Saturday, September 18, 2021

Thanks to ALL For Your Support, Prayers, Love and Blessings

Thanks to ALL For Your Support, Prayers, Love and Blessings

I would like to give a BIG THANKS and shout out  to ALL who have been blessing, supporting, and praying for us in these last days / end times. Those who know us already knows that I have been struggling with my eyesight, which is one of the main reasons this blog isn't updated as much as it used to be. WHO can even see grey text on a bright white background? We do NOT have the funds to go see any eye doctors and besides, they're all whacked up with the vax weapon. NO THANKS! There will be NO expsnive chancy surgeries either. As I do NOT trust ANY mainstream doc for ANYTHING. So I'm doing eye formulas, supplements and eye drops in hopes to restore some of it. My right eye is totally blurred out completely. Left eye is nearsighted. I quit wearing eye makeup because I can't see to even put it on, so I'm looking icky without it. My spouse has to help me with checking for typos and read to me most things.  I can still manage uploading videos on Bitchute, because I can change the background to dark, and have white text, which makes a world of difference is being able to see what I'm doing, plus I have to zoom in ALL the way on sites to see the words.

Can't get a job anywhere, because no one will hire one who cannot see what they're doing.

Our rent went up $50 monthly and one of hubby's checks went down by $750. That WAS our groceries and supplies for the cats.

And.... If Jim Stone can do it, then so can we.

Donations for September:

Anonymous angel sent Breezy and Kelli Cat $100.00 USD (earmarked for the cats), Thanks!

Anonymous angel sent $50.00 USD , Thanks!

My prayers to all are that they are blessed 1000-fold in return, and in every way possible which I ask Our Holy Father to do so, while giving Him thanks.


Please consider supporting this blog. We have no outside jobs, and we could use a little extra support for the time put into this. Thanks

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