Monday, June 24, 2019

School in NY Threatening Families With CPS Because of NON Vax Status

Rachel Williams
21 hrs

School in New York, threatening parents with CPS for not va❌❌ing. 🤬


This is an excuse to get hands on LOTS of children to sell into sexual slavery for pedophylles, for rituals, etc...  This SHIT HAS TO STOP ALREADY!


You see... Y'all are not getting it yet.

NO Marriage Licenses with the CORPORATE STATE
NO Hospital Births
NO Birth Certificates (CONtract with the state, which turns the children over to THEM)
NO Public Fool System indoctrination
NO #SSNs for children

What doesn't exist on paper can't be regulated.  Get it?

Homeschool your children.
Have an Alloidal Title (Land Patent) instead of a deed. Or rent from family members
Learn REAL basic usable skills that you can earn cash (if you still can).  Some areas are too regulated anymore, which is the current fascist police state.

Many skills that can be learned.

Building homes, painting houses, contract work, even if working for someone else, the skill is learned.  Back in school we called this "Shop Class".

Learn to sew, cook, plumbing (nasty job, I know), electrician, mechanic (working on cars, small engines), etc...

Learn naturopathy, take online classes, if possible, learn anatomy and physiology, to get the basics, and to go from there, we took Advanced Biostructural Correction (ABC), as one example. Even like minded folks with the skill sets already would be ideal.

Learn arts, crafts, cooking, baking, making jewelry, making clothes, making herbal extracts, etc..

Getting like minded folks into a neighborhood, sort of like a village, I suppose, with a central location for more classes, teaching, how to live off the land, learn to install solar panels, and such as that.  The whole neighborhood and area would have to be private and the entire land it's on would be on alloidial title.

Fathers and mothers in a neighborhood could take turns teaching each other's children, so everyone would get a break, while other families take turns with their jobs and skills.  It can be done if all are willing to work together.  Home schooling would also include home Bible Study too.  Barter with each other.

People will have to quit competing with one another and learn cooperation for once, and quit hating each other in order for this to work out.

Anyway, that's my thoughts on it.  All I know is that we all can't keep going on like this.  Something has GOT to give already.  Throw humanity a bone.  Let good win, for once.


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