Friday, July 31, 2020



Can ANYONE tell me....?!!!

Is he on our side or not?!!

Does ANYONE Have our backs?

Crabby Karens

They seem to be oozing out of the woodwork now. WTF has happened to these women to make them act this way?

This one in California...



Spraying mace on a man because he wasn't wearing a mask?  Who died and left her in charge?



And this covidiot telling a woman her children are going to die in the store and right in front of them.


Female Staples customer throws woman with a cane to the floor, breaking her leg, after being told to socially distance

This is what happens to Karens when they piss off the wrong one.



More Karens caught on tape and pictures, etc...

I would totally lose my shit!

Bunch of busybodies need to mind their own business.

Im'ma get me some BEAR SPRAY!!!

Thursday, July 30, 2020

The Daily Messenger: Uwantsun July 29 2020

The Daily Messenger: Uwantsun July 29 2020

And in agreement with your prayer...

I pray Yahshua Jesus the Son and
Yahuah YAH God the Father in Heaven
Please keep us , bless us , forgive us and
protect us all through the coming tribulation

In Yeshua's name.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020


Richard Hamann
June 13

VIDEO__ DEVASTATION IN LOS ANGELES__ You will never see this on CNN!


Monday, July 27, 2020

Front Line Doctors Tell The World That Hydroxychloroquine Prevents & Cures COVID-19

Front Line Doctors Tell The World That Hydroxychloroquine Prevents & Cures COVID-19


[ehs-idaho] URGENT Your presence required!


We need you to come to make a BIG presence at the County Commissioners' Meeting tomorrow morning at County Government Office Building (1500 Hwy 2 Suite 308 - just past Division on Hwy 2 on your left if coming from Sandpoint) to show a STRONG presence that we will not tolerate SpaceX in our backyard!  

SpaceX has placed a transmitter on Colburn Culver not too far from NorthSide Elementary School. SpaceX wants every square inch of our earth irradiated with RW frequency radiation without regard to health safety or privacy.  Those of us from North Idaho and those moving here value getting back to nature.  There won't be any natural frequencies with this SpaceX transmitter. Our property values have just gone down the toilet, along with our health and privacy. 

We will meet in the parking lot at 8:30 AM to organize. The meeting is at 9:00 AM.  If you have something to present, make it short. We will have short bullet points for those to read who do not have something to present. As always be polite, but firm. Do not use the word, "concern". Use stronger words that are not emotional, but based in facts. Don't ramble on, make your point and go silent. If you state something about science, bring documents to support. 

See documents attached about SpaceX that Robyn & Dave asked me to forward to the group. 

We need to educate and correct this hazard that has sneaked into our community.  Be there to be on the correct side of history -- on the side of nature, health, beauty, privacy. 

Best Regards,
Mary Baenen






We have DSL through the phone, and there is NOTHING wrong with it.  I'm satisfied with that.

I want a camper.

Sunday, July 26, 2020


Well, my opinion anyway.  That's what it looks like to me.

So, do the words "warning" and "repent" mean anything to anyone?  I think best to heed these warnings.


A couple of pictures picked up from twitter and elsewhere...



Hand Of God
Acts 7:50
Was it not My hand which made all these things?’
Isaiah 66:2
For My hand made all these things,
Thus all these things came into being,” declares the Lord.

He did NOT hold back and let her have it for real!

He did NOT hold back and let her have it for real!


Friday, July 24, 2020

Usury And Interest Scams

Lisa Bergerac
12h ·
WHAT A GREAT IDEA!!!!!!!!!!!! Had to share this one Stacy Self Gore. I like to pay cash for all my grocery shopping for the most part and because I REFUSE to let a store keep my money and use it for "their" cause I have been using my debit card. BUT from now on will pay cash up to the point and then for the change part will put it on my debit card.

Stacy Self Gore
23h ·
Okay Kroger/Walmart/ insert cashless store here, your no change policy is going to cost you in the long run. I use cash for all my purchases. And I plan on continuing to do so. I don't need you to be a bank and hold my money on a card so you can draw interest on my money. And I sure am not going to donate to a charity of your choosing so you can then get a tax write off by using other people's money.

My solution is to pay with cash up to the change IE: the Bill is $23.35 I will give you $23.00 in cash and pay the remainder with a debit or credit card. The 35 cents owed you will now cost you a small fee and I will continue to have my change in my possession and not yours.

If everyone did this, I bet your business would find those coins quickly after only one day of service charges from your card processor.

