Monday, November 4, 2019

No Trespassing

Sheri Olson
3 hrs

I am so done dealing with Gov't "officials" that "supposedly" are working for We, the People.
It's like attempting to tear down a brick wall with a wet noodle, when trying to get them to hear our cries. Pleading with them to stop passing laws that are injuring & killing our babies. You'd think we were in front of a bunch of wild animals that can only focus on their next kill, to feed their own selfish, ravaged hunger!
GREED is such an UGLY thing. It's an addiction in itself, where Compassion is the only cure.

Well, listen up folks...the "C" word does not even begin to apply or penetrate into the hearts & minds of these people. They've walked in the garden of Fake, Big Produce & they like what they see. Not caring that by ingesting this crap folks are getting sick & dying...All they're focused on is the pot of gold it will put at their rainbows end.
I refuse to put any more time, effort or money into trying to plead & reason with these animals. From now on I plan to focus all of my efforts into insuring that no one within my family EVER gets hurt again! I will "govern" within my own life & home making certain that those uncaring, unfeeling greed mongers read clearly my NO TRESPASSING signs. I will arm myself with every bit of strength & power imaginable to insure no one in my care is ever Medically Raped, again.
There is so much out there that we can all do for ourselves:

-No Trespassing signs for your yards.

-No Solicitation signs for your doors.

-Paperwork you can give any "official/s" that come to your door, letting them know why they are not welcome, & legally they have NO Rights to enter.

-The buddy system. Always bring another AntiVaxxer to any & all of your pediatric appointments, or for ED visits, if necessary. This way you have twice the strength & power to say "NO", if they try pushing their toxic garbage onto you & yours.

- Know who you can reach out to & get immediate help, should ANYONE try to force ANYTHING upon you. Make those people "EMERGENCY CONTACTS" in your contact lists.

- Educate your children to NEVER allow ANYONE to give them shots or drugs. Tell them to kick, scream & run...if necessary.

- Have an alternate safe place to go, should any of these things come about.

Mostly, my friends...PRAY & BE SAFE❤


Like I said before.  Marching and protesting with a sign never accomplished ANYTHING.

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