Saturday, July 6, 2019

The Daily Messenger: AOC The Lost Years - Ocasio-Cortez

The Daily Messenger: AOC The Lost Years - Ocasio-Cortez

When the guy started talking about Snopes being great, I wanted to hurl my drink at the computer screen.  But instead of ruining my computer, I'll do this instead...

Snopes are to never be trusted.  Period. What year was Snopes established? Who owns it? Does anyone even consider these questions when viewing their website of misleading and biased information? Snopes is ran by a husband and wife, with no college education and had no prior investigative reporting history. What makes their truth superior? We all should ask ourselves how influenced their truth is by third party bribery and incentive bonuses?  Snopes has been caught lying, many times. Snopes has been snoped before. People should do real research before they just put their trust in a website ran by bought bigots.


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