The Daily Messenger: Cutting Through The Haze: By Don Bradley April 2009 We certainly live in interesting times. We live in a time where governments spray the skies with chemtrails, poison our food and water intentionally, plaster the airwaves with mind control laden music and videos, create false-flag attacks to restrict freedoms, start wars to control regions, and foster the breakdown of the natural order of family, home, and a relation to divinity. In times as these, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by it all and feel powerless to deal with all the various facets of this coordinated attack against the form, spirit, and psyche of the human race. It seems—given their willingness to especially do this to their own ranks within the network—a hopeless task toward finding some kind of way out of the madness of it all.
Well, there is a way out.
It may take a bit of time and effort, but there is a way to surf this cresting wave of satanic destruction sweeping over the planet.
First, we must understand some basic simple realities as regards ourselves as living beings. We are spirit in form, soul in body. That’s number one. Everything starts from this point. Everything we do branches from this one realization and it needs to be clearly understood as fact, by anyone seeking a way out of the loony bin we call this “civilized” planet of ours.
Second, we must realize that all power of change, direction, and of awareness comes from our mind and therefore, its connection to whatever level of spiritual understanding we know and have, given our circumstance in the world. Now, this varies from person to person, as do any skill sets found anywhere, possessed by anyone. However, a bit of effort in this area yields volumes. The old saying, “As a man thinketh, so is he,” is nod to this foundational understanding of how our consciousness precedes beingness on any level. We cannot change anything in our lives without first having an understanding, a desire for the change, then employing our will to do make the change. We can see that this is so, by simply reviewing how we’ve went about making choices in our life for education, employment, living standards, social environments, recreation, reading and reflection material, exercise, and so on. It all starts from thinking, perceiving, reviewing, and then finally, acting upon the choices made once the former were given consideration.
Of course, life being what it is, very often we found that our lives have become examples of occurrences made quite outside ourselves by others. I.E., a man being drafted for war finds himself 3 months later carrying a rifle and saying, “what happened? How did I get here?” I am referring of course to the mystery of fate and freewill. Fate will place you where you are born, your opportunities, and the events that are coming into your life; our freewill is how we deal within the framework of fate as given. Within that framework, we maintain the ability to choose how to function, again given the circumstances and conditions and situations that fate brings to our door. It is different for each of us, yet the same rules apply for all. As we make our choices, we control our future fate from the foundations of our current freewill choices. Therefore, every choice we make constantly conditions and determines our future.
Because the above is a great truth, it is one of the prime reasons why there is so very much propaganda out in the world with celebrity magazines, torrid televisions shows, and violent films, filled with every blasphemy to the pure heart that beats deep within each of us. These various forms of media are there to condition how we see ourselves, and to provide us with mental action imagery that is anti-spirit so we will make poor choices when confronted by the machinations of fate. Our poor choices—conditioned by the media and their “heroes”—is our freewill, that then conditions our future fate. It is why our school systems are corrupted with gay men, so the young boys growing up will be emasculated. It’s all about conditioning us to make poor choices. Or terrible choices. Or spirit killing choices. Only a satanic, anti-spirit agenda could and would do such a thing and it’s the definition of our world today.
To beat this expensive and worldwide contrivance against the very soul of humanity requires us to stand back and look at things presented to us objectively. We must look beyond the superficial and reactive nature of these low creations and see them for what they truly are: an attack against our freewill system by using powerful conditioning techniques. How many of us have watched children emulate and go play after watching a television show, exactly like the characters in the show down to mannerism, vocal inflection, and moral choices? Countless times. “Yes, but they are children, we know better.” Really? Visual imagery coupled with drama is a powerful conditioning tool, even to the point of seeing how adults very often will utter lines from famous movies, without even thinking about it. The media is by and far the most advanced weapon the “network” has at controlling the population and it has worked very effectively. We see it all around us in fashion, social mores, and personal choices people have made and are making every single day. And every choice changes our future fate. Every time.
The issue of fate and freewill is by and large the biggest and yet, unspoken of reality governing the reasons, wherefores, and whys of our existence. No one discusses this primarily reality for none rarely consider it. At all. Those that are slightly aware tend to write articles decrying the state of things, without ever offering a solution. The solution is within our hands and it always has been.
The first step is to say aloud: the world presented to me is more than what it seems. For it is. Far more than the physical cacophony of unending noise, blather, and busyness as given over by the elite and their conditioning protocols. This declaration is kind of like hitting a spiritual tuning fork within ourselves. It summons the vicissitudes of fate to then bring to our attention that very same “more” we know exists in reality. Take a moment and reflect upon the previous statement before reading further. What we are doing is making a new choice using our freewill, which will then affect the future events of our fate by bringing to us a deeper knowledge of life as it is in reality, rather than as is presented to us by our controllers.
Once we demand a solution towards understanding the nature of a problem, we initiate events which will then emerge into our future experience to resolve the demand. If the demand is greater knowledge, then knowledge will come into our hands. Of course, we can’t just sit on a couch and wait around for enlightenment like some yogi in the far east. We must do our part in seeking it out so the circumstances can come into play. Once we understand this rule and how it works, we can and should then apply to all the areas of our existence:
· Religion: the true nature of man, spirit, soul, and divinity as it really is.
· Government: Who and what is government and what is their real purpose in our world.
· Relationships: what is the mystery of connection to all that is.
· Creativity: what animates creativity and its outward expressions.
· Existence: what is our purpose for being, beyond food, sleep, and procreation.
· Nutrition: what foods should I be eating that will make for an illness free and well-functioning body.
The list you make for your declarative statements can be endless. As it should be. But once you made these declarations make sure that you are sincere in them and that there is real interest and power in your aspiration to know, understand, see, and become. Any half-hearted or whimsical efforts will return exactly as given out. Put in little, get very little. Mean what you say, say it with all your heart and soul, and then seek and knock as opportunity provides. The results may surprise.
A clarifying note, so as to avoid the minefields of distortion and misinformation presented out in the world. When seeking and asking and therefore retuning your fate matrix, make sure you add in the phrase the truth. For example, your declarative statement and aspiration should be mentally formed as follows: Show me the truth as regards the true nature of soul, body, spirit, love, and beingness. By asking for the truth, you call into your life path the truth only. Now, the dark side may then try to slip you a micky on this with directions and knowledge that is filled with lies, falsehoods, and misdirections. But because you have asked for and declared for the truth, these false leads and misdirects will ring as brass and you’ll see them for the lies that they are.
