Tuesday, October 26, 2021

The Daily Messenger: The Creepers Tishrei 19

The Daily Messenger: The Creepers Tishrei 19: The Creepers Tishrei 19 Don Bradley October 2021 It's Fair to say I have a real and determined bias AGAINST these things and their kind. DB...

Also on Our Spiritual World...

THESE are the sights foretold that will cause mens' hearts to fail them.

At least we've had fair warning, so we won't be as shocked, as the mainstream will be.  But still unpleasant, all the same.  Sigh

How can one prepare for ANYTHING though, when it seems every card in the world in stacked against them?  And people whom were thought  thought to be friends actually turn on them and bear false witness?  Wanna talk about a broken heart?  Well, that among many other things pretty much did it.

We don't actually have any real friends, other than childhood ones.  Most are just partners, and/or co workers in activism or whatnot.  They are never  enemies, of course, but no real close friends here.  You know... like the ones that most grow up with and keep all their lives.  Those BFFs are special soul brothers and soul sisters,so to speak

We've been working our rear ends off and on for all these years for mostly NOTHING. Now I know we are supposed to help out with various things as part of the Love one another and do good, tithing time, etc...  But even with all the best stuff having been provided, that we could find like clean products, info, classes on how to take care of oneself, etc...  But we are largely IGNORED.

And basically FORGOTTEN. Like children hardly ever calling, never answering their emails that need to be answered, because they need to be kept up to date, on various things, that will help them, etc...  If we were to drop dead, they'd never know it.  But they do contact us, if they need something though

We are STUCK here because family and what friends we do have could care less.  Except for that ONE childhood BFF of mine.  The remaining family members working along with us would fare better, if those remaining got together and worked and put our things and heads together.  But NOOOOO, they want to be in their own little private corners and comfort zones and cushy houses, etc....  None of them ever lived in a car or a rescue mission.  I'm the only one. 

It also sucks when we can't even smile because we have broken and missing teeth, sucky eyesight (me mostly), and can't even get menial jobs because we can't smile with missing and broken teeth and unable to see well. Many long years ago, hubby was turned down for a real good paying management position at IBM in NYC, because he had a slight chipped tooth on one of his front teeth. The boss told him so too. That reminds me of Plato Powers article about facial structure when he said our faces are our fortunes.  Never mind our various skills and know-how, but NOOOO , y'all have broken teeth, so forget it. I could care less how anyone looks.  If they have good work ethics, good skills and decent souls, I would hire them if I was a boss.  So people are judged on their looks, or rather lack of

My lifelong childhood friend I've known since age 6 is the only friend, that I know in person, that actually has stepped up to help. Other blessings have come from people I've never had the pleasure to meet in person, but would love to.  And two total strangers, I've never heard of.  All the fine souls that have stepped up over the years, are always in our prayers, whether we know them or not, and we ask Our Heavenly Father for the highest blessings for ALL of them, known and unknown.

We are stuck in the North and cold climate, and both of us have been wanting to get out of here since around 2012.

I won't be blogging for much longer.  This bright white screen and light grey fonts are hard to deal with given the current circumstances with the ongoing eyesight problem..It will stay up as long and Googly allows, who knows?  There exists NO ONE that can help our teeth, nor our eyes.   All docs and dental offices are full of weaponized folks.  So NO THANKS.  NOT an option anymore.  Even if we had all the $$$$$$ in the world, there still exists NO ONE that can properly fix these problems.  The teeth suck because of accidents and UNwanted bad dental work forced upon us as children.  And also unwanted shots we all got as children, which was/is a violation of our free will, as I see it.  Man's inferior and faulty devices can't fix any of it.  And NO, we're not getting med beds either, fyi.  Another pipe dream dangling carrot that never will see the light of day.  BOTH of us are the black sheep of the family.  SOOOO different from the rest of the brothers and sisters.  NOTHING in common with any of them, save the blood relation.  They're good people, and we love them, but but they just don't like us much.  Most just want to prove us wrong, like vaccines, as one example.  We've known that vax weapons were going to be the MOTB for over 20 years.  And also knew that the same was going to come through the medical field. The lack of concern by brothers, sisters and children tell it all.  Any friends that hubby had, have all passed on and are sorely missed by him.  Most friends I had growing up, came and went, save for that one who is still in touch this very day.  And she knows about all of this too.  Of all of my vaccine work done for this whole time, has gotten through to her.  Some of the family members on my side of the foamy, have awaken to a degree.  Unfortunate, 3 in my family are weaponized.  Several in hubby's family and some of his ex business partners are weaponized.  One of my BFF's children is weaponized.  I remember it being said that EVERY family will be affected by the weapon in one way or another.  And they are in denial that we are in the tribulation too. One niece realizes it, I think, and I told my own child, but unsure if it was believed  We've done the best we could and that's all we can do. But we are unhappy campers about all of this and very sad to see all the suffering we have seen.  It breaks both our hearts.

So, please do us a favor and help bless/support our favorite daily messenger.  Okay? The hard work put into his posts, articles, and messages, blogs, field work deserve something in kind as there are mouths to feed, children and furbabies alike.  And many blessing and BIG THANKS to those who have been and are continuing to do so.  Those folks are in our prayers too.  

DO THAT, at least.  Okay? The family deserves it and our prayers and love are most definitely with them all.


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Thanks and Our Fathers bless you, keep you, and protect you all during this Tribulation time.


Marshall Ramsey II said...

Your situation sounds like mine. It may sound anti-Jesus to say this, but maybe you shouldn't work so hard. From what I can gather from Scripture, the elders of the churches are only expected to pull half the workload that the youngers are. Unless God is calling you to risk your health, start cutting back on your ministry activities. That way you can be around when and if God calls you for something. You are going to hate cutting back, but it may be for the best for you and your husband. You have fought a good fight. You have run a good race. Great is your reward in Heaven.

MessiahMews said...

Yeah, I would love a break.

But if we don't work, we don't eat.

Because NO ONE is stepping us to help us out. We NEED to move from here.

And I would love a job, but I'm out of the system, and I can't see jack squat anymore.

Plus my teeth are mostly gone, broken and ugly, and no one would hire someone who won't smile.

If we can get out of this money hog house, we have someplace we can go and live. But we need the extra $$$$ to make the move. We can break the lease, if we have to. Besides the landlord is weaponized, and he probably will be gone or rake up.