Thursday, April 30, 2020


Kelli Long
· 1 hr ·

Did anyone see his interview about this new vaccine? He said normally when making a vaccine they have to wait 2 yrs after the testing to see if there’s going to be a reaction. He said we don’t have time to wait that long for the coronavirus vaccine and he doesn’t want to be held accountable for any reaction someone has. In another words, no one can be sued. If you or your child dies or becomes disabled too bad.

Who the heck is Bill Gates? He has no medical degree...he didn’t even finish college. He already has so much blood on his hands for vaccinating those poor children in the 3r world countries. Why would we let this man harm our children?! Open your eyes. He’s been talking about this for years.


Can't he just exit the planet already?!

Angelique Markin 🔨⛏💣🧨🔪🗡 need I say more.

Terry Butler Grrrrrrrrrrrr pos

Reject Testing -- Beware of the Traps!

Larry Cook
23 hrs ·

I am not alone with my admonishment to REJECT testing! TESTING is the 1st TRAP. Tracking is the 2nd TRAP. Immunity Certificates are the 3rd TRAP. All of these TRAPS (perfectly laid) lead to MANDATORY VACCINATION. Get educated. GET EDUCATED. Do not fall for the Plandemic enslavement traps!


Larry Cook
23 hrs ·

As I have been saying for 2 months now, this Plandemic is all about MANDATORY TESTING, TRACKING AND VACCINATION. I have known about this plan for 20 years. You should know the plan as well. I got into this movement BECAUSE I KNEW THE PLAN. Watch! And Share!


Larry Cook
23 hrs ·

And yet, how much you want to bet that there will be new workplace policies of mandatory testing, tracking and vaccination put in place for workers? That is, after all, the HHS Healthy People 2020 plan.


Oxygen Deprivation

5G in schools while they are wearing masks. What could go wrong? [OXYGEN]

How about ozone and negative ion machines in classrooms?


What's worse? Getting poisoned with mandatory vaccines or getting nuked by 5G?💀 Both are pretty equal in my book!


Trump Admin Launches 'Operation Warp Speed' to Accelerate Vaccine Develo...

Okay, I am SERIOUSLY disturbed here.   Can someone who reads my blogs tell me if this is true or false.  It's posted by DAHBOO77.   If untrue, then I will delete this post.

Dr Sherri Tenpenny & Toni Bark - Forced Vaccines & Healthy People 2020

Dr. Toni Bark and Dr. Sherri Tenpenny discuss the recent pushes for mandatory vaccines, electronic medical records, and “Healthy People 2020” which seeks to monitor everyone’s “immunization status” in a “vaccine registry” and “catch up” adults and children who are not “up to date” on vaccines. This legislation is tied to the Department of Transportation, so it’s possible that if this is implemented, you won’t be able to travel unless you’re up to date on vaccines.

Be our guest! Discover more and register NOW to watch all 9 episodes of “The Truth About Vaccines” for FREE during April 22 - 30. ➡️


What you will learn in this educational 9-episode series:

Vaccination programs are given credit for eradicating some of the most devastating illnesses of the past, but they’re no longer immune to controversy of their own.

Concerns about vaccine injuries, mercury toxicity, and autism have increased substantially in recent years, and public debate is once again heating up.

You don’t have to pro- or anti-vaccine anymore. New options are available to guard against serious illness, based on your unique situation and risk factors.

Our health freedoms are being silently trampled on. We must not allow Big Pharma to take away our constitutional right to choose.

Is a Coronavirus vaccine coming? Is it necessary? Can we protect ourselves from it naturally? We will address all of these questions.


Register NOW to watch all 9 episodes of “The Truth About Vaccines” for FREE starting April 22. ➡️


Australian PM Wants Mandatory Forced Vaccines

Told ya so!...

Michael Simms
· April 26 ·

And the carry on continues! This from the Australian PM today 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️
I’m done!! I’m happy to protest wherever, whenever with anyone!!
We can do a big group or skip down the street holding hands. Even a free hugs demonstration. I don’t care. But I’m not waiting for no vaccine!!

Who’s with me?????


- - An objective look at vaccine dangers - An objective look at vaccine dangers.
Immune activation during early development causes autism and other disorders. Vaccines can cause damaging immune activation. Aluminum adjuvant is implicated


Wednesday, April 29, 2020

That's Australia started ..

Looks like Australia is next...

I guess they'll be next dropping on the streets too, as soon as it's mandated for the entire public too.

Our Spiritual World: Bill Gates presents vaccine to erase people who love God

Our Spiritual World: Bill Gates presents vaccine to erase people who love God


Can't Bill Gates just go away already?

Mandated Vaccinations, Get Ready To Say "NO!"


We may soon be facing "mandated" vaccines. Those who have studied vaccines know that vaccines come with severe hazards and we must resist and oppose unlawful forced medical treatments. This document is "Refusal For Cause" to be given to anyone who threatens to force medical treatment on us.


I do not know what is in your vaccine.

I do not believe your vaccine is safe.

I know that many vaccines have been found to contain toxic adjuvants and toxic foreign materials.

I know that toxic contamination is present in vaccines which are easily preventable with current technology. This suggests intentional contamination of vaccines with toxic agents.

