Thursday, April 29, 2021

Dear Mr. Trump....

Dear Mr. Trump....

By Anna Von Reitz 4-27-21
We read your announcement saying that "refusing vaccination" in the current situation was "deranged pseudo-science".

Perhaps you would care to explain how injecting monkey fetal cells, cells culled from long-dead human baby tissue cultures, human lung cancer cells, and bits and pieces of the HIV virus, all mashed up and macerated together, and then killed using industrial organic solvents and injected into anyone's arm is "science" of any kind? Ever?...

It is not a VACCINE but a Luciferian DNA download


Where is the Donald Trump of 2014 who tweeted “Healthy young child goes to doctor, gets pumped with massive shot of many vaccines, doesn’t feel good and changes – AUTISM. Many such cases!”

Where did that guy go?

It is not a VACCINE but a Luciferian DNA download


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Marshall Ramsey II said...

This is because Trumpy stands to make a boatload of cash from the sale of J & J stock and the vaccine. I hate to say it (because I know there are good people who trusted this man), but Trump is a crook. He is part of the establishment. That is why he authorized the fast-track approval of these vaccines.

Unknown said...

President Trump has said that he's happier not being on social media. Just because a corrupt company puts this blue checkmark on there doesn't not mean that it's really President Trump's words.

MessiahMews said...

You know Kim Stone Freelance said that he thinks the real Trump isn't here.

Here is the screenshot to the post, but you should probably go on his site and read the stuff anyway. Pretty interesting intel n there.
