Although the two suggestions he lists are valid, it's going to take more than just these two items. See all of our other posts regarding what all supplies, etc... are needed.
My repost with added items:
My repost with added items:
Honestly, the SARS of the 2000's, I think was just a scare at the time, but who knows? They've been crying wolf for so long now, that people, for the most part, will discount, because they will believe the mainstream news, and just blow it off as the flu as The Daily Messenger blog post said.
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Key items of awareness I've learned in jumping feet first in the deep end of the NCOV pool |
Coronavirus is spreading a lot faster than original estimates
Martin at Life Enthusiast <>
To: Messiah Mews
Hey Messiah — Martin here again. I hope you’re doing well.
I am starting to think that this is not going to be over soon.
Over the weekend, the coronavirus officially surpassed the SARS epidemic of the early 2000s with the total death rate rising to 811 in China. What’s most alarming is that 89 of those deaths came this past Saturday, which set the new single-day high. Sadly, the doctor who reported the outbreak (and was at first ignored) also died.
According to China’s National Health Commission, there have been over 37,000 confirmed cases. When I first wrote to you about this a couple of weeks ago, there were only 830 confirmed cases.
(Not to mention that there are many doctors out there who think that China is under-reporting the total amount of infections and deaths because China’s testing facilities are way past capacity…)
And, it was recently reported that the first U.S. citizen has passed away from the coronavirus. He was only 60 years old and died at Jinyintian Hospital in Wuhan, China.
Meanwhile other countries across the world have put travel bans and quarantines in place to try to stop the spread of the disease. The U.S. government has quarantined over 800 people as I write this.
And it was recently discovered that a cruise ship quarantined in Japan has 70 people infected with the coronavirus. One of which was a joint Hong Kong and U.S. citizen. What’s startling about this news is how the coronavirus spread… the cruise ship was quarantined after after a man who had been on the ship last month was later confirmed to have the virus.
And perhaps the most alarming news of all in regards to the coronavirus is how rapidly it spreads.
Check out this graph comparing the coronavirus infection rate to that of the SARS infection rate (the numbers are slightly outdated as this graph was published a few days ago):
Scientists think the current infection rate falls anywhere between 1.5 and 3.5 — meaning every person with the coronavirus could infect anywhere from 1.5 to 3.5 people.
Which means that if 5 people got infected by the coronavirus and went untreated, they could infect as many as 368 people after 5 cycles.
Compare that with the infection rate of the seasonal flu, which has a 1.3 infection rate:
If the same 5 people got infected by the seasonal flu and went untreated, they could infect as many as 45 people after 5 cycles.
The good news is, it seems that the death rate of those infected with the coronavirus is much lower than that of the SARS virus. (But if it’s true that China is underreporting the total number of deaths than the death rate for coronavirus can be much higher than we currently think.)
Some more good news:
The number of reported cases of the coronavirus in provinces other than Hubei – the region in central China where the virus originated – has dropped from 890 on February 3rd to 509 on February 8th, which is about a 43% decrease.
But there’s still reason to be cautious due to the rapid infection rate and symptoms not immediately appearing in those who have been infected. But the quarantine efforts from several countries should (hopefully) help contain the spread outside of China.
So, what are you to do in the meantime? You could reasonably decide to do nothing. You could put something in your cupboard in case you need it. If this infection gets going here, it will be too late to try and buy something, the shelves will be bare in a day.
If you’ve read any of my other letters about the coronavirus, then you would know what my two recommendations are…
1. Ionic Silver — Spray the back of your throat when you’re exposed to the public, especially when you’re traveling on a plane, on public transit, or another type of public transportation.
2. Wild Oregano Oil — Simply apply some under your tongue either before or especially after you’re exposed to the public. Again, this is especially important when you’re traveling on a plane, on public transit, or another type of public transportation.
Both Silver and Oregano Oil have been proven to be effective against certain forms of coronaviruses, such as the SARS outbreak of the early 2000s (when scientists looked into alternative solutions).
To be clear, scientists haven’t confirmed if these products are effective against the latest coronavirus outbreak, but both have proven to be effective against multiple types of other coronaviruses. Whereas we know for certain that antibiotics and antiviral medicines won’t work against this coronavirus.
You need to use either of these products as a preventative remedy, early in your exposure, not after the infection has already taken hold. These products do not spoil or expire so it’s better to have them in your medicine cabinet as a safety precaution if for no other reason. It’ll be too late to start taking these once you see symptoms appearing.
Anyways, while your chances of infection are still low anywhere outside of China, it’s always better to be safe rather than sorry. And using either or both of these products as a preventative measure will give you more peace of mind, especially while traveling, if they’re used as a preventative remedy.
