Monday, July 5, 2021

The Daily Messenger: A way out of vax hell?

The Daily Messenger: A way out of vax hell?:  I am making further inquiries into this with all due haste. Hoping to either acquire the compound or at least the process to make it, so it...

And this one...

The Daily Messenger: Finding Graphene in the Vax Weapon

And thanks to these men, we know the vehicle of part of the weapon. The others we already knew about. Hydrogel, etc.

We have been taking the NAC for some time now. At least for the past 2 years, give or take.

NAC from PureBulk is a CLEAN product with NO OTHER INGREDIENTS, Cellulose, or other toxic fillers:

NAC Search:

N-Acetyl L-Cysteine Search:


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