We know that in the field of religion alone, there are so very many people clamoring for our attention with their way towards god and a divine life, as to be overwhelming. Christianity alone has hundreds of varying denominations and sects that each creed as given over seems to contradict not only the other denominations, but the very bible they all purport as their guiding light. Everyone seems to have a different creed on just what the meanings are in the bible. It’s a literal babel of noise. When we add into the mix all the other faith systems of earth, it seems nigh unsolvable. However, it is solvable, and there are those who are solving it right now.
It will help to start employing some life and spirit affirming techniques in our daily existence that will keep that tuning fork ringing within our hearts. We want our mind, body, and soul in the best possible condition so that as we grow, see, understand, know, be, and love, we will have the best reception to new experiences as possible. This means having a healthy body, stable emotions, and a clear thinking mind at our disposal.
The following will help.
1. Get healthy. Go organic whenever possible, and make sure your body has a daily supply of colloidal vitamins and minerals. Start cooking at home, learning how to make healthy dishes from scratch, rather than from processed packages. That means learning how to cook healthy foods that taste great. I’ve been cooking vegetarian meals for my four sons for years now with wonderful results and am constantly learning new dishes for them. We all are distilled water addicts, drinking several gallons a day between us. We distill our own water and it’s simply the best. Use organic skin creams (no chemicals), soaps, and deodorants; make sure your toothpaste is fluoride free. In addition to this, detox your body twice yearly with a complete system cleanse, especially if you are 40 and older. The decades pile up on us and there are years of stuff to be cleansed from our often, very poisoned bodies.
2. Get centered. At the very least, once a day, center yourself, quiet your thoughts, cast your worries from your mind and heart, and just stand in the presence of the kingdom of God within you. Being outside in the sun helps a great deal, plus all the vitamin benefits from doing so. These are the moments to know and be. Hear, feel, and sense the divine love that is within you and without you and is ever present. This one daily act alone will change everything you are into someone very wonderful, centered, healed, aware, connected, and stable. Changes come slowly, so make the best of each daily centering, by really grasping any new perceptions, thoughts, and guidance as may be given over to your consciousness.
3. Pray every day. For understanding. For love. For guidance. For wisdom to know truth from lies. For kindness and compassion. For the ill and infirmed. Keep it honest and sincere.
4. Be creative. Start doing those things where you make something from nothing. It’s a divine thing to be a creator soul and the best of humanity often comes from those times where creativity is expressed.
5. Control your speech. This, for most people, is the hardest thing to accomplish. Listen with a clear and objective mind to your speech, how you speak, what you say, why you say it, and most importantly, what your real motivations are behind the things you say to others and to yourself. Our speech to ourselves is most revealing, for there we see our true understanding of our motives and self-perceptions. Those that can perceive their self speech are very advanced upon the way of life, for they truly know who they are, what motivates them, why they exist, what their self-esteem issues are, and how very little control they have over their desires, hatreds, pettiness, and other character vices. Control of speech is an advanced thing and in it, we really hear others—more than what they are saying, but why they are saying it to us, and their motivations and desires, and what animates their souls, for good or ill. With this comes speaking directly and to the point. You find that you then say what you mean and mean what you say. Deception becomes barbaric for you. You find that as you require honesty you must therefore give over honesty first, within yourself and outward, as you express yourself to the world. To control our speech means to listen, as if our very life were hanging in the balance. For it is…it is.
6. Study yourself and the life that is visible to you. Wherever you are, there is life in all its forms. Really look at it, see it, and marvel at the wonder of it all. This will connect not only to the form of life, but its divine essence. Here lies the visibility of all things divine, as well as the distortions imposed upon life by the dark side. Both become visible. Lifetimes can be spent studying life, people, places, and things. Really make an attempt to see the world around you. It pays big dividends from the first moment we strive towards this understanding. Anything dismissed is an opportunity lost, remember that.
7. Be kind to others and to yourself. Be kind in your thoughts, feelings, and actions. To be kind in action, but hating in your heart is to be a kingdom divided against itself, which must then fall. Be the same inside as you are outside. Be whole.
These few, simple steps will set into motion entirely new future experiences for you in every department of your life that will help you “cut through the haze” of life at this time, during this epoch. It may be a few minutes away, days, or weeks, but little by little, your future—based on your new freewill choices of today—will then come into being which will bring all the new sincere aspirations into the forefront of your experiences, thereby coloring the new you. Then after a time, you’ll look back on the old years as though one living blind and marvel that you ever made it this far. See you to it....
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Sunday, November 23, 2014
The Daily Messenger: Every One Wants Dollars (Again)
The Daily Messenger: Every One Wants Dollars (Again): They undercut the major commodity pillars of any currency to strengthen its attractiveness. Oil, gold, silver, et al were all slashed and burned to prop up the nearly dead dollar. Except for water, electricity, eatables, RENTS, MORTGAGES, etc. Those stayed high; because it kept the slaves weak and off-center. Those prices didn't drop with the major commodity pillars....
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
NCR Practitioners / Naturopathic Doctors LOVE Working Out...
PROMOTING REAL WOMEN: WNBF Pro Jillian Teta Interview...: When Jillian Teta contacted me about an interview I just had to look at her picture to know I wanted her to do one. But then I found out she works with Jill Coleman and the Jill Fit team, and then I really wanted her. They are a great group of girls who I highly respect. Learning a little about Jillian, I can easily see she is an asset to the team and a great representative for them. Jillian is clearly capable of so much, and I am excited to see what she does on stage this year.
Jillian Teta is also a naturopathic doctor and has a clinic in NC. Not only that, she's also an NCR (Neurocranial Restructuring) practitioner/doctor. She's BFF with my NCR doctor Hillary Lampers, ND, who also competed a couple of times. Besides her body, you can look at her facial structure and it's apparent that she's having regular NCR.