Copied from another site
Good idea

And this...

They are using OUR $$$ and holding on to them and make interest off of US.

Hedgehogs Predictive Programming

Amanda Hein

For those not familiar....this is called Predictive Programming. Just another coincidence though right?

"Children’s movie on Netflix called Hedgehogs.

The movie was released in 2016 by Chinese directors & is about a respiratory virus in humans....originally thought to have started in animals.

Exact quote from the ending:
“I’m happy to announce we’ve discovered a vaccine! We no longer have to live in fear; everyone can go back to their normal lives.”

Literally. A children’s movie. Made about vaccines saving humanity. Just another coincidence, right? 🙄🤦🏼‍♀️🧐

Look at the screenshots. 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

Everyone takes their masks off as they announce a vaccine was discovered."




CONtact Traitors in Cleveland, Ohio

CONtact Traitors Caught on Camera.  Bahahaha! 

All is needed now are their names and phone numbers.

Stephanie Stock

Well look who just showed up on my front door! (Cleveland area) ...Department of Health “volunteers”. 😒
Hard PASS on your “free Covid 19 testing”.
She saw me looking out the window. 👀
They were typing away on their handhelds, probably writing.... “person was in the residence taking our photo but refused to come to the door despite us waiting several minutes”... 🙄
Thats right ODH, #IRefuse2BeTestedAndTracked .
I wonder if I was specifically selected? I noticed they didn’t “visit” any of my neighbors before leaving. 🤔
Will you open your door?







Lisa Carpenter Knapp 1200 houses chosen at random and yours happened to be one??🤦🏼‍♀️ You know the tests are probably contaminated with covid, just for you. "She was skeptical of the data, and then she died." 😅 Just waiting for the knock at my door lol.

Anne Temple You know they will be contacting you shortly to tell you that your test was positive.

Lanbertini LeeAnne Smart not answering the door they might bring ankle bracelets next time

April Krell What if they were just trying to warn you that you may have been exposed? Maybe someone you was around gave them your info to contact trace the ppl they may have infected? You are free to do what you want this is a free country. But how can you assume that's what they wanted when they didn't go to any of your neighbors? I mean it's a possibility

Chandra Frost Wow! Oh he!? NO!!!! I refuse to be a fake statistic. This is very scary. Too far over the line. Be careful!

Carina Elle Yep, don't answer the door. 
Sorry folks, still cannot enter without a warrant and reasonable cause.

Shelly Bean Covid Karens are out in full force.

Cheryl Beyer Wolterman You need to put up a sign private property no trespassing

Stephanie Stock There is one of them with their mask dangling off their ear for re-use at the next potentially positive person’s door. 😂🤦🏻‍♀️ #Covid19Logic

Iris B Martinez I hope they knock on my door that I have my two dogs ready waiting for them, both without leashes. 😂

Sandi Marcus Holy moly! You’re probably on their “target list” now! What in he world is going on in Ohio? 🤯🤬😱🥴😰

Jennifer Willison So is the state sending people out to people's houses and roaming residential neighborhoods and apartment complexes while we are all at work with middle schoolers and high school kids home alone and many babysitting younger siblings because there are very little childcare options...meanwhile child abduction and human trafficking and child pornography has escalated to an epic level...this is wreckless behavior by the state of Ohio...anyone could put on a t-shirt and carry a clipboard and knock on your door while you run to the grocery store, where they have discouraged you from taking your kids, or are at work. They don't need to be doing home tests...this is really weird behavior.

Stephanie Stock Jennifer Willison Yeah Considering the photo that Ohio State university used today I have some pretty grave concerns!! Notice Ohio State university is partnering with ODH on this initiative! 👀

Got their pics, now get their names, and phone #'s if possible. Making a list of ALL known CONtact Traitors to share. The program can be undermined.


Thursday, July 23, 2020

More Bans Coming

Y'all can have all your crap platforms.  Already on Larry Cook's free platform.

Mel Fàbregas

From the Richie Allen show's page. It's almost what VERITAS is going through. It's important to OWN YOUR OWN PLATFORM:

Howya friends. Little bit of news. I've a couple of mates who work for Google. They both must remain anonymous of course. They drip feed me bits of information from time to time. Around four years ago, one of them told me that the demonetisation of alternative news channels would become standard. He was right as I learned when my original YouTube channel, which had nearly 100,000 subscribers, was deleted for no reason, three years ago.