I know that many vaccines are not effective and actually cause the ailment they are purported to mitigate.

I know that adjuvants are put into vaccines to “shock” the immune system into extreme response, and that causes biological “crisis”, stress and damage to the immune system, the blood and the whole body.

I know that vaccine death and injury statistics and information are suppressed by media which receives billions of dollars in pharma advertising annually.

I know that vaccine death and injury statistics and information are suppressed by government in which pharmaceutical regulatory agencies are largely run and controlled by pharma industry executives, loyalists and lobbyists.

I know that vaccines kill hundreds of thousands of people per year.

I am aware of reports that vaccine experiments have caused tens of thousands of cases of polio and other diseases and injuries in India, Asia, Africa, The Philippines and many other locations.

I know that vaccines are so hazardous that the vaccine industry lobbied for, and received immunity from the harm vaccines are causing.

I know that taxpayers have paid billions of dollars to families who's members were injured or killed by vaccines.

I do not trust the vaccine industry, government agencies or international agencies which seem to be acting on behalf of vaccine sales and promotion and suppressing information of vaccine hazards.

I know that most vaccines have not been tested or proven safe.

I know that under current law all physicians and healthcare workers must have my consent to administer medicine to me.

My consent is hereby denied and refused.

I know that if someone is not a doctor, such as an elected official or bureaucrat, they may not administer medicine at all, much less “mandate” medical treatments for the general population.

I know it is possible to mitigate and control all contagious diseases with safer and more effective means than vaccination.
Anyone who claims privilege to inject materials in my body without my consent is my enemy and is criminal.

I will treat anyone who threatens to violate my body as a criminal assailant.

No, you may not vaccinate me or my children. If you try, I will exercise my right to self defense against you and your accomplices to any extent I deem necessary to protect ourselves.

Forced vaccination is not authorized or permitted under Law. If there is a code or statutory “mandate” for forced medication, it is unconstitutional, unlawful and unenforceable.

You may not attempt or threaten non-consensual vaccination, and if you do, you will be dealt with in a manner to restore rule of law, justice and to protect our right to personal physical security.

Your ignorance of vaccine hazards and medical rights and your inability to understand the facts above do not give you any immunity or any license to commit the crime of forced non-consensual medication.

Can you name every ingredient of your vaccine? Presumably not.

Can you predict the physical effects of each of those ingredients? No.

Can you predict the consequences of combining those ingredients? No.

Have you offered to personally take full responsibility to pay for any harm your vaccine causes? No.

Therefore you do not have the slightest authority or privilege to forcibly administer vaccines.

If you fail to immediately cease all threat of vaccination against me and my family, I cannot assure your safety


Here is another site with similar documents for download.

The Daily Messenger: They are planning to vaccinate us against our will, by threats, jail, fines, lack of services

The Daily Messenger: They are planning to vaccinate us against our will, by threats, jail, fines, lack of services: Noncompliant and non-immune citizens would be isolated physically and socially. 1) I am not aware of ANY successful coronavirus vaccine. ...

There is NO successful vaccine of any kind ever.

The Iodine Protocol

The Iodine Protocol


The Iodine Protocol.pdf
The Iodine Protocol.rtf
The Iodine Protocol.odt
The Iodine Protocol.docx

Co-factors Are Important:

Add L-Tyrosine for T4 Production.  Need T4 in order to convert to active T3

We uses 3rdi Brand:

Programmed Robots

Perfectly stated! Thank you, Brittany!

Brittany Lea Warren
7 hrs

Government: flouride is natural and prevents tooth decay... you want it in your water, and you basically don't have a choice on the matter...

The people: flouride good... I want flouride.

Government: Global warming is bad, so we are going to pump the stratosphere full of potentially harmful aerosols because it is better than the alternative of reducing nuclear radiation and corporate pollution and we will give you plenty of websites that will prove this is what we are doing...

The people: Those are just "condensation trails." You are a whack job if you dispute it.

Government: sickness is bad, so we took that sickness and mixed it with a whole bunch of stuff to piss off the immune system and get a reaction and we want to inject it into your family to protect you...

The people: well, I really don't want to get sick, so ok.

Government: Now that we've effed up your immune systems real good, we are going to tell you that you are not strong enough to survive this new illness, so your job is shutting down and you have to stay at home, drink our water, breathe our chemicals, and eat what we allow as essential until a vaccine comes out and saves us all from this mess we created...

The people: Must stay home to protect the people. I have to be loud about staying home to save lives. This is the only way to keep people healthy.

When they told me the world would be overrun with robots, I didn't understand they meant completely programmed humans... until now. 🤖


Tuesday, April 28, 2020


Kate Shemirani
6 hrs

27th APRIL 2020

**To vote for the Independent Safety Testing of the Covid-19 Vaccine please vote. We need 10,000 UK votes at least in order to put this before the House of Common's for debate.**


Actually, how about NO VACCINE EVER!!!!  Forget testing.  FORGET THE VACCINE PERIOD!