Jillian’s personal story on how she came to NeuroCranial Restructuring
JillFit.Physiques: The Doctor is in…a bikini?!..: We are so excited to bring this story to you today! This is the transformation story of Hillary Lampers: doctor, long time friend of JillFit Coach Jillian Teta, and a newbie to the world of bikini competition. Hillary’s story is such a powerful one, to which I am sure many can relate. In only months, Hillary transformed her body, mind and spirit with weight training and clean nutrition–not to mention brought home some serious hardware at this years Emerald Cup Competition in Seattle, WA. Here is Hillary’s story, I hope you derive as much inspiration from it as I did! ox Jill
Hillary Lampers, ND is a naturopathic doctor and NCR doctor in the Seattle, WA area. Her clinic is Sky Valley Healing Arts / Northwest Neuro-Cranial Medicine, LLC
She is the lovely beauty and great naturopathic physician whom has corrected my skull and facial features since Spring of 2012. I've had three years of NCR, and since I'm nowhere near done, will continue to receive NCR sessions along with my ABC (Advanced Biostructural Correction) treatments.
Here is a before and after pic of her before NCR and afterwards...
Dr. Hillary's Condition:
Due to head mal-adjustment as "forceps baby", several car accidents and slowly degenerating misalignments, my headaches and head pressure grew unbearable - even with chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture, massage and daily pain medication.
Treatment Results:
My head pressure was relieved after just three sessions with my mentor - Dr. Dean Howell, ND. Since then and through multiple treatments, my face has completely changed to a more attractive and usable symmetry, my posture is better, and I no longer require expensive orthotics. Oh - did I mention that I became a Naturopathic Doctor because of NCR? :)
Showing off a couple of Hillary's Body Building pics too.
At some point, I'll be posting the guys practitioners of NCR/ABC, etc... soon.
Sorry guys, they're both taken (as in married with children). :)
Jillian Teta is also a naturopathic doctor and has a clinic in NC. Not only that, she's also an NCR (Neurocranial Restructuring) practitioner/doctor. She's BFF with my NCR doctor Hillary Lampers, ND, who also competed a couple of times. Besides her body, you can look at her facial structure and it's apparent that she's having regular NCR.
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Heavy duty lifting |
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LOOK at that awesome facial profile and strong body! |
Jillian’s personal story on how she came to NeuroCranial Restructuring
JillFit.Physiques: The Doctor is in…a bikini?!..: We are so excited to bring this story to you today! This is the transformation story of Hillary Lampers: doctor, long time friend of JillFit Coach Jillian Teta, and a newbie to the world of bikini competition. Hillary’s story is such a powerful one, to which I am sure many can relate. In only months, Hillary transformed her body, mind and spirit with weight training and clean nutrition–not to mention brought home some serious hardware at this years Emerald Cup Competition in Seattle, WA. Here is Hillary’s story, I hope you derive as much inspiration from it as I did! ox Jill
She is the lovely beauty and great naturopathic physician whom has corrected my skull and facial features since Spring of 2012. I've had three years of NCR, and since I'm nowhere near done, will continue to receive NCR sessions along with my ABC (Advanced Biostructural Correction) treatments.
Here is a before and after pic of her before NCR and afterwards...
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As pretty as she already was, she too, has changed her facial structure for the better. |
Dr. Hillary's Condition:
Due to head mal-adjustment as "forceps baby", several car accidents and slowly degenerating misalignments, my headaches and head pressure grew unbearable - even with chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture, massage and daily pain medication.
Treatment Results:
My head pressure was relieved after just three sessions with my mentor - Dr. Dean Howell, ND. Since then and through multiple treatments, my face has completely changed to a more attractive and usable symmetry, my posture is better, and I no longer require expensive orthotics. Oh - did I mention that I became a Naturopathic Doctor because of NCR? :)
At some point, I'll be posting the guys practitioners of NCR/ABC, etc... soon.
Sorry guys, they're both taken (as in married with children). :)
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Prayers for Timothy
We are asking for positive and loving thoughts towards Timothy's family. He was vaccine injured and since the vaccines were not to blame by authorities, the parents were, then he was removed from the home. The parents have a court date tomorrow. They are hoping for a pretrial date soon. Till the trial is over, they can't get their son back and the more time the system buys (keeping them waiting) the closer Timothy is to not returning home. Even scarier is they have vaccinated Timothy and the parents are scared for his life that soon they will try to give him the next round of vaccines.
Let's send them our love and positive thoughts for Timothy's return home. He needs to be with his parents. These are things parents who vaccinate their children need to understand happens. It happens a lot. Only now more are speaking up. We love Timothy and want him home. Let's help them any way we can.
Update- To the readers, giving you an update on Timothy! Thank you for all of your love and prayers we asked for, they helped. Keep them coming.This is not over until Timothy is sent home but this is good news worth sharing.From his mom, 11-14-14
Pre-Trial Date Set
"Today we had a hearing and our judge was amazing. Originally they were going to adjourn for another month to have time to set up a pre-trial date, but our lawyer was determined to get a date today. So they took a break and called and got a date set. First it looked like it would only happen in January, but then the judge said he would make himself available, which is why we now have a pre-trial date set for Thursday, November 27 2014."
Monday, November 17, 2014
NCR® and Orthodontics
NCR® and Orthodontics
Check out some of the before and afters.
The kind that does not use the appliances that push the teeth in.
Check out some of the before and afters.
The kind that does not use the appliances that push the teeth in.
Sunday, November 16, 2014
[Vaccination-Liberation] Oregon OUTLAWS mandatory vaccines for employees.
""A worker shall not be required as a condition of work to be immunized under this section, unless such immunization is otherwise required by federal or state law, rule or regulation." '
Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian Homeopath
Vaccination Information & Choice Network, USA
Vaccines -
Vaccine Dangers, Childhood Disease Classes & Homeopathy Online/email courses - next classes start September
""A worker shall not be required as a condition of work to be immunized under this section, unless such immunization is otherwise required by federal or state law, rule or regulation." '
Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian Homeopath
Vaccination Information & Choice Network, USA
Vaccines -
Vaccine Dangers, Childhood Disease Classes & Homeopathy Online/email courses - next classes start September
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Raggedy Ann
To be honest, I never liked the doll as a kid.
