Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Thank you! Giving Thanks To Our Supporters and Other Current Things

I want to take a moment to THANK the four wonderful people who have donated to us and this blog in the last couple of months.

Two guys, and two gals.  Thank you so much guys!

We do not have a "fun budget". All monies goes towards bills, groceries and emergencies, which we are having more than our fair share of lately.

Here's what we are looking at...

Hub's SUV dashboard light thingy went out.  He partially fixed it because a brand new one would be $500 and whatever else for labor. We are always guessing on the gas guage, and the speed limit thingy, because that part hasn't been fixed.  He's watching youtube do-it-yourself videos to figure it out.  He did get the light working again.  So he just fills up the tank every time he goes out.

In a year's time, I had a tooth that just dissolved from the inside out and eventually cracked and broke off. I was wanting to save to fix that, but now with the CONvid vax shedding the crap that it is, it is UNLIKELY that I will ever get it fixed, because dental workers are getting the vax too.  So that is a NO. I am at a loss on what to do about that.

We may have to move in with others before it's all over with. Someone locally, who also needs help.  Might be a win-win for us all.

Was wanting to get another NCR session so that the nasal passage can be unblocked and I can breathe through the nose easier, but that's also a NO, as it involves traveling and extra expense. Plus again, who all will be walking around there spewing out CONVID cooties on us. Hopefully, we can talk the local ABC guy into it.  He's had the training, but won't do it for anyone outside his family.  Hubby has offered him the same amount as we paid the naturopath in WA State minus the traveling and gas expense.

Also, I have tried to keep this blog as helpful and positive (most of the time), by researching and bringing solutions to today's nasty problems, plus sharing from other blogs what needs to be shared and known.  But I keep on being ignored and not being given the credit for the work and research I've done.  Been doing this for MANY years now.  We can NOT get regular jobs due to age, and the fact that BOTH of us here, have the dissolving teeth problem and loss.  Face it, We're both just sitting here getting old and ugly. My own hubby broke down crying one day at a VA appointment because of his teeth. And I've been birth bumped into a body that is a "lemon", like a bad car.  I've spent more time doctoring myself and blogging and doing this and that, and never really having a life. I've fixed alot of stuff, thankfully, but the teeth problem can NOT be fixed.  NO ONE that exists on Earth can fix these teeth.  NO ONE.  Every dentist I've ever went to, including holistic ones, just want to pull them all out, collapse my face and skull, and has said they are not worth saving. So the fact is that both of us are unable to smile at people, so that means no jobs, because who wants to hire people who won't smile at others.  So we stay at home and do affiliate programs, etc... and offer the best stuff we can to others in order to help them.  And sometimes angels appear and donate, as stated above. :)  Sweet people iindeed!

Plus, we are NOT going to be getting any "med beds".  Do you honestly think with the death spree the satanists have gone on with the killer vaccines, that they are going to allow technologies that will save our lives, regenerate our teeth, and other things?  If Trump had gotten in, maybe we would have, but nope, not gonna happen.  Trump did win the election, after all, but they stole it, and he trusted the wrong people, plus he "warp-speeded" the vaccine and wants to take credit for it.  WHO, in their right mind would want to take credit for something that is killing thousands and maiming millions more? Like Andrew Torba said in his email newsletter, where is the REAL Trump?  What happened to him?

Frankly, I'm tired of doing all this never ending work which is going NOWHERE while it is being largely ignored and NEVER being given credit for.  I've done it, because I want to help mankind and it's a commandment from Our Father to "Love one another and do good". That's why I do it. And I feel good doing so. It IS rewarding. But I can't keep going on like this, while NO ONE CARES and are never listening nor reading all this DETAILED info I have put up all these years.  I guess people have a death wish, because in spite of all the warnings that my hubby and I BOTH have put up about vaccines, two members of his family went and got the jab, and even bragging about it on social media.  

If we can't be helped financially, then at least we'd like to have the credit for our work.  Most of his stuff is on social media, and most of my stuff is here, and now on Bitchute and GAB, since I get more views on those.  This blog is still being basically ignored.

However, BIG THANKS to the THREE people whom I know link to here quite regularly. You know who you are. Much love to you precious guys and gals.

Here's how you can help us...

We have partnered with (affiliate) PureBulk.  They have PURE supplements without all the cellulose and other nano-crap.

Life Enthusiast:  Some of their stuff I recommend and some I do not.  I will make a complete list and then add it to this post what products are the best. Here are a few...

* Vollara Air & Surface Compact Air Purifiers with Hydroxyl Technology

* Fibro-Ease from Earth Friend Herb Co
* Cellerciser Rebounder

Fascia Blasters:  These devices are wonderful to work over the body with.  They break up the adhesions of the surface fascia under the skin and some of the extra subcutaneous fat is broken up and eliminated.

CandyLipz Lip Plumpers:
Someone from a group turned me on to those a while back. My daughter loves them, as she got her some too.  I've always preferred doing the beauty stuff the ALL NATURAL WAY, after all. This one for the ladies, mostly.

Online Summit Events:  All the banners on the sidebar are posted.  I used to do daily posts and reminders with commentary, but it made no difference, so I just post the banners.  I have learned quite a bit from them, and I kind of consider them my "professors", since I can't go to a natural medicine school.

Smart Meters Covers and other EMF Protection:

Protection from Cell Phone Radiation



BLUblox signature Sleep+ red lens is the world's most advanced blue and green light blocker. Blocking 100% of blue and green light from 400-550nm.

PROTECTIVE CLOTHING: Clothing to protect your body from EMF. Restocking Soon!




SMART METERS Tools to protect your home from both RF radiation and Dirty Electricity that smart meters can create.

Hemp Underwear from WAMA. Hemp helps protect against radiation and other environmental poisons.

Some resources posted here from this post...
Some of those are other people's links, but still very important and helpful for healing, etc...

All kinds of various tee shirts from the sidebar here.  I'll list individually later on, but they are on the sidebar and easy to find.

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