Neurological Side Effects Of Vaccines

Marianna Childress-Milne
March 16 · 

I won’t wait for any apologies for all the people who threatened me or laughed at me or mocked me for all of my warnings about vaccines over the years. I’ll settle for everyone just finally opening their eyes and realizing that until today when google was taken over by #WhiteHats and they started telling the whole truth... you were being sold a lie and told what to believe by AN INTERNET SEARCH ENGINE! YES! Vaccines DO cause autism... you’re welcome... no apologies necessary. I forgive each and every one of you as my Father in heaven commands me to do!

Right on girl!!!  All one has to do also is to read the Adverse Reactions section on each vaccine's package insert (aka prescribing information).


Monday, April 27, 2020

Vaccine-Free Me: A Trip To The Doctor

Jordan Thiering

Just got the most adorable book for my son! He hasn’t been to a doc since he was 18m (he’s almost 4 and we see a chiro for well visits) but just in case he ever needs to go! Thank you Amazon! 💙


Very smart parents and very lucky and blessed child.  Not all of us get through life unscathed.

UV Light To Be Used as Disinfectant — in Treating COVID-19 Patients

UV Light To Be Used as Disinfectant
— in Treating COVID-19 Patients

UV Light – or ultraviolet light has long been known to kill viruses and bacteria. UV light is classified as a disinfectant. Can ultraviolet light be used to treat COVID-19 patients?

Healight was developed at Cedars Sinai. The Healight is a catheter embedded with small LED lights that emit UVA light in a specific way. The UVA light kills a wide variety of viruses and bacteria inside the lungs.

[Already censored] AYTU Healight Product Video (1 min 49 seconds)

AYTU Website – Healight Information, Product Video, Press Kit, Treatment Rationale, etc.

Aytu BioScience Signs Exclusive Global License with Cedars-Sinai for Potential Coronavirus Treatment

UV Light To Be Used as Disinfectant in Treating COVID-19 Patients

Tech Tyranny: Twitter suspends Account & YouTube removes video of Biotech Company that created COVID-19 treatment using UV light in lungs.

Lou Dobbs reports on AYTU Healight 1 min 11 sec

Trump’s Presser Clip: 1 min 30 secs



The Daily Messenger: From Italy...important info on vaccines

The Daily Messenger: From Italy...important info on vaccines: thrombosis + embolism + of the lungs is the disease caused by the virus plus aggravation of fiber like bits created by nano particles from pollution and the metals in the vaccination...

Mandated Vaccinations, Get Ready To Say "NO!"

Mandated Vaccinations, Get Ready To Say "NO!"



6 days ago (edited)


And what was the reason they want to vaccinate us? Ah, the virus. Okay... BUT THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A VIRUS! IT DOES NOT EXIST AT ALL!

"There are no viruses. This means there are no pathological, infectious germs floating around infecting people. We have somatids, which are pleomorphic in nature that are actually bacteria, this is what THEY call viruses. But they 1) do not infect 2) do not cause disease 3) are not living 4) have never been isolated. So really this is simply an issue of semantics."

— Amandha D. Vollmer - "How to Heal Colds or Flu - Knowledge Is Power - Germs Are Not The Cause" -

"What Do You Know About Somatids?" -

"The Somatid Cycle & Gaston Naessens Discussing His Somatoscope" -

"Dr Andrew Kaufman exposing the 'Covid-19' magic trick - the sleight of hand that transformed society" -

"The Corona Facts Check. Does the corona virus test have any significance?
The answer, astonishing to many, but easy to understand and verify:
The corona virus test has no conclusive value whatsoever! ...
The doctors and scientists involved have misinterpreted typical cellular components as components of a virus"."
- Dr. Stefan Lanka - "The Corona Facts Check. Does the corona virus test have any significance?" - (perhaps use Google translate)

Disease, viruses, vaccinations: "I am telling the story of how it developed so that you can understand how an error turned into a fraud, a fraud into a crime, and in the industrialization of this crime, this madness that threatens all of us, all of humanity, developed."
— "Dr Stefan Lanka: Pandemic Theater - History of the Infection Theory (Part 1)" -

"Virologist Says Measles Virus Doesn't Exist - Offers 100K Reward For Anyone With Actual Evidence" -

It's about Agenda 21 and the approaching glacial period, foot shortages.

CoNrona was just the overture.

"Immunization Agenda 2030"Towards a Vision and Strategy for Vaccines and Immunization for the Decade Ahead 2021-2030
Immunization linked to ...14 of 17 SDGs... broad set of compelling arguments for value of vaccines 2021-2030 Innovation

First step, first goal: 500 million:
"What in the world is actually going on? Document reveals plans, step by step." -

"Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development" -
The now empty hospitals will become death zones as soon as 5G's 60 GHz are switched on. Of course they will not call it 5G but CONrona. Understand the logic?
"Arthur Firstenberg - 5G, Birds, Bees, and Humanity" -
"CELEBRATE! The Epidemic Is Over! Let's All Get Back to Work and Play Today!" -
Understand the financial aspect and the $10 trillion FED aid of the CoNrona terror attack: "The Great Purge" -

Btw, a safe vaccination is a contradiction to itself, it is as safe as a glass of diesel for breakfast. Every vaccination is attempted murder. It's as simple as that.



