 11 children dead. The Nigerian Government did not authorize this trial and was without parental consent.
Pfizer was.
It wasn't me that told African American males that they were being treated for "bad blood" after luring them in with free meals, free physicals and free burial insurance. Some of the men had syphilis, others were given the deadly venereal disease. The study was later discovered to be an experiment of syphilis left untreated..."Tuskegee Experiment"
Again, it was the U.S. Government.
I certainly did not publish a flawed study and mislead doctors into prescribing the dangerous antidepressant Paxil to children and had the public thinking that it was safe.
That was GlaxoSmithKline.
Anyone remember thalidomide???
The thalidomide disaster is one of the darkest episodes in pharmaceutical research history. The drug was marketed as a mild sleeping pill safe even for pregnant women. However, it caused thousands of babies worldwide to be born with malformed limbs. The damage was revealed in 1962, but not until many babies had been killed or maimed for life.
I was not involved in the 1956-58 U.S. Army experiment involving dropping hundreds of thousands of specially bred mosquitoes to see if they could be used as biological weapons, specifically, yellow fever.
I'll say it one more time, the U.S. Government was.
Is anyone familiar with the simulated germ-warfare attack in San Francisco?
in 1950, the US military conducted a test to see whether it could be used to help spread a biological weapon in a "simulated germ-warfare attack." This was just the start of many such tests around the country that would go on in secret for years. The test was a success, as Rebecca Kreston explains over at Discover Magazine, and "one of the largest human experiments in history." But, as she writes, it was also "one of the largest offenses of the Nuremberg Code since its inception."
How about Project MKUltra? Again, US government.
Project MKUltra, also called the CIA mind control program, is the code name given to a program of experiments on human subjects that were designed and undertaken by the United States Central Intelligence Agency—and which were, at times, illegal.Experiments on humans were intended to identify and develop drugs and procedures to be used in interrogations in order to weaken the individual and force confessions through mind control. The project was organized through the Office of Scientific Intelligence of the CIA and coordinated with the U.S. Army Biological Warfare Laboratories. The operation was officially sanctioned in 1953, was reduced in scope in 1964, further curtailed in 1967, and recorded to be halted in 1973. The program engaged in many illegal activities,including the use of U.S. and Canadian citizens as its unwitting test subjects, which led to controversy regarding its legitimacy. MKUltra used numerous methods to manipulate people's mental states and alter brain functions, including the surreptitious administration of drugs (especially LSD) and other chemicals, hypnosis,sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, and other forms of torture.
Even less known is the Edgewood experiments.
From 1955 to 1975, the U.S. Army Chemical Corps conducted classified medical studies at Edgewood Arsenal, Maryland. About 7,000 soldiers took part in these experiments that involved exposures to more than 250 different chemicals, according to the Department of Defense (DoD). Some of the volunteers exhibited certain symptoms at the time of exposure to these agents. Long-term follow-up was not planned as part of the DoD studies.
I have personal experience with this one - Gulf War Syndrome, thanks to the anthrax vaccine.
U.S forces received experimental drugs, such as pyridostigmine bromide, and a different battery of vaccines, including anthrax vaccine and botulinum toxoid vaccine. No previous deployment in U.S. history had involved vaccination of large numbers of soldiers against biological agents.
American soldiers and civilian workers reported that they were suffering from debilitating symptoms such as severe fatigue, joint and nerve pain, headaches, memory loss, gastrointestinal issues, insomnia and respiratory and neurological disorders.4 This cluster of acute and chronic multi-symptom illness affecting veterans of the Gulf War became known as the Gulf War illness or “Gulf War Syndrome.
A GAO report in 2002 found that 85 percent of the troops given the mandatory anthrax shot reported reactions and that 16 percent had either left the military or changed their status in part because of the mandatory anthrax vaccination program. That’s right, EIGHTY FIVE percent!!!! And that’s just those who reported it!!!! (I did not make the connection as a 17 year old child).
Not one of the aforementioned examples here are conspiracy theory, they are factual and verifiable.
We are led to believe these types of things no longer occur, we cannot entrust the pharmaceutical industry through government enforcement to have our best interests in mind.
I did not plant doubt in my mind, their actions did. Their desire to control everything in their sights made me this way.
So, forgive me for not wanting to comply with vaccine mandates, but don't blame me. Blame your government and greedy corporations worldwide.
Offering credit to the many who wrote some of the above, only portions are my words.🙏💜👏❤️
#sorrynotsorry #commonsenseisntcommonanymore
#riseup #speakout #wewillNOTbesilenced #wedoNOTconsent #mybodymychoice #mykidsmychoice #parentsoverprofit #bodilyintegrity #separatepHARMaandstate #nogovermenttyranny
#supportFirstFreedoms #supportparentalrights #supporttherighttochoose #supportinformedconsent #Idonotconsent #supportmedicalfreedoms #icalltheshots #vaxwoke #constitutionbeliever #truthoverprofit #wewillwin2019 #yellowvestsofamerica #joinus #takebackthepower #wethepeople #herethiswell #hearus #notgoingaway #cantstopwontstop
VACCINE SYNDROME 2017 from Scott Warren Miller on Vimeo.
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