Sunday, October 20, 2019

Our Spiritual World: Angels and the sun, which reveals much

Our Spiritual World: Angels and the sun, which reveals much: If you blow up the boys, you get tons of detail. These are not demons or spirits of Lucifer or any of that tripe. In point of fact, it took much prayer to YHVH for these pics to even happen....

In fact, I insist on it. Test all spirits. Because time be a coming, when we will be flooded with demonic counterfeits and most won't know what to demand of them to prove they are of heaven and not the odd place. Ask any spirit, on the name and blood of Yeshua our Christ, what their name is and who they serve.

THEY HAVE TO ANSWER TRUTHFULLY, WHEN DEMANDED UPON ON THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB. That's your safety switch. Use it. Every time. Protect yourself and others.

Thank you for this important reminder!

Regarding interacting with the Divine, nothing scary about it at all.  Interacting with Our Father is prayer, praise, even thinking about Him, giving thanks, even for the small things, and as we here, have prayed for our favorite daily messenger, and for many others.  Prayer is easy. I love praying. Sometimes, it's just even a simple conversation which may look like I'm talking to myself. Some folks may be a little apprehensive about warfare prayer, but my husband and I have both done it before.  Very often, I feel I am unworthy and never good enough, but nothing scary about it.  But Our Father still wants our fellowship. And yes, at times, we have to stop and remember to pray and can get easily distracted by other things or people calling, you know the daily things of life, etc...

When Diana was visiting us here, and her and I were outside and talking about these heart clouds that I would catch and take pictures of.  I think she wanted to see one for real, and I suggested to let's ask God for one.  I think I had my camera with me already, so I simply ask out loud in FRONT of her for Our Father to send her a heart cloud and then screamed out loud, SHOW HER YOUR LOVE!  Less than 5 minutes, it showed up.  Two witnesses, her and my digital camera.  Unsure if my husband saw that one in real time or not, because he was inside. But we told him, and I have no memory if he walked outside or not that day to see it.  He said he doesn't remember if he walked outside that day either. Diana and I were just so excited about it. But he has seen some of the others in real time.  Anyway, there was nothing scary about that at all.  We rather enjoyed the instant answer, and it sure made Diana's day.  I wanted her to know that she is loved.

Another day during her visit, she and I were sitting outside just chilling and hanging just sitting at the fold up table.  She looked up and noticed it, and got my attention to look at the Mr. Magoo cloud in the sky.  We weren't praying at that time, but just hanging enjoying the outside. Naturally, I had to go grab my camera.

We rather enjoyed the comedy show in the sky.  Thinking they all have a good sense of humor up there.  Nothing scary about that either, but very hilarious. I had called it Cartoons In The Sky.  Hehe.

The Mr. Magoo sorta looks like and reminds me of this...

Sometimes our prayers may be or seem inperfect, but Our Father knows our hearts and what we mean when we ask and pray.


1 comment:

MessiahMews said...

Apologies for typos. I get in a hurry, and I corrected what I found so far. Sorry about that.