I heard from him this morning. He told me two things. He said that when the covid vaccine is ready, or shortly before then, Google/YouTube is planning to take down thousands of channels that have traditionally hosted open discussion around vaccine safety. They will do this he said, in tandem with Facebook and Twitter. According to him, discussions between all three have already taken place. He reckons it'll be the biggest culling to date, of content creators and independent vloggers/commentators.

While this may be unsurprising, it is important news and I trust him implicitly. He also said that it is his belief (and I've said as much myself) that Russian interference claims are nothing but a smokescreen for mass censorship. They (the royal they), know damn well that the Russians are not responsible for spreading anti-vaccine information online, pro-Brexit propaganda or information about 5G. They KNOW he said, that these initiatives are grassroots organisations, set up by genuinely concerned citizens, but that the easiest way to legislate for them and ultimately to censor them, is to blame Russia. Problem Reaction Solution. He's right. Again I have said as much many times.

Last year, Professor Julian Petley, one of the UK's finest journalists and teachers, told me before an interview that he was worried about me. He'd been attending journalist conferences and one or two conferences on fake news. Julian is an unswerving proponent of free speech. He said my name was coming up a lot and that there may be some movement against me or the show. When I told him that I wasn't working for anyone and was broadcasting from a home studio rather than a radio station, he was somewhat relieved, but nonetheless told me to watch my back.

This morning, my Google mate said that The RA Show is on a shortlist of programmes to not only be removed from YouTube (which I don't care about at all), but also to be removed from Google search results too. He said the RA show replacement channel, which has 31,000 subs, has in reality many more, but they're not being counted. Worse still he said, the viewing numbers are fixed so that less than one in ten views are shown. The point of this he went on, is to dissuade people from watching, people apparently being more inclined to watch content that's showing hundreds of thousands of views.

Now I couldn't give a fiddlers about YT viewing figures or subscribers as you well know. The bulk of my audience listens live as it is a live radio show, or they grab the podcast from iTunes, Spotify, Podomatic etc. And viewing/listening numbers say nothing about the quality of a show in any case, but it's important to note this, cos they ain't just doing it to me.

Asked if there's any concern among his fellow employees about what is happening, my mate said no. Or at least nobody has said anything. Maybe they are like him, worried about the prospect of losing a tech job, being labelled a troublemaker and struggling to get another one. Share this widely as your favourite Youtubers need to know that this mass cull is coming to coincide with the arrival of the covid-vaccine, so that they can back up their videos, something which they should be doing, but many don't. Anyhow, thanks for reading. I'm on air at 5. Loads to do. Speak later.

From Richie Allen show page


And this.  You all better homeschool, or else!  



Wednesday, July 22, 2020

It’s ALL in the test

Stop Testing!!!

And NO 23andme or any other scam that asks for blood or DNA.  THIS is how they track people.  Why make it easier for them?

The test is really for tracking as in CONtact Tracing.  I am going to assume that those who think they need testing have a death wish.







The only thing I will allow is an endonasal balloon used for NCR.


BDay Blessings and Wishes

A few from sisters, hubby and friends...

Very nice!  Thank you!







One dolla...


This Father Loses His 13 Year Old Son to HPV Vaccine From Merck

Warning.  Strong language here.  Who can blame him?  He's very upset over losing his boy to Big pHARMa.


Package Inserts:

Nuke Pro: List of Companies Supporting BLM -- Boycott Them

Nuke Pro: List of Companies Supporting BLM -- Boycott Them: stock here As short as possible.   BLM does not help blacks.   BLM teaches blacks not to listen to police, then they get shot, then there is tension all around. ...

The Daily Messenger: The Satanic Left has banned Twitter Targets QAnon: Nukes 7,000 Accounts, Restricts 150,000 More

The Daily Messenger: The Satanic Left has banned Twitter Targets QAnon: Nukes 7,000 Accounts, Restricts 150,000 More: Q always asks us to pray...only a decent soul would consistently encourage a connection to Yeshua and the Most High. ...

We encourage a connection to Yeshus and The Most High too. And we sometimes ask others to pray for us here from time to time as well (as in earlier post today), or pray for something in particular. We all need prayers from those who care about us, and we love doing the same for others too.

By posting this, they admit that Q exists. Whoopsie! many are going to be looking up what QAnon is?

Ventura County Ready to Hold Apartment Residents Hostage

Remember when Ventura County said they would forcibly remove you from your home? Well, they have made good on their threat...

Should we all go ahead and publish some names of CONtact Traitors? 

