Friday, July 8, 2022

Our Spiritual World: Vax Rakes, coming this winter...

Our Spiritual World: Vax Rakes, coming this winter...: I am legend vax rakes. It's a weapon, as Pfizer CEO finally admits this week.


'WHEN WE HAVE THESE WEAPONS... We must Find A Way, To Get Them Into Every-body"

Predictive Programming. Someone uploaded this, so here is the movie. Will Smith character actually admits in his lines and said something like "we did this".

I Am Legend: 2007

Most of our family does not believe us about the dangers of these vax weapons. They're certainly not going to believe this either. We here feel for our family members, because they never listen.

I guess it's going to take that SHTF You know what to shake them, and then it will probably be too late.


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