Friday, April 24, 2020

Digestion SOS: Rescue and Relief Docusummit

Often embarrassing and underdiagnosed, IBS, SIBO or leaky gut can be a warning sign and even trigger serious illness, like cancer, heart disease, autoimmune disorders, diabetes, Alzheimer's, even Lyme disease. But there are actionable solutions to chronic digestive problems, and we're here to share them with you!

The Digestion SOS Docusummit will help you with:

Understanding gut health
Discovering underlying causes
Testing for gut-health issues
Dietary protocols for gut health
Pharmaceutical and natural treatments
Alternative therapies to try (and avoid!)
And so much more!



The Digestion SOS Docusummit will help you understand and address the root causes of IBS, SIBO and leaky gut. Discover the latest research, dietary modifications, lifestyle changes and groundbreaking solutions that work -- from conventional to alternative -- so you can take back control of your gut health and get your life back!

Be sure to catch The Digestion SOS Docusummit from April 20-28, 2020, free and online!

Want to share and help? Affiliates are always welcome.


Digestion SOS Docuseries





Our local friends were telling us about this earlier.

Luke 8:17 King James Version (KJV)
17 For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.


[Encore] Learn to upgrade your brain… in ONE weekend

[Encore] Learn to upgrade your brain… in ONE weekend

--->Click here to listen to the encore of The Superhuman Brain Masterclass now! (start with ANY of the "featured talks!")

Find a few minutes to learn from the "FAN FAVORITE" talks:

+ Leaky Brain: Foods That Destroy Your Brain (And How to Fix It!), Dr. Tom O’Bryan
+ Natural Tools to Activate Your Vagus Nerve, Jodi Cohen
+ Causes of Brain Dysfunction and Incorporating Nootropics, Evan Brand
+ Eliminate the Root Cause of Brain Dysfunction, Dr. Edward F. Group III
+ Keto and Fasting for Next Level Brain Performance, Dr. David Jockers
+ Strengthen Vagal Tone to Upgrade Your Brain, Dr. Eva Detko
+ And more!



Here’s how BEST to take advantage of this expert health information:

--->>Start learning immediately when you join me for Encore Weekend!

I hope you take advantage of this tremendous opportunity to learn… for free!

Want to share and help? Affiliates are always welcome.


Superhuman Brain Masterclass


Pentagon Study: Flu Shot Raises Risk of Coronavirus by 36% (Read that Again!)

Pentagon Study: Flu Shot Raises Risk of Coronavirus by 36% (Read that Again!)

Melissa A Smith-Shepherd is with Bill Shepherd.
April 22 at 11:09 PM

Some people get corona and don't even know it! Why, because they have a healthy immune system, plenty of nutrients, and have an internal environment that is hostile to corona. FYI, did you know that flu shots make you 36% more likely to get coronavirus, and coronavirus is listed as a side effect of flu shots? - A 2020 study by the Pentagon found that the flu shot INCREASES the risks of coronavirus by 36%. “Receiving influenza vaccination may increase the risk of other respiratory viruses, a phenomenon known as “virus interference” and “examining non-influenza viruses specifically, the odds of coronavirus in vaccinated individuals were significantly higher when compared to unvaccinated individuals.”

FYI: anonymous hackers broke into the emails and files of the CDC, WHO, WUHAN LAB, BILL GATE FOUNDATION, etc. and have released the data for all to read. Pretty shocking. Also, President Trump announced that Obama funded the lab that created this virus in Wuhan China, using bats. We also now know that Bill Gates of Microsoft funded the lab and owns patents for coronavirus and the vaccine for it. When someone spends billions to create a virus and the vaccine for it, that means they expect to make a profit on it down the road. How? Release the virus. Create the problem and then provide the solution. There is apparently much malfeasance in this artificially created manmade pandemic. You will hear even more shocking things in the days to come.

And it's listed as coronavirus in this package insert...

Some comments...

There is evidence coming out of Italy and China that show is was elderly people who were given MANDATED VACCINES for flu, pneumonia and meningitis that contracted coronavirus. There is more evidence showing that coronavirus is a SIDE EFFECT of flu shots. Could coronavirus just be a vaccine side effect??????????



TTAV2020 went live last night!

TTAV2020 went live last night! 

Do you ACTUALLY know what’s in the vaccine that’s given to your child? Get the truth about vaccines, watch this video trailer now.


Thursday, April 23, 2020

Nathaniel Bassey - Yeshua Hamashiach (1 Hour Version)

Morgellons disease: a filamentous borrelial dermatitis

Morgellons disease: a filamentous borrelial dermatitis



COVID19 which stands for Certificate Of Vaccination ID 19 for the Gates project

Well, there it is on the renaming of this thing.

... go look at my timeline. They just renamed a stage of mycoplasma.

We need to get this to Shari Tennpenny and Dr. Buttar D.O.
~Sharon Kane

Sharon Kane
3 hrs ·

Here is mycoplasma starting to make its spike formation. You have to watch it under live cell darkfield microscopy to watch it. This is what's left on pics of mycoplasma on Google wiki and another phase.. I bet the 5G makes it fine spike just like in people microwaving their water does we noted.

