Sunday, October 20, 2019

When Even The Church Censors The Truth About Vaccines, You Know We Are In Big Trouble

This church turned off RFK Jr.'s mic because right after he said vaccines, the mic was instantly shut off. And even the people wanted to hear him speak and was screaming "Let him speak".  We are most definitely in trouble, when even churches cave in to Big pHARMa's political correctness.



Juicing and Raw Foods Sunboy said...

Show me a church that the satanists didn't take over years ago, and I will show you a home gathering. I've been to so many...within ten minutes or less, it was always obvious what they served wasn't Dad or Yeshua.

MessiahMews said...

Exactly. You are SO right about that one. It's why we quit going to a church. I had even wondered about Benny Hiinn's church too, because my husband always loved his church, back before we met.

Even my ex and former husband (Kissy's father) even said something about the great outdoors being His church. My daughter told me that many years ago.

And thank you for so many great posts the past few days. I am so enjoying all these pictures.