Thursday, May 27, 2021

The Daily Messenger: The ‘Zombie’ Rake of the Vax Weapon WARNING GRAPHIC

The Daily Messenger: The ‘Zombie’ Rake of the Vax Weapon WARNING GRAPHIC:   The Rake Zombies have gone mainstream.  Don Bradley   Remember November 2020, the video I put out called THE DAMNED CROSSING OVER? That rakes or wendigos were real, have proof, have seen them on altar busting missions, etc? Or Ghost Busters the movie, where all the demons come up into this dimension and the world goes insane in terror?...

We either read or heard something about this  a couple of days ago.  I think it was on the local country music radio station.

Here is where you can see the back of head is totally bald:

I found the TikTok video of her and uploaded to Bitchute:


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