Sharon Kane
3 hrs ·

This "corona virus" sure looks the same as mycoplasma does under dark field microscopy like a mine under water. It's a pleomorph.Did they just rename it?

They renamed the "corona" virus to COVID19 which stands for Certificate Of Vaccination ID 19 for the Gates project to get that digital tatoo in.

They are scrubbing mycoplasma pics off my images on google. It looked like a bomb mine where the atypical no cell wall mycoplasma grabs onto your cells. You can watch the stages under live cell analysis. Mycoplasma does cold agglutinen too. Could it be 5G interacting on the mycoplasma and they just renamed it? It is sensitive to Zpack and doxycycline but since it pleomorphs and hides out intracellular you had to hit it with amantadine or Plaquenil or the natural thing all the docs got killed over simultaneously or it can go intracellular and get the hiding mycoplasma at the same time to knock it out in 10 to 20 days. You did the bedside cold aggutinen test to follow you got the mycoplasma load down by the decrease in particulate on your blood sample drawn in a tiger top tube and placed in a cup of ice chips to see if it agglutinates.5 minute test. You just take the round of antibiotics with the chaser if you arent a CCR5-delta 32 gene person. Plaquenil worked to add instead of amantadine to catch the intracellular hideout and block lots going in plus get sunshine for UV vitamin D and no microwaving and drink nonfluoridated water plus get your zinc and selenium up. No baths in fluoridated water best since it competes with the zinc. Foot soaks with epsom salts twice a week helps also but watch a movie or two not 20 minutes. You can also do live cell analysis to follow you got these target or mycoplasma attached cells. Healthy finger sticks have no mine cells going about. We need to do both live cell and cold aggutinen bedside to see if they just renamed it corona. This works on Epstein Barr also the combinations or the natural autologous antineoplastins we each have to self "vaccinate" orally but you can inject if this is desired route even once primed. Well lets see if this stays up.

PM me live cell guys and microbiologists.

Btw, she means self vaccinate as urine therapy as a homeopathic.  Like treating like as in canceling it out.

For aggutinen aka smaller blood clots, we use the Arthur Andrew Medical Serrapeptase, which eats up the excess fibrin in the blood, as well as decrease inflammation, eats up scar tissue, etc...

And also Cassia essential oil for it's high coumarin content aka "Nature's Coumadin".


Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Taking the flu shot can bring false positives

Taking the flu shot can bring false positives

interesting timing... study done on the trivalent flu vaccine. Note the months indicated!po=1.51515

And the Chinese were mandated to take these flu shots in December too.  No coincidences.


Prayers To End The Coronavirus

I agree also in prayer, and when we pray for our food, we're going to add to the prayers of blessing for Our Father to end the coronavirus.  And yes, about the children praying!

Lou Comunale‎ to News2morrow
8 hrs

This is from the Texas Apostolic Prayer Network to give you HOPE! 

Here is a dream that Will Ford’s son had regarding the coronavirus

Every day in our family prayer times, both of my young boys (ages 5 and  7) pray for the coronavirus crisis to end.  Lately, they have taken  their own initiative to pray for this.  Even after they bless their  food, they’ll pray, “…bless our food, and destroy the coronavirus, in  Jesus name, Amen.”  For a few weeks, my response was, “That’s cute.” But  now, I’m starting to believe that God wants to raise up an army of  children prayer warriors in the midst of this crisis.

Today  while I was teaching my online class, I overheard my 7-year-old son tell  my wife, “Mom, I believe the coronavirus is gonna end on April 30th.”   Dehavilland said, “That would be amazing, sweetheart.  What made you  think of that date?  Benjamin said, “God told me.”  When I finished the  class, my wife and I asked him to explain how he heard this from the  Lord.

Benjamin then said, “Well, God gave me a dream last night.  In the dream, I saw this huge green plant which had a crown on its head,  and it was squeezing the world. The more it squeezed the world, the  more hands or tentacles it grew.  Out of nowhere, a lion that had the  body of a lamb appeared, and it destroyed the plant and ripped it to  pieces.  Then a date appeared in my dream: This will end April 30th.   And the dream ended.”

I was blown away.  First of all, my son  hasn’t heard any talk regarding a date linked the end of the  coronavirus.  Neither my wife nor I have spoken about an end date.   Also, my son didn’t know that corona means crown.  Though he didn’t know  this, Benjamin associated the crowned green plant that was choking the  world to be the coronavirus.  My son didn’t know what to make of the   half Lion and half Lamb that destroyed the plant, but I interpret it to  represent Jesus, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Who also is The Lamb of  God that passes over us, and cleanses us of our sins.  It was the blood  of the lamb that stopped Egypt’s plague against the Jews, and the blood  is warring for us now in ways we probably can’t imagine.

Now,  I’d love for this to mean that the coronavirus pandemic will suddenly  end on April 30th, but it could mean the beginning of the end of this  plague. Or, it could also mean that something significant will happen on  April 30th connected to the demonic, ivy-like tentacles of the  coronavirus.  All I know is I’m contending for my son’s dream to  manifest.  I’m fasting until April 30th and I’m praying this dream.