National Vaccine Information Center
Raggedy Ann is a character created by American writer Johnny Gruelle (1880–1938) in a series of books he wrote and illustrated for young children. Raggedy Ann is a rag doll with red yarn for hair and has a triangle nose. Johnny Gruelle received US Patent D47789 for his Raggedy Ann doll on September 7, 1915. The character was created in 1915 as a doll, and was introduced to the public in the 1918 book Raggedy Ann Stories. When a doll was marketed with the book, the concept had great success. A sequel, Raggedy Andy Stories (1920) introduced the character of her brother, Raggedy Andy, dressed in sailor suit and hat. Gruelle created Raggedy Ann for his daughter, Marcella, when she brought him an old hand-made rag doll and he drew a face on it. From his bookshelf, he pulled a book of poems by James Whitcomb Riley, and combined the names of two poems, "The Raggedy Man" and "Little Orphant Annie." He said, "Why don't we call her Raggedy Ann?"[1]
Marcella died at age 13, shortly after being vaccinated at school for smallpox without her parents' consent. Authorities blamed a heart defect, but her parents blamed the vaccination. Gruelle became an opponent of vaccination, and the Raggedy Ann doll was used as a symbol by the anti-vaccination movement.[2]
Raggedy Ann dolls were originally handmade. Later, PF Volland, a Gruelle book publisher, made the dolls. In 1935 Volland ceased operation and Ann and Andy were made under Gruelle's permission by Exposition Dolls, and without permission (during legal limbo) by MollyE's Dolls, resulting in Gruelle v (Mollye) Goldman.
National Vaccine Information Center
Raggedy Ann is a character created by American writer Johnny Gruelle (1880–1938) in a series of books he wrote and illustrated for young children. Raggedy Ann is a rag doll with red yarn for hair and has a triangle nose. Johnny Gruelle received US Patent D47789 for his Raggedy Ann doll on September 7, 1915. The character was created in 1915 as a doll, and was introduced to the public in the 1918 book Raggedy Ann Stories. When a doll was marketed with the book, the concept had great success. A sequel, Raggedy Andy Stories (1920) introduced the character of her brother, Raggedy Andy, dressed in sailor suit and hat. Gruelle created Raggedy Ann for his daughter, Marcella, when she brought him an old hand-made rag doll and he drew a face on it. From his bookshelf, he pulled a book of poems by James Whitcomb Riley, and combined the names of two poems, "The Raggedy Man" and "Little Orphant Annie." He said, "Why don't we call her Raggedy Ann?"[1]
Marcella died at age 13, shortly after being vaccinated at school for smallpox without her parents' consent. Authorities blamed a heart defect, but her parents blamed the vaccination. Gruelle became an opponent of vaccination, and the Raggedy Ann doll was used as a symbol by the anti-vaccination movement.[2]
Raggedy Ann dolls were originally handmade. Later, PF Volland, a Gruelle book publisher, made the dolls. In 1935 Volland ceased operation and Ann and Andy were made under Gruelle's permission by Exposition Dolls, and without permission (during legal limbo) by MollyE's Dolls, resulting in Gruelle v (Mollye) Goldman.
Millions of Children Infected with 'Vaccine Safety Experts' Rotateq Vaccine: Dr. Paul Offit
Millions of Children Infected with 'Vaccine Safety Experts' Rotateq Vaccine: Dr. Paul Offit
Paul Offit says you can safely administer 10,000 vaccines to infants at once. But he also profits from the patent he holds for the Rotateq vaccine. What's wrong with this picture?
Paul Offit says you can safely administer 10,000 vaccines to infants at once. But he also profits from the patent he holds for the Rotateq vaccine. What's wrong with this picture?
How about administer 10,000 vaccines to this idiot all at once?
Friday, November 14, 2014
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Processed Food Junk and Artificial Colors, Flavors, etc...
Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI)
A child who eats 2 cups of Kraft Macaroni & Cheese, a small bag of Skittles, and 8 ounces of Crush Orange will consume 102 milligrams of artificial food dyes. Behavioral tests found as little as 30 mg can cause adverse reactions.
To what degree will these toxic ingredients hurt your health? Here are some of the risks and dangers when you take in TOXIC Dyes that are used in – Vitamins, Beverages, Baked goods Candy Deserts, Pet Food
* Dyes ———-Toxic Findings
* Blue 1 —— Chromosomal Damage
* Blue 2 —— Brain Tumors
* Red 3 ——- Thyroid Tumors, Chromosomal damage
* Green 3 —- Bladder Tumors
* Yellow 5 — Allergies, Thyroid Tumors, Lymphocyte Lymphomas, Chromosomal damage
* Yellow 6 — Allergies, Kidney Tumors, Chromosomal damage
* Red 40 —— Lymphomas, Lymph Tumors
Learn more here
A child who eats 2 cups of Kraft Macaroni & Cheese, a small bag of Skittles, and 8 ounces of Crush Orange will consume 102 milligrams of artificial food dyes. Behavioral tests found as little as 30 mg can cause adverse reactions.
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All GARBAGE! ALL of it. |
To what degree will these toxic ingredients hurt your health? Here are some of the risks and dangers when you take in TOXIC Dyes that are used in – Vitamins, Beverages, Baked goods Candy Deserts, Pet Food
* Dyes ———-Toxic Findings
* Blue 1 —— Chromosomal Damage
* Blue 2 —— Brain Tumors
* Red 3 ——- Thyroid Tumors, Chromosomal damage
* Green 3 —- Bladder Tumors
* Yellow 5 — Allergies, Thyroid Tumors, Lymphocyte Lymphomas, Chromosomal damage
* Yellow 6 — Allergies, Kidney Tumors, Chromosomal damage
* Red 40 —— Lymphomas, Lymph Tumors
Learn more here
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
[Vaccination-Liberation] NY & NJ ~ HEADS UP !
And remember, don't shoot your messenger/s. Simply re-posting. Do with the information what you will.
From: Ingri Cassel vaclib@... [Vaccination-Liberation]
Ebola DRILL this Thursday (11/13/14) and Friday in NEW YORK & NEW JERSEY
too! S-H-A-R-E-!!!
Internet Shut Off should alert you whether they are proceeding or not.
Alerts on TV too.
What do they have planned? Wish to heavens I knew, but were I to
conjecture, it would have to do with a weather event or a forced
vaccination or a combination thereof.
Don't take the shot, no matter what!!! Melatonin is a FALSE protection.
YES to Vitamin "C"!!!
Ebola ~ follow these blogs
To your health!
