Monday, January 13, 2020

Dear Pro-vaxxer

Dear Pro-vaxxer,

It’s not your fault that you were born into a society where vaccines are not questioned. But society is starting to change…they are questioning.

It’s not your fault that your doctor never told you about the side effects and adverse reactions. But you are seeing those side effects every day out in the world.

It’s not your fault that the media tells you “the science is settled”. They are paid very well by pharma to market them to you.

It’s not your fault that you were told seizures, fevers and excessive sleepiness were “normal” following your child’s vaccines. They are not normal.

It’s not your fault that they haven’t studied vaccinated vs. unvaccinated kids to see who is healthier. If they did, you would be shocked.

It’s not your fault that your doctor tells you that vaccines are 100% safe and effective, they only receive ½ day of “training” on them.

None of this is your fault. But it is your responsibility to start listening instead of chastising. To start hearing instead of ignoring. And to start seeing and believing.

The Parents who Did

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