I shared this with a few friends, and their children are also having  dreams and visions, hearing from the Lord about this coronavirus coming  to an end. What if we all engaged our children to pray for an ending of  this pestilence?  Let’s deploy the younger generation to pray for an end  of the coronavirus crisis! I was recently told it was praying children  that fueled the revivals of the great awakenings. I believe God is using  His children as His secret weapon to not only pray against the  coronavirus, but to also pray in another great awakening.

“Oh  God, we agree with the prayers of our children; have mercy on us and  destroy this coronavirus!  Lord, our children have lost grandparents,  fathers, mothers, and other family members to this plague. They’ve been  separated from their friends and classmates whom they miss so much.  Father, we ask that you answer their cry for the ending of this plague.

And in the meantime, teach us all to become like little  children in the place of prayer. Take our children into a deeper place  of intimacy with You, Lord. Thank you for strengthening our families in  the midst of this crisis.  Surely, we and the children you have given  us, are for signs and wonders (Isaiah 8:18).  In Jesus name, Amen.”

Will Ford

POTUS Receives Prayer

Our president Donald Trump receives prayer.  I LOVE this!

This is one of the many reasons we love our POTUS!  There are things I disagree with, but we still support him.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Michael Chapala - April 15 at 1:15 PM ·

Michael Chapala helping targeted individuals...

Michael Chapala · 0:27 This is to destroy V2K.

Michael Chapala · 0:27 The actual treatment using the Giant Coil to eliminate Nano technology out of the body.

Alvin Estibar · 2:22 Hi there my friend... I just to ask on behalf of my fellow targeted individuals from the Philippines about what is the situation now of all the people who went and tried your service? Thank you

Michael Chapala · 0:00 Alvin Estibar Yes. You can ask them yourself. Their name is next to their link.

Alvin Estibar · 0:00 Michael Chapala OK thanks

Alvin Estibar · 0:00 Are they OK now?

Michael Chapala · 0:05 Here is a partial list of the people who had this treatment on Facebook Live with their interviews afterwards.
Kimm Rothrock -
Stephen Gwen -
Stephen Gwen 2 -
Mark Williams -
Darin Anton -
Shiree Johnson -

Kimm Rothrock · 0:00 I’m a few days out of his treatment. Feeling so much better! He is the real thing people!!!!!!


Monday, April 20, 2020

Healing from Heart Issues, Lyme and co-infections

Trish Munoz
10 hrs ·

People really have a way of disappointing you. There was this group of people that was going to help me get well. I won't say their name because I'm not like that. And they made all these promises and granted they did send me a box of stuff but they called me everyday and after 6 years of suffering and torture I thought I was going to get better. I was told that I had a whole team behind me. And then everyone abandoned and disappeared on me and just stopped talking to me. Because they were too busy. To help someone who is dying. I was really hopeful for the first time in six years. Now I'm not and that's why I'm doing this fundraiser because I'm going to see this doctor that I've known since I was a kid unfortunately he's expensive but what he does works. If his treatments for Lyme and co-infections can help me I really don't want to die like this. That's why I made this fundraiser. And other expenses that I have such as traveling there and back.


White House Corona Virus Hot Mic

You know they got a different vaccine than the public they are hoaxing the plan

Very difficult to understand everything they're saying though.

County Order Threatens: They'll Call the Cops If You Try Shopping Withou...

More on the Montana forced bracelets...

The Daily Messenger: Montana County Demands People Wear Government-Issued Arm Bands To Do Business

The Daily Messenger: Montana County Demands People Wear Government-Issued Arm Bands To Do Business: MARK OF THE BEAST CONDITIONING In what might be one of the most over-the-top and draconian responses to coronavirus yet seen in Montana, Valley County is mandating that people wear government-issued pink arm bands in under to purchase products inside of stores. The measure, enforced by the Valley County Health Department, insists that store-owners keep customers out unless they have the pink arm-bands, which denote the customer has been in the area more than 14 days and submitted to quarantine protocol.



Make no mistake, this is MARK OF THE BEAST CONDITIONING to get people to comply for the real thing later. They can shove their ID2020, their bracelets, their vaccines, and their entire anti-christ system.



Best comment...

Walking Turtle  doesn't recommend Valley County Health Department.
3 hrs ·

BEST idea: Valley County Health Department can DISBAND. In BOTH senses of that word. DO IT NOW!!!!

Fact: Honest sensible Americans RECOGNIZE a COMMUNIST SLEEPER CELL when it activates on cue to do its intended harm to the Rest of Us. Look out, you neo-Bolshevik creep-um-ups - next thing you know, honest sensible LAWFUL Americans NEAR YOU shall revive AMERICAN COMMON LAW, which was NEVER nullified (let alone abolished) by the much-later adoption of the Uniform Commercial Code NOR the Code of Federal Regulations.

Your own State's Statutes came into being MUCH later than the Declaration and then that "pesky"(SIC!) Constitution. (Mere arithmetic, that.)

So did ALL your schooling FAIL you, ye VIPERS posing as "Public Servants"? Do you NOT hold our National Constitution and the Declaration of Independence that preceded it above all other rule-sets in YOUR lives? Have you NO sense of American History from which to draw in your daily lives? Were you all taught American History by COMMUNIST RED CHINESE NATIONALS in your school and college days?