Sallie O. Elkordy ~ (646) 354-0699
Facebook Page:
FB Groups:
From: Ingri Cassel vaclib@... [Vaccination-Liberation]
Ebola DRILL this Thursday (11/13/14) and Friday in NEW YORK & NEW JERSEY
too! S-H-A-R-E-!!!
Internet Shut Off should alert you whether they are proceeding or not.
Alerts on TV too.
What do they have planned? Wish to heavens I knew, but were I to
conjecture, it would have to do with a weather event or a forced
vaccination or a combination thereof.
Don't take the shot, no matter what!!! Melatonin is a FALSE protection.
YES to Vitamin "C"!!!
Ebola ~ follow these blogs
To your health!
Sallie O. Elkordy ~ (646) 354-0699
Facebook Page:
FB Groups:
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Re: [Vaccination-Liberation] Dealing with vaccination bullies
-----Original Message-----
From: Ingri Cassel vaclib@... [Vaccination-Liberation]
Thanks for this, AL. However, you might want to change your 'Note' at the end where you claim that Michelle Malkin is well-informed...
"Well informed parents like Michelle Malkin can actually help turn around this vaccination insanity..."
While I had read the article previously, it is clear that she is NOT well-informed. If she would have read all the articles in our Vaccination 101 course, she would have refused ALL vaccines, considered a home birth and consulted with a naturopath or chiropractor rather than a pediatrician regarding the health and well being of her son.
And as a reminder, our Vaccination 101 course is in my signature below.
And, yes, we must let people know that the CDC is a completely unreliable source of information. When you had David Lewis on "In Defense of Humanity" November 8, he stated quite clearly that no one should trust ANY information coming out of the CDC. And he should know after working with the EPA and CDC for over 30 years and documenting the lack of credible research, fudged statistics and faulty science in his book, Science for Sale.
Everyone needs to be clear that the corporate state has no authority to tell you that you must vaccinate your children OR fill out an incriminating document begging for religious accommodation, unless you give them that authority. You are, in essence, acquiescing to their authority by filling out their state form, altered or not, and SIGNING IT. If we hope to protect even a fraction of the children in this country, it will be due to parents questioning the power and authority behind these corporate government entities and delving into suppressed history to help correct the situation.
This reminds me of the Upas Tree of slavery - See
Understanding our current legal system is the first step towards chopping at the root of the Vaccine Upas Tree. Throughout history, people are sidetracked into chopping at the branches of 'Upas Trees' instead of getting to the root of the problem. See
In the Spirit of Truth,
Ingri Cassel, director
Vaccination Liberation
P.O. Box 457
Spirit Lake, Idaho 83869
(208) 255-2307
“Free Your Mind....
From the Vaccine Paradigm”
“When we give government the power
to make medical decisions for us, we, in
essence, accept that the state owns our bodies.”
~U.S. Representative Ron Paul, MD
To begin your journey on learning about vaccines, the biomedical paradigm and why the only truly informed choice regarding vaccines is complete avoidance and refusal, we offer you the following weblink to well-footnoted articles and resources.
From: Ingri Cassel vaclib@... [Vaccination-Liberation]
Thanks for this, AL. However, you might want to change your 'Note' at the end where you claim that Michelle Malkin is well-informed...
"Well informed parents like Michelle Malkin can actually help turn around this vaccination insanity..."
While I had read the article previously, it is clear that she is NOT well-informed. If she would have read all the articles in our Vaccination 101 course, she would have refused ALL vaccines, considered a home birth and consulted with a naturopath or chiropractor rather than a pediatrician regarding the health and well being of her son.
And as a reminder, our Vaccination 101 course is in my signature below.
And, yes, we must let people know that the CDC is a completely unreliable source of information. When you had David Lewis on "In Defense of Humanity" November 8, he stated quite clearly that no one should trust ANY information coming out of the CDC. And he should know after working with the EPA and CDC for over 30 years and documenting the lack of credible research, fudged statistics and faulty science in his book, Science for Sale.
Everyone needs to be clear that the corporate state has no authority to tell you that you must vaccinate your children OR fill out an incriminating document begging for religious accommodation, unless you give them that authority. You are, in essence, acquiescing to their authority by filling out their state form, altered or not, and SIGNING IT. If we hope to protect even a fraction of the children in this country, it will be due to parents questioning the power and authority behind these corporate government entities and delving into suppressed history to help correct the situation.
This reminds me of the Upas Tree of slavery - See
Understanding our current legal system is the first step towards chopping at the root of the Vaccine Upas Tree. Throughout history, people are sidetracked into chopping at the branches of 'Upas Trees' instead of getting to the root of the problem. See
In the Spirit of Truth,
Ingri Cassel, director
Vaccination Liberation
P.O. Box 457
Spirit Lake, Idaho 83869
(208) 255-2307
“Free Your Mind....
From the Vaccine Paradigm”
“When we give government the power
to make medical decisions for us, we, in
essence, accept that the state owns our bodies.”
~U.S. Representative Ron Paul, MD
To begin your journey on learning about vaccines, the biomedical paradigm and why the only truly informed choice regarding vaccines is complete avoidance and refusal, we offer you the following weblink to well-footnoted articles and resources.
On 11/11/2014 10:31 AM, sayno2flushots
sayno2flushots@... [Vaccination-Liberation] wrote:
This article was written by a parent 10 years ago. It is truer today than it was then. Beware of vaccine bullies
The pressure to vaccinate and the propaganda that accompanies it is at an all time high. The Mayor of Columbus, Ohio just did a flu shot promo.
The Refusal to Vaccinate entrapment form of 2013 is a push back response to the success good folks have had educating the public.
Isn't it time for a new approach? Let's get off the hamster wheel of "our scientists" versus "their scientists" and attack the institution behind the vaccination agenda: the CDC. Dr David Lewis has given us plenty of great ammunition to use in his book Science for Sale.
Let's stop telling our schools, employers and physicians we are opposed to vaccines because of our religion and inform them of the facts via a Vaccination Notice (starting on page 29 of Lawfully Yours).
Perhaps it's time to demonstrate the we are not ill-informed "anti-vaxers" or "religious zealots" but are superbly well educated health activists who understand the 'system' better than most doctors and public health parrots.
'Evil Stick' wand toy for toddlers reveals picture of a young girl slitt...
