Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Daily Messenger: Mountains of fluoride on our tarp from just a few ...

The Daily Messenger: Mountains of fluoride on our tarp from just a few cups of water. ...


Wow!  This is massive.  Okay, so I am enjoying all of your latest posts.  I totally see the crystals on the tarp.

We have well water and I am so thankful and grateful for that, however we still use water filters.  I still would love to have a distiller though.  I would love the John Ellis one, but it's super expensive.  I think there is a brand by Waterwise 2000 or something like that.  One of my sisters told me about it.  Will have to put it on our list and hopefully hubby will want to get one, even though we have well water.

We mostly use Miracle II Soap for brushing our teeth, and add drops of spearmint or peppermint essential oil.  There is a charcoal brand of toothpaste with no fluoride nor glycerin.

We also have the Uncle Harry's products.  Like Miracle Mouthwash, remineralization Liquid, tooth powder, tooth and gum, etc...  The remineralization liquid contains phosphorous like monosodium phosphate, as does the mouthwash.

Sometimes, I like to make the Tony Pantalleresco formula from his Regenerating Your Teeth video, and add the Uncle Harry's mouthwash and liquid product to the mix.

Also add the cod liver oil to my food and/or a good teaspoon of it, in addition to adding the ghee to sweet potatoes, eggs, etc... as per Weston A. Price info.

We also buy the monosodium phosphate in bulk from eBay, as per the Gerard Judd protocol, from his book Good Teeth Birth to Death.  Sometimes it's powdered, or sometimes it's crystals.  Both work the same.
PDF eBook:

In various research articles, posts, videos, etc... from Steve Beddingfield, Tony Pantalleresco, and many countless others, Lugol's iodine helps to clear the bad halogens from our body, such as fluoride, bromine, bromide, chlorine.  Some of them have mentioned that the Lugol's helps in opening up our pineal gland. Another poster on youtube mentioned turpentine (real essential oil of pine aka pine oil) helped the pineal gland too.  Someone named Dan.  And I'm sure there are other ways to help clear and move the fluoride out too.

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