If you want to grab a bottle of our TransDerma Silver you can use the link below:
And if you want to add a bottle of our wild Oregano Oil to your cabinet, you can use the link below:
Hopefully this coronavirus outbreak subsides soon and more information about how it started surfaces soon.
But until then, you should enjoy a little more peace of mind by having TransDerma Silver and wild Oregano Oil available in your cabinet.
Okay, gonna make a list, me thinks...
Lugol's iodine (5% w/selenium on eBay)
Caroline's store:
Iodine is also a blood purifier. FYI.
Also, consider Liquid Chlorophyll to keep blood count built up.
Activated Charcoal to keep poisons in the system flushed out.
EDTA chelation capsules from Arizona Naturals. The less heavy metals load, the better.
Surgical Masks: [SOLD OUT]- and put drops of Thieves essential oil on the masks.
Second choice mask:
Young Living Thieves soaps, etc... on Amazon:
Some masks on this site. AVOID the glasses with vents. All glasses or goggles must be vent-free. If they have vents, AVOID those. Viruses and biologicals can still get in if they have vents.
Other options.
Got to seal up the eyes too. Might be good idea to cover up ears too.
Ventless Safety Goggles:
Get Eye Protection, either cheap swimmer goggles (HERE) (Remember NO VENTS)
Get a box of rubber/nitrile Gloves (Here)
* On eBay.
Need Vitamin D and it's wintertime?
For those in northern areas, with hardly any sun, then a Vintage 70’s sunlamp. Vitamin D supplement also to use with sunlamp. Vintage Sunlamps on eBay. This is the best I can do because we are STUCK here in the north.
Vintage sunlamps on eBay
Smarter Vitamin D3 - Plant-Based D3 with K2 Complex for Immune System Support
Amazon link:
The label of GOOD ingredients. THIS is a clean Vitamin D formula..
Vitamin C:
Vitamin C Protects Against Coronavirus
Vitamin C supplements (NutriBiotic Sodium Ascorbate)
iodine for first aid and to take internally.
Ozone machine
Essential Oils diffusers. I like Oregano, Thieves, Eucalpyptus, Cassia, Lemongrass, Thyme, Cloves in one. You can buy the diffusers from your local health food store.
Lifewave Light therapy patches: The Glutathione patches for glutathione production to detox, and also the stem cell patch which is called X39. That one elevates copper peptides in the body to wake up OUR OWN dormant stem cells. Activated by our own body temperature to reflect our own light back to us. NOTHING goes in the body from the patches. Also known as phototherapy or photo-bio-modulation. Carnosine patches also help protect too. Aeon patch helps to protect the nerves.
Avacen 100: An FDA approved Class II Medical device. It's a thermal device and vascular machine. Opens up capillaries and helps with oxygen transport. Can't get to an hyperbaric oxygen chamber, then this is for home use. Anyone is allowed to own one now.
Vitamin B-12 (Methylcobalamin) helps protects nerves.
Extra toilet paper (to avoid having to go out too often to the store). Maybe stock up on that.
Beets, carrots, raw purple onions, raw white onions, and raw garlic (also with meals), and add to existing juices. I eat raw garlic and onions with EVERY meal. Eat LOTS of raw onions and garlic, if you can.
Pet food, we feed cats real canned chicken, albacore, salmon, etc… plus buy some for ourselves too in case for emergencies. And extra cat litter for inside cats, like ours. So keep your pets in mind too, and make sure to have supplies for them too.
And yes, we are going to have that Lysol too. :)
Hygiene is very important as well as oral hygiene. Like shower as soon as returning from outside, and throw clothes in washer ASAP.
Soak in epsom salt, salt, borax, turpentine and/or any other essential oil of your choice.
You can also ingest these, but in small amounts. Check with Tony Pantalleresco aka HerbsPlusBeadWorks on YouTube for bath suggestions and also LookOutFACharlie protocol as well.
There is a Dettol original soap on sale at eBay, but mostly for skin issue...
We like to use Uncle Harry's oral products, plus make the homemade mouth rinses as well. And the Gerard Judd protocol, and Weston A. Price recommendations.
More from The Daily Messenger...
*Be sure to check this post everyday too.
When things go wild weasel here in America, there will be all sorts of unanticipated service disruptions. The general public remains blissfully unaware of the utter disaster coming at us, because the mass-media is keeping rather quiet about the situation. But when they can’t keep quiet any longer, there will be PANIC. You should PREPARE NOW because once the SHTF, it will be too late.