Subliminal programming children's toys.
Boycott the store, and boycott the company who made it. Sure we all should inspect stuff, read labels, etc.. but there is NO EXCUSE for a toy company to make such a thing to begin with and think it is okay to market. There is NOTHING okay about this, and nothing funny about it in any way whatsoever..
You satanic freaks suck!
Boycott the store, and boycott the company who made it. Sure we all should inspect stuff, read labels, etc.. but there is NO EXCUSE for a toy company to make such a thing to begin with and think it is okay to market. There is NOTHING okay about this, and nothing funny about it in any way whatsoever..
You satanic freaks suck!
Monday, November 10, 2014
Juicing and Raw Foods: Honesty in advertising
Juicing and Raw Foods: Honesty in advertising: Get yur binary weapon injection here, Yes sir! Step right up and kill yourself. Hell, we'll even let YOU pay for it.
Put it up on Cheezburger site, linking back to your blog. Bwuahahaha!
By MessiahMews (Via:
Put it up on Cheezburger site, linking back to your blog. Bwuahahaha!
By MessiahMews (Via:
[Vaccination-Liberation] Health Hazards of Disease Prevention
Some might have missed this important report regarding the 30 year long vaccine info cover-up by the British 'government'.
saved this report and I'm glad we did, as we can no longer find it on
the British Society for Ecological Medicine's web site. A lot of other things are done in the name of "disease prevention" that are also harmful to our health.
People for Safe Technologies
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Posted by
JIM Novax O’Kelly
The cause of polio according to Dr. H. Shelton. From his book The Hygienic System ORTHOPATHY 1940
Definition: Known also as acute anterior poliomyelitis and acute infantile spinal paralysis, or infantile paralysis, this condition develops chiefly in young children, rarely in adults. Anatomically it is characterized by inflammation of the gray matter of the spinal cord with destruction of the nerve cells in the anterior horns, and clinically by fever and rapid atrophic paralysis of various muscles.
Symptoms: It begins with slight fever (101-103 F.) restlessness, headache, pain in the back and limbs, and muscular soreness. In a few cases there is vomiting or diarrhea, and occasionally convulsions. In the course of a day or two a flaccid paralysis develops. The legs are especially likely to be involved, but all four limbs, the trunk. The lower limbs, one limb only, a group of muscles, or the respiratory muscles may be involved. The paralysis reaches its maximum in a few hours or days, then begins to improve, in many cases very little paralysis remaining at the end of a few weeks or months, in other cases much paralysis remaining. Complete recovery is more frequent than is generally known. Where paralysis persists, permanent deformity often ensues from the failure of growth in the paralyzed parts and the over contraction of the unantagonized muscles.
The paralysis may be due to changes in the brain or in the spinal cord. Several forms are described, but these relate to location and not to the actual cause of the affection. In addition to the spinal form there are (1) abortive cases, in which the constitutional symptoms are unattended by paralysis and complete recovery occurs in a few days; (2) meningitis cases, in which the early symptoms closely simulate those of epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis; (3) bulbar cases, in which the nuclear centers in the medulla oblongata are involved; and (4) polyneuritis cases, in which pain in the limbs and general hyperesthesia are for a few days the most out- standing symptoms.
Etiology: those demanding a unitary, specific cause say poliomyelitis is due to a “minute anaerobic organism,” but care based on this premise is often worse than the organism itself.
Infantile paralysis is divided into intra-uterine and post-natal classes. Tilden says: “the anti-birth causes are not hereditary; for an influence to cause paralysis to be hereditary would prevent conception; or; in other words, sterility prevents such calamities.” Cases developing before birth are due to injuries and poisons. Doubtless most of these cases are due to injuries received at birth. Cases developing after birth result from infection, either from gastro-intestinal decomposition or from VACCINATION . epidemics of poliomyelitis develop at the end of each summer WHEN CHILDREN ARE VACCINATED. A plethoric state, due to over-eating is described by medical men as a “well nourished” state. They say that acute epidemic poliomyelitis “appears in children previously well nourished.” Such “well nourished” are commonly accompanied by intestinal sepsis.
Prognosis: Unless the initial symptoms are very severe or the respiratory muscles are affected, the prognosis as regards life is good. The death rate under medical care ranges from 5 to 30 per cent. In all cases that live, much of the paralysis disappears and occasionally the improvement is so marked that the usefulness of the affected parts is not seriously impaired. Undoubtedly many cases of death and permanent disability are DUE TO THE DRUGS AND SERUMS USED IN treating the patient in its early acute stages. I HAVE NEVER SEEN PARALYSIS DEVELOP IN A CASE UNDER DRUGLESS TREATMENT OF WHATEVER NATURE.”
Jims comment. This man fasted over 35,000 cases in 50 years. Most of those cases were given up by their doctor and told to go home and prepare their last will and testament.
“Care of the patient: rest in bed, with plenty of fresh air in the room is essential. Stop all food until all convulsions, twitching’s spasmodic movements, spastic contractions, fever, etc., are gone. After this, feed the child a fruit diet for a week, then feed it normally. Cases that are left with muscular and nervous incoordination require muscular and nervous re-education in the form of educational gymnastics, for which see Vol. iv of this series. The employment of the “iron lung” in cases of chest paralysis is only a spectacular grandstand play that robs the family of much wealth.”
JIM Novax O’Kelly
Founder of the new
Anti-Vaccination League of America
JIM Novax O’Kelly
The cause of polio according to Dr. H. Shelton. From his book The Hygienic System ORTHOPATHY 1940
Definition: Known also as acute anterior poliomyelitis and acute infantile spinal paralysis, or infantile paralysis, this condition develops chiefly in young children, rarely in adults. Anatomically it is characterized by inflammation of the gray matter of the spinal cord with destruction of the nerve cells in the anterior horns, and clinically by fever and rapid atrophic paralysis of various muscles.
Symptoms: It begins with slight fever (101-103 F.) restlessness, headache, pain in the back and limbs, and muscular soreness. In a few cases there is vomiting or diarrhea, and occasionally convulsions. In the course of a day or two a flaccid paralysis develops. The legs are especially likely to be involved, but all four limbs, the trunk. The lower limbs, one limb only, a group of muscles, or the respiratory muscles may be involved. The paralysis reaches its maximum in a few hours or days, then begins to improve, in many cases very little paralysis remaining at the end of a few weeks or months, in other cases much paralysis remaining. Complete recovery is more frequent than is generally known. Where paralysis persists, permanent deformity often ensues from the failure of growth in the paralyzed parts and the over contraction of the unantagonized muscles.