Or did you ALL merely "OVERLOOK" it all...? Or did you "FORGET"?? Or were you all PAID TO FORGET??? (It's been gittin' uncovered a LOT, that last, you know, lately... Swamp IS DRAINING.)

Was it the Money? They ALWAYS LIE and say it's "not about the Money" and "there was NEVER ANY MONEY", every time that it really IS ALL about THAT, did you know THAT? So WHERE IS THE MONEY?

Reality: An American Common Law Grand Jury CAN and SHOULD git to the bottom of your repression's MOTIVATION that has now been both exhibited and denied by YOU ALL. At your ACL criminal TRIAL(S), EACH of you will be REQUIRED to SPEAK YOUR OWN CASE (any Hired Mouthpiece /de facto/ makes YOU the INCOMPETENT ONE(S) under ACL, did you know THAT?) and EXPLAIN on the PUBLIC RECORD why YOU decided to IGNORE ALL OUR RIGHTFUL LAWS and set YOURSELVES up as self-appointed and -anointed TYRANTS over all the Rest of Us. Threatening, Law-degrading FLYERS AND ALL.

Your LOCAL PEERS shall decide what YOU shall be CHARGED WITH, come any such ACL Criminal Trial, post-Indictment. For the sake of your Mental Comfort, let alone your souls' sakes, Yours Truly MIGHT wish to hope that the agreed-on charge is no degree of TREASON. But facts are facts, Law is Law and NO collective body of Agency Regulations *IS* truly LAW. (Are you all living in some manner of "Post-Truth" /bubble/ or something?)

Bet ya' don't know any part of the what, where nor why of all this. But you can still study the Constitution /yourselves/ to LEARN all that. Yours Truly is NOT your American History 101 Professor, FOOLS. You ALREADY have enough clues embedded within this little screed to go out and EDUCATE YOURSELVES ARIGHT before REAL LAWFUL TROUBLE for YOU ALL falls in your own collective laps.

Opinion: That sure was one shameful power grab you all did with those STINKING wristbands and LYING UNLAWFUL flyers. Only thing WORSE is how you all LIED to cover-up all your high-handed and arrogant mal-behaviors IN ALL OUR FACES NATIONWIDE.

Because it';s the /coverup/ that always GITSya' did you NOT know THAT at the very LEAST? Lawful Advice: MOVE to actually OWN YOUR FOUL DEEDS.

DISBAND FORTHWITH, ye pusillanimous overpaid brigands! And that is all. 0{>:-|o[


Don Skinner  doesn't recommend Valley County Health Department.
4 hrs ·

County Order Threatens: They'll Call the Cops If You Try Shopping Without a Wrist Band!


Matt Smith  doesn't recommend Valley County Health Department.
April 16 at 7:20 PM ·

Want to know how to improve? Read the Bill of Rights.


Guins Pen  doesn't recommend Valley County Health Department.
2 hrs ·

The VCHD should move to Red China. The sooner the better.


The Daily Messenger: Sooner Or Later, Americans Will Have To Choose Between Freedom & A Micro-Chipped Vaccine

The Daily Messenger: Sooner Or Later, Americans Will Have To Choose Between Freedom & A Micro-Chipped Vaccine: Authored by Robert Bridge via The Strategic Culture Foundation, Presently, billions of people around the world are ‘living’ under mandatory stay-at-home orders, purportedly to help stop the spread of the coronavirus. Aside from the question as to whether quarantine is the most effective method for fighting this particular pandemic, what exactly will be required from us before any semblance of normalcy returns?...


So is Trump going to stop this?  I've read that he pulled funding and stopped funding the WHO.

Gates is pissed.  Bwuahahaha!

Yeah Right!
Tough Titty, said the Kitty, but the milk's still good.



Sunday, April 19, 2020

Did she find the missing link for a Coronavirus treatment? Her brain flu...

Harvard Medical School:::
High-altitude pulmonary edema, which is the lungs' response to an increase in altitude, may occur with or without other symptoms of altitude illness. A low oxygen concentration can trigger blood vessels in the lungs to constrict (tighten), causing a higher pressure in the lung arteries. This causes fluid to leak from the blood vessels into the lungs. Symptoms of high-altitude pulmonary edema commonly appear at night and can worsen during exertion.

Symptoms of high-altitude pulmonary edema include:

Chest tightness or fullness
Extreme fatigue
Inability to catch your breath, even when resting
Blue or gray lips and fingernails
Coughing, which may produce pink frothy fluid
Fever (temperature is above normal but is less than 101° Fahrenheit)



The Daily Messenger: Taking time off of blog to look after family

The Daily Messenger: Taking time off of blog to look after family: Money is tight, as are the times...

Enjoy your time with the family.  Big buggles to all of you.  You all are in our prayers, as always.

Charlotte Figi, the girl who inspired a CBD movement, has died at age 13

How sad.  Our hearts go out to the family.  She inspired the CBD only movement.

Said she had COVID-19 symptoms, although not tested.  Since she had seizures, it was obviously vaccine damage from VACCINES!   We hope the parents had stopped vaccinating her, but no one knows for sure.  We certain have no idea.

This article says cardiac arrest...