Here are suggested “Preps” to try to get yourself and your family through what’s coming. There is precious little time left . . .
The best strategy for this is NOT to be exposed. Fat chance of that; we ALL go out: Work, school, shopping, recreation, and so forth.
So how might we protect ourselves while we’re out?
Well, the fact this virus can be spread by air, in addition to staying alive on surfaces like counter tops, desks, water fountains, door handles, inside cars and buses, product packages on store shelves that someone else handled, or sneezed-on or coughed-on, – including ones that get delivered by mail, FedEx, UPS, etc. — complicates things greatly.
Step One: Stay home. Do not go out unless you absolutely MUST.
Step Two: Presuming you have to go out (we ALL do) wear a filter mask eye and hand protective gear (below).
The N-95 filter masks are almost completely sold out already, nationwide. So you can get a better mask rated as N-100 or P-100 for the time being until THEY sell out. Links to various suppliers are HERE-N-95 and HERE N-100. (I am NOT the seller)
You can also get the VASTLY AVAILABLE 3M 7500 (HERE) which uses 3M 2091 filters (HERE) This mask system is more expensive, but it works and is widely still available. (Again, I am NOT the seller)
Get Eye Protection, either cheap swimmer goggles For the adults...
Non vented Uvex Stealth Safety Goggles with Uvextreme Anti-Fog Coating (S39610C)
by Uvex
Pyramex Clear Anti-Fog Ventless Safety Goggles by Pyramex Safety
Sellstrom S80225 Wildland Fire Goggle, Clear Lens, Non-Vented, Anti-Fog Coating, Adjustable FR Strap, NFPA / ANSI by Sellstrom
Wear this gear when you go out. I know...Add it all up and it is a lot of money when you do not have money to just spend like it's nothing. I'm not being facetious. Stating a fact. The bills come, rent comes, and stuff like this can really put a soul into a corner, especially if you have a family that looks to you for making things happen.
The absolute moment you get home, take off your shoes and leave them in the foyer. DO NOT WALK AROUND YOUR HOUSE IN SHOES YOU WORE OUTSIDE.
You may have walked on a large amount of infected material as you were out and if you wear those shoes in the house, the virus will spread in the house.
Next: Go into the bathroom, take off your clothing, put it in a hamper or plastic bag, and take a shower. You HAVE TO WASH OFF any virus that may have landed on your body or hair, while you were out.
Put on clean garments. You cannot go sit in your chair or lay on your couch or bed in clothing you wore outside. The virus will come off the clothing, onto the furniture and pow, someone in the house catches it.
Make every person in your household do this the absolute moment they come home. This virus is HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS and it KILLS people. We cannot skimp or get lazy protecting ourselves. Do these things or scraps the dog will have to get shot...with blanks, dang it, but the prop dept won't let me use real ammo. (airplane 2)
Eat right, take vitamins (I use Youngevity Colloidal, which has a 96% absorption rate, vs pills which only has 4% absorption rate), and, I don’t want to sound hokey, or like some Bible thumper, pray to Almighty God that you be protected by Him during this crisis. I’m not kidding. I mean it: PRAY.
Even if you haven’t prayed in decades, start now. “Hi Dad, it’s me. I know I haven’t prayed to you in a long time, but don't have to tell you how weird things are making life by the satanic-purple wall painting-freaky deaks. Anyways...”
And then talk honestly and earnestly to him, in a very quiet voice. Thing is, always is, be sincere and honest as the day is long. You WILL BE HEARD. And they who pray in secret, shall be rewarded openly. It's in the book, so it's okay. It;s okay to spare your loved ones and in the spirit of REPENTANCE, to seek His help.
Just remember, this is God, YHVH, Yeshua our redeemer, not a magician to be summoned to do tricks or render services at our beckon call. He made us. We are HIS to do with a HE sees fit.
OTHER “PREPS” with Links
Have Emergency food (HERE, HERE, and HERE) in the house in case Quarantine gets implemented, so you and your family can eat for the 6 weeks or so such Quarantines are likely to last.
Have Emergency Water (HERE) stored up in case the water supply gets contaminated.
Here is a complete list of “Preps” that folks might consider for themselves.
Please pass this article along to those you care about; No other source is providing this type of self-help advice and there isn’t much time left before all hell breaks loose.
Today is February 6, this site needs READER SUPPORT to exist. That means prayers, I hope. Or, whatever you think will help. I'll pray for you, to be sure. All who are here reading, first and foremost. Then of course the millions getting slammed by this weapon.
You guys are always in our prayers. Always have been. :)
I will continue to add to list, as I find stuff too.
And you may support our blog here by paypal also:
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