The paralysis may be due to changes in the brain or in the spinal cord. Several forms are described, but these relate to location and not to the actual cause of the affection. In addition to the spinal form there are (1) abortive cases, in which the constitutional symptoms are unattended by paralysis and complete recovery occurs in a few days; (2) meningitis cases, in which the early symptoms closely simulate those of epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis; (3) bulbar cases, in which the nuclear centers in the medulla oblongata are involved; and (4) polyneuritis cases, in which pain in the limbs and general hyperesthesia are for a few days the most out- standing symptoms.
Etiology: those demanding a unitary, specific cause say poliomyelitis is due to a “minute anaerobic organism,” but care based on this premise is often worse than the organism itself.
Infantile paralysis is divided into intra-uterine and post-natal classes. Tilden says: “the anti-birth causes are not hereditary; for an influence to cause paralysis to be hereditary would prevent conception; or; in other words, sterility prevents such calamities.” Cases developing before birth are due to injuries and poisons. Doubtless most of these cases are due to injuries received at birth. Cases developing after birth result from infection, either from gastro-intestinal decomposition or from VACCINATION . epidemics of poliomyelitis develop at the end of each summer WHEN CHILDREN ARE VACCINATED. A plethoric state, due to over-eating is described by medical men as a “well nourished” state. They say that acute epidemic poliomyelitis “appears in children previously well nourished.” Such “well nourished” are commonly accompanied by intestinal sepsis.
Prognosis: Unless the initial symptoms are very severe or the respiratory muscles are affected, the prognosis as regards life is good. The death rate under medical care ranges from 5 to 30 per cent. In all cases that live, much of the paralysis disappears and occasionally the improvement is so marked that the usefulness of the affected parts is not seriously impaired. Undoubtedly many cases of death and permanent disability are DUE TO THE DRUGS AND SERUMS USED IN treating the patient in its early acute stages. I HAVE NEVER SEEN PARALYSIS DEVELOP IN A CASE UNDER DRUGLESS TREATMENT OF WHATEVER NATURE.”
Jims comment. This man fasted over 35,000 cases in 50 years. Most of those cases were given up by their doctor and told to go home and prepare their last will and testament.
“Care of the patient: rest in bed, with plenty of fresh air in the room is essential. Stop all food until all convulsions, twitching’s spasmodic movements, spastic contractions, fever, etc., are gone. After this, feed the child a fruit diet for a week, then feed it normally. Cases that are left with muscular and nervous incoordination require muscular and nervous re-education in the form of educational gymnastics, for which see Vol. iv of this series. The employment of the “iron lung” in cases of chest paralysis is only a spectacular grandstand play that robs the family of much wealth.”
JIM Novax O’Kelly
Founder of the new
Anti-Vaccination League of America
Vaccination Liberation - Indiana
Jim O'Kelly, director
P.O. Box 78
Wheeler, Indiana 46393
Jim O'Kelly, director
P.O. Box 78
Wheeler, Indiana 46393
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
The Daily Messenger: Love Thy thy neighbor...who truly ...
The Daily Messenger: Love Thy thy neighbor...who truly ...: But of course, it's okay to write checks to fake network charities that siphon billions off with false-front charities. It's okay to...
Yup! That's why we like to just give to individual peeps ourselves. Family members and/or friends.
Several years ago, my youngest sister was going on a benefit walk and asked me to donate. It was the Rockefellar owned Amerika PRO Cancer Society. I told her a flat out no, but what I would do is send her some money for herself personally to use to buy walking shoes, or whatever she needed. I also told her why I won't be supporting mainstream charities.
Yup! That's why we like to just give to individual peeps ourselves. Family members and/or friends.
Several years ago, my youngest sister was going on a benefit walk and asked me to donate. It was the Rockefellar owned Amerika PRO Cancer Society. I told her a flat out no, but what I would do is send her some money for herself personally to use to buy walking shoes, or whatever she needed. I also told her why I won't be supporting mainstream charities.
Monday, November 3, 2014
[Vaccination-Liberation] California's "Personal Beliefs Exemption" form
Part of a discussion on Vaccination Liberation group....
An addition to what I wrote below is this story out of Idaho
This woman did NOT give her consent for her 8 y.o. boy to receive the flu mist. As you can guess, the school is released of liability since she did not present the school with a Vaccination Notice and force the liability issue. With schools being used as Vaccination Clinics AND the school being released of liability unless YOU as the parent force the issue, this becomes more important than ever for people to wake up to our 'legal reality' and act accordingly.
An addition to what I wrote below is this story out of Idaho
This woman did NOT give her consent for her 8 y.o. boy to receive the flu mist. As you can guess, the school is released of liability since she did not present the school with a Vaccination Notice and force the liability issue. With schools being used as Vaccination Clinics AND the school being released of liability unless YOU as the parent force the issue, this becomes more important than ever for people to wake up to our 'legal reality' and act accordingly.
On 11/02/2014 11:31 PM, Ingri Cassel
vaclib@... [Vaccination-Liberation] wrote:
Hi Gary, Joan, AL, Sheri, Natalia and the rest -
Since the law changed last legislative session, the attached form is what THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH claims is required for daycare and school attendance. But according to the way the law is written - see Noting Section 1, (b) (2) and (d), parents have every right to create their own statement and have their practitioner write a statement and completely revise their form. You can bet that BAR licensed attorneys who don't want their children vaccinated would be utilizing these sections.
Not everyone gets on Facebook and for a multitude of reasons. I totally agree with AL and would be challenging this through creating a Vaccination Notice. There are several ways I would be altering the template that AL provided for a Vaccination Notice on her website here!!#x-*THE%20VACCINATION%20NOTICE
Namely it should be noted that all the health care practitioners authorized to indoctrinate parents are also authorized to prescribe and administer pharmaceutical drugs. While naturopaths are included, only those naturopaths who are licensed to prescribe and administer drugs under the supervision of a physician or surgeon can provide the exemption information.
