Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Avacen 100

an amazing FDA-Cleared Class II Medical Device, the A.V.A.C.E.N. This may be the greatest invention of the century. You'll quickly see why. Especially when one is unable to get to an available hyperbaric oxygen chamber.

AVACEN CEO - Cowdfunder - Thomas Muehlbauer, is the CEO and the founder of Avacen Medical. The concept for Avacen, which is an acronym for Advanced Vascular Circulation Enhancement, grew out of doing research on relieving migraine pain


AVACEN 100 testimonials





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1 comment:

MessiahMews said...

Here is more info about how Avacen helps to restore brain health in autistic children.

Duke ONeil interview with Dr Ian Goldbaum


In 1980, when a viral infection swept through a therapeutic nursery for children with autism at Bellevue Psychiatric Hospital in New York (NY), the hospital staff reported that the children were more socially alert and talkative while feverish (Sullivan, 1980). When their mercury level came down it was noticed a good behavioral improvements in them. Unraveling the “fever effect” could lead to innovative ways to improve the lives of individuals affected by ASD.