Primo Mendez

A California apartment building is initiating lockdown and requiring testing. Thank you to @childrenshealthdefense for sharing. This is what we have been warning you about. Fight back and resist. We are organizing for boots on the ground July 25th at the California capitol in Sacramento. 10am-1pm on 10th street.



Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Cooties-91 Is Nano And Michael Chapala's Giant Coil Treatment Can EMP It

Well Duh?!

Actually, I kinda sorta figured that one out ALL on my own.  Especially since Morgellons and this NCOV has the same problem with the blood, iron and oxygen deprivation thingy.  That is when I figured it out.  And showed to Jimmy Pitticus, the iodine guy, and he said the same thing.

“Morgellons” is deadly, as it removes ferros2 from hemoglobin and creates ferros3 (a stronger ionic bond) so that red blood cells can no longer carry oxygen in & WASTE CO2 OUT. suffocation results in death."
And this...

Covid-19 had us all fooled, but now we might have finally found its secret.

"The past 48 hours or so have seen a huge revelation: COVID-19 causes prolonged and progressive hypoxia (starving your body of oxygen) by binding to the heme groups in hemoglobin in your red blood cells. People are simply desaturating (losing o2 in their blood), and that’s what eventually leads to organ failures that kill them, not any form of ARDS or pneumonia. All the damage to the lungs you see in CT scans are from the release of oxidative iron from the hemes, this overwhelms the natural defenses against pulmonary oxidative stress and causes that nice, always-bilateral ground glass opacity in the lungs. Patients returning for re-hospitalization days or weeks after recovery suffering from apparent delayed post-hypoxic leukoencephalopathy strengthen the notion COVID-19 patients are suffering from hypoxia despite no signs of respiratory ‘tire out’ or fatigue."

Both Morgellon's and Corona causes the oxygen starvation.

And how many years have they passed this nano in vaccines, food and chemtrails?

Majority have reached the saturation point, as Tony Pantalleresco has described in his videos and podcasts.





And Michael gets a lot of hate directed at him.  He's already received threats because of what he does to help people.

So we need help here in raising the $$$$ to get it done. We are being hit with stuff here. Both of us with our teeth and unable to smile, and nothing seems to help as it does others, because the nano is constantly blocking any mineral absorption. Running into one freaking roadblock after another trying to borrow and/or raise the $$$$.  Forget the summit stuff, because NO ONE is interested nor cares to learn how to take care of themselves.  And the only time either of our children call us or whatever, is only when they want something from us.  But are pretty scarce when we need help in return. We are always willing to support and help our children, but we won't always be here for them.

We would appreciate any and all help, no matter the size or amount.

Been detoxing this and that constantly, but what's the point, when they keep spraying our skies?  Trump did NOT end the chemtrails as many think that he had.  We like our president, but this stuff continues, as well as forced vaccines, forced medical treatments, contact traitors, with no end in sight.

We try to put the best health information out there, because many others HAVE been helped with some of this info. I get the testimonies from people from time to time, and that does make me feel like I've accomplished something. A local friend was able to regenerate some of her own teeth from all the things posted, but yet it's not working on ours, because of this nano problem blocking it.  People think we're all hunky dory here, but we're not.  There are no words that exist in any dictionary to describe the intense sadness and frustration we feel here.

And prayers too.  We definitely can use any and all prayers.

Enjoy Michael's video.  Am glad to see the others getting help that they need to be free of all this hell unleashed on us all.  We'd like the same.


Today At Walmart My Wife and I Noticed Something, FACIAL RECOGNITION *MI...

WAL MART NOW HAS FACIAL RECOGNITION built right into the monitors everyone can see and it only tracks people who don't wear face masks. 23 second video showing this.

Our Spiritual World: The old switcharoo...Meet the New, DEMONIC Kamala

Our Spiritual World: The old switcharoo...Meet the New, DEMONIC Kamala: Welp, either: She’s been cloned and replaced shes on a heroic dose of shrooms and got the worst facelift ever she’s a velon reptilian...


Well, the freaks just keep piling up, do they?

Saw this on Vincent Kennedy's tweet a day or two ago.  Go and read all the comments, and the memes and graphics also in the comments.


And the tweets from these guys...


Perhaps an overdose of adrenochrome as well?


Sunday, July 19, 2020

Forced Vaccinations

Forget the muzzles.  It's a war on oxygen, iron, and iodine.  A TOTAL war on health.

LOVE the Lindsay olives, ozone machine, Lugols iodine, etc...