We talked about this very issue on our radio show Saturday night. With Common Core and Vaccination clinics being set up in all the schools, it is simply too dangerous on ALL levels to put your children in school. Just recently I was talking with a friend and we were noting a few brilliant young people who have come out as strong leaders in our area. What we both found interesting is that all of them were homeschooled.
by Jim Novax Okelly
The racketeers say the “vaccine is made out of the virus that caused the disease. BULL SHIT.
What about the deadliest virus of all time? The Bull Shit virus. It is so contagious that 90% of the people believe in it. What is the Bull Shit virus? The bull shit virus has everyone believing that all the above mention conditions plus more were cause by something called a “living virus.” The bull shit virus can kill you, but not from disease, but from fear. This is your wake-up call. You have been fooled.
If you believe the bull shit that so-called viruses are the cause of disease, then you are part of the problem. When you KNOW the truth that it’s all bull shit then you will be part of the solution. And the solution is not to rock the vaccine boat, the solution is to sink that boat.
Vaccines are sold with the bull shit idea that poison (virus) prevents disease. The bull shit is that the virus is the cause and the prevention of disease. When you KNOW that “living virus” does not even exist, the vaccine racket is over, dead and buried forever.
I have spent 40 years and thousands of dollars digging deep into the vaccine history to uncover a conspiracy to deceive the entire medical world. The conspiracy was to make the allopath’s believe that poison (virus) was the cause of natural human disease. It is not.
Why do you think your doctor treats SYMPTOMS with poisonous drugs instead of finding the cause of the problem and applying common sense? It is because they are controlled by the vaccine and drug companies.
The virus of bull shit was born in the 1920s by Thomas Rivers, M.D. this is the man who coined the word virology in 1927 and mis-lead the entire medical profession as to what caused human disease. Rivers hijacked the characteristics of the germ theory and applied them to poison. (Virus)
I have put together a course that exposes this conspiracy of the “living” viruses that will take you less than 40 days and a fraction of what I spent to uncover the fraud.
The course consists of 5 CDs and a workbook.
CD #1 Origin of the “living virus” bull shit. Part 1
CD # 2 Origin of the “living virus’ bull shit Part 2.
The work book, “A VIRUS WAS NOT THE CAUSE OF POLIO” in the 1950s. The bull shit written about Jonas Salk’s vaccine is the reason why we have so many vaccine poisons injected into our kids today. Those “Heroes” of the 1950s should have all been put in jail, and the key thrown away, to say the least.
CD # 3. Why the medical profession believes in viruses.
CD # 4. More proof of the “living virus” lie.
CD # 5. Vaccine recipes-the electron microscope and the centrifuge machine. This expose tells you how mentally deranged the virologist are.
Since I have discovered this fraud, I have lost all my fear of the “living” virus lie, and have not ever lost an argument since.
PM me for more information.
Jim NO-Vax O’Kelly
Founder of the new
Anti-Vaccination League of America
Vaccination Liberation - Indiana
Jim O'Kelly, director
P.O. Box 78
Wheeler, Indiana 46393
The racketeers say the “vaccine is made out of the virus that caused the disease. BULL SHIT.
What about the deadliest virus of all time? The Bull Shit virus. It is so contagious that 90% of the people believe in it. What is the Bull Shit virus? The bull shit virus has everyone believing that all the above mention conditions plus more were cause by something called a “living virus.” The bull shit virus can kill you, but not from disease, but from fear. This is your wake-up call. You have been fooled.
If you believe the bull shit that so-called viruses are the cause of disease, then you are part of the problem. When you KNOW the truth that it’s all bull shit then you will be part of the solution. And the solution is not to rock the vaccine boat, the solution is to sink that boat.
Vaccines are sold with the bull shit idea that poison (virus) prevents disease. The bull shit is that the virus is the cause and the prevention of disease. When you KNOW that “living virus” does not even exist, the vaccine racket is over, dead and buried forever.
I have spent 40 years and thousands of dollars digging deep into the vaccine history to uncover a conspiracy to deceive the entire medical world. The conspiracy was to make the allopath’s believe that poison (virus) was the cause of natural human disease. It is not.
Why do you think your doctor treats SYMPTOMS with poisonous drugs instead of finding the cause of the problem and applying common sense? It is because they are controlled by the vaccine and drug companies.
The virus of bull shit was born in the 1920s by Thomas Rivers, M.D. this is the man who coined the word virology in 1927 and mis-lead the entire medical profession as to what caused human disease. Rivers hijacked the characteristics of the germ theory and applied them to poison. (Virus)
I have put together a course that exposes this conspiracy of the “living” viruses that will take you less than 40 days and a fraction of what I spent to uncover the fraud.
The course consists of 5 CDs and a workbook.
CD #1 Origin of the “living virus” bull shit. Part 1
CD # 2 Origin of the “living virus’ bull shit Part 2.
The work book, “A VIRUS WAS NOT THE CAUSE OF POLIO” in the 1950s. The bull shit written about Jonas Salk’s vaccine is the reason why we have so many vaccine poisons injected into our kids today. Those “Heroes” of the 1950s should have all been put in jail, and the key thrown away, to say the least.
CD # 3. Why the medical profession believes in viruses.
CD # 4. More proof of the “living virus” lie.
CD # 5. Vaccine recipes-the electron microscope and the centrifuge machine. This expose tells you how mentally deranged the virologist are.
Since I have discovered this fraud, I have lost all my fear of the “living” virus lie, and have not ever lost an argument since.
PM me for more information.
Jim NO-Vax O’Kelly
Founder of the new
Anti-Vaccination League of America
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Photo courtesy of Jim Novax Okelly |
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Photo courtesy of Jim Novax Okelly (and NOT Walgreens!) |
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Photo courtesy of Jim Novax Okelly (and NOT Walgreens!) |
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Jim Novax Okelly: "This is our sign that was in six cities in Northwest Indiana" |
Vaccination Liberation - Indiana
Jim O'Kelly, director
P.O. Box 78
Wheeler, Indiana 46393
Natural Allopathic Medicine Protocol Components
Natural Allopathic Medicine Protocol Components
Have quite a bit of these already. Great basics!
And we all already know what to avoid, right?
Have quite a bit of these already. Great basics!
And we all already know what to avoid, right?
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