R.I.P. Charlotte.  May you be comforted in the arms of Yeshua, and you are with Him now little angel.


Saturday, April 18, 2020

7 Children Die Instantly After Receiving Coronavirus Vaccine


Jason Christoff
Yesterday at 10:53 AM

Are there any benefits or upsides to the CV-19 vaccine that is coming.....

Honestly, I have no problem wearing a mask for protection.  but a BIG NO to ANY VACCINE

Corona Virus in Idaho / 04-18-2020 - Before 5 PM

Corona Virus in Idaho / 04-18-2020 - Before 5 PM

New stats are uploaded and changed after or around 5 PM

Wonder if any of these numbers are fudged with?  You know like false positives, and contaminated test kits, etc...

From: Ingri Cassel 
To: Digest recipients <>

It may not be as big as yesterday's protest with about 175 people
Kay and I made The Inlander 🙂

This is Ingri...

Personally, I think protesting like this does no good.  Since when did protesting with signs do anything?  Maybe it's just me.  Just like the protest with 5G, but they're going to do what they want to anyway, REGARDLESS of what we think or want.  Now the Vigilante Task Force Teams that are brave enough to burn or rip down the offending infrastructure thingys does more to put a dent in the offending things.



With vaccines looking like the inevitable outcome of the coronavirus hype. It looks likely that what will follow is mandatory vaccines, digital ID chip implants and many other assaults on our freedom to choose more or less anything.

Download links are now working...

Vaccine Get Out Clause for adults   Download

Vaccine Get Out Clause for a child  Download

EXCLUSIVE: Dr. Rashid Buttar BLASTS Gates, Fauci, EXPOSES Fake Pandemic ...

"TOOK TAXPAYER MONEY..." Uh huh.  What I've been saying about how paying taxes supports genocide.

God's law of "Thou shalt not murder" trumps man's law of mandatory taxation. Uh huh.

I wouldn't exactly call the virus fake, because some people are sick, but yet they are using this as an excuse to push Agenda 21-30, forced vaccines, etc...

And WE ARE anti-vaccine and anti-stupidity too, btw.

Friday, April 17, 2020


The enemies are being exposed and all their evil tactics.  Wow, it's that bad! This guy's video just blew our minds.  Never caught the brother's name, but we've subscribed to him. It's a very long video. We had no idea that it was this bad.  This just breaks our hearts to know this is happening. And especially to the Bride of Christ too. We are sad this is happening.

This is an extreme and gross violation of someone else's free will from the enemy.  Especially when no permission is given to do such things.  No one and/or no thing has the right to do this to another.  Especially when the recipients of these attacks belongs to Yeshua.  The Bride of Yeshua is being severely targeted.  This is the war against the saints. This gang stalking stuff is real.  This is how innocent people are being tripped up.

We pray to the Lord Our Father to break all their equipment, in Yeshua's name.

This is where the Body of Christ needs to get involved and instead of dissing one another and trying to prove one another wrong, they are to PRAY for one another.  The Body of Christ needs to pray against this fallen angel technology.  Stop fighting one another and get to praying for one another.  Your brothers and sisters are stumbling and suffering?  PRAY FOR THEM!  We HAVE to lift each other up in prayer.  Yeshua's people NEED PRAYERS OF PROTECTION ALWAYS.


Scott Hensler and Daniel Duvall have both addressed this too in their podcasts, videos, and teachings.

Psalm 10:2 King James Version (KJV)
2 The wicked in his pride doth persecute the poor: let them be taken in the devices that they have imagined.

We are SO waiting for Revelation 20:10 when the devil is finally thrown into the Lake of Fire.  Because all the people are so tired of this ongoing crap, especially against the Bride of Christ.

Revelation 20:10
“And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.”
King James Version (KJV)

Michael Chapala has the Giant Coil Treatment to disable these electronics that are in targeted individuals (TI's).  That will help with the physical electronics and receivers.
He has said that the coil will disable the electronic receivers, and plus eliminate Morgellons, etc..., and then of course, we are to pray and rebuke the devil and his evil spirits and all his evil spiritual powers.  This is how we fight off the technology as this guy is describing.  The receivers have to be disabled too.

From the Internet...

Examples of people going thru similar stuff.  Imagery too.  Imagery also has to be rejected, refused, said NO to, and REBUKED in Yeshua's name.

We've all been dealing with some of this. Electric shocks, unwanted thoughts & ruminations, etc... The people in the summits totally missed the spiritual warfare and the fallen angel technology. Their recommendations are valid, for the physical and chemical imbalances, but one has to cover ALL bases of this thing..  Remember LookOutFACharlie's recordings of so-called tinnitus?  You know, that high pitched screeching in the ears?  And he slows the recordings down and it's VOICES, from THIS evil technology.

I say it's PAST TIME for this to STOP in Yeshua's name.

A targeted individual (TI). Well, we've been praying for her ourselves.
Y'all can pray for her too please?

By violent force my hips and neck and other places have been thrown out of joint. I get it now. Virtual rape. VIOLATING PEOPLE AGAINST THEIR WILL. They WILL NOT WIN. You think I am insane?...

It's also why people are suffering with bad teeth too.

There are many others too.
