Sunday, May 15, 2022

Our Spiritual World: Upcoming Lunar Eclipse over the Americas AYYAR 12

Our Spiritual World: Upcoming Lunar Eclipse over the Americas AYYAR 12: Upcoming Lunar Eclipse over the Americas Don Bradley May 13, 2022 Regards the upcoming Lunar Eclipse, I'm not permitted by our Heavenly Father to give over the usual thing, other than to say, this is a great time to pray, rebuke world evil, and stand during that period, in Grace. Satanists use blood moons and Solar Eclipses for satanic rituals to push forward their agendas. ...


Anytime a call to prayer is requested and given, we are allover it here.

We followed and di the earlier ones for the new moon and the Anartica Solar Eclipse. We added the other prayers and also Our Father'Prayer as well.

And continuing, we applied ithem also to ALL rituals, past, present and future.

And we will cintinue praying, and at the same time giving thanks to Him, in getting this evil across the land stopped. Actually, ALL of Earth.


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