Prophecies, conspiracies, and endtimes stuff: Abortion ban in Idaho!: This is some of the best news I have heard in a while. Idaho Governor Brad Little signs a bill into law banning abortions after a fetal heartbeat is detected! Idaho governor signs bill banning abortions after fetal heartbeat detected (
We heard that on our local country music radio yesterday morning. Great news indeed!
Friday, April 30, 2021
Our Spiritual World: Fallen Angel attends Biden Speech to Congress
Our Spiritual World: Fallen Angel attends Biden Speech to Congress: It appears ONLY when Biden appears. There is also a small, dwarfish creature in the middle, lower row. Doing comparison measurements, it's ten feet tall. 10 feet tall...
I guess that means we need to pray even more intensely.
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Please consider also supporting this blog. We have no outside jobs, and we could use a little extra support for the time put into this. Thanks.
I guess that means we need to pray even more intensely.
Please support The Daily Messenger:
Our Spiritual World and Daily Messenger Paypal:
Our Paypal:
Please consider also supporting this blog. We have no outside jobs, and we could use a little extra support for the time put into this. Thanks.
Thursday, April 29, 2021
Dear Mr. Trump....
Dear Mr. Trump....
By Anna Von Reitz 4-27-21
We read your announcement saying that "refusing vaccination" in the current situation was "deranged pseudo-science".
Perhaps you would care to explain how injecting monkey fetal cells, cells culled from long-dead human baby tissue cultures, human lung cancer cells, and bits and pieces of the HIV virus, all mashed up and macerated together, and then killed using industrial organic solvents and injected into anyone's arm is "science" of any kind? Ever?...
Where is the Donald Trump of 2014 who tweeted “Healthy young child goes to doctor, gets pumped with massive shot of many vaccines, doesn’t feel good and changes – AUTISM. Many such cases!”
Where did that guy go?
It is not a VACCINE but a Luciferian DNA download
Please consider supporting this blog. We have no outside jobs, and we could use a little extra support for the time put into this. Thank you.
By Anna Von Reitz 4-27-21
We read your announcement saying that "refusing vaccination" in the current situation was "deranged pseudo-science".
Perhaps you would care to explain how injecting monkey fetal cells, cells culled from long-dead human baby tissue cultures, human lung cancer cells, and bits and pieces of the HIV virus, all mashed up and macerated together, and then killed using industrial organic solvents and injected into anyone's arm is "science" of any kind? Ever?...
![]() |
It is not a VACCINE but a Luciferian DNA download |
Where is the Donald Trump of 2014 who tweeted “Healthy young child goes to doctor, gets pumped with massive shot of many vaccines, doesn’t feel good and changes – AUTISM. Many such cases!”
Where did that guy go?
It is not a VACCINE but a Luciferian DNA download
Please consider supporting this blog. We have no outside jobs, and we could use a little extra support for the time put into this. Thank you.
MessiahMews Blogs: Serrapeptase and Protease Enzymes
MessiahMews Blogs: Serrapeptase and Protease Enzymes: Serrapeptase will also eat up excess proteins, as stated below in addition to the protease, I've been posting about. Known about these for YEARS now.
Now you all can just keep your heads up your rear ends and keep on ignoring me as usual, or get with the program and pay attention for ONCE and READ these SOLUTIONS that I have posted here for MANY YEARS already. Do you want to stay alive, protect yourself and get well? Or does everyone have a death wish? If you care about your life and others, then do read on please.
Some of the description snippets about this product below. Remember all this time what I've been saying about all this Cellulose in everything? And Tony Pantallereso has also been posting about in his posts, podcasts and videos?...
Candida Solutions™: Cellulase, Hemicellulase, & Serrapeptase:
This product focuses on cellulose dissolution, although it may have capabilities to dismantle many kinds of substances.
Plant cell walls are made up of cellulose and hemicellulose, as they may be the main components of the “glue” that holds it, and its biofilms together. The inner nucleus is made up of protein. They have a single cell that grows into a “root”, like a tooth, and allows it to stand up and stay in place, although it creates enzymes that degrade the tissue to do so. It uses this root to also feed as plant roots do! This root is called hyphae and it may puncture tissues and linings, which is how we get “leaky gut” and “leaky brain”.
Plant cell cellulose may be dismantled by the enzymes because they are designed by Mother Nature to do just that.
And Cellulose and Cellulase are TWO different things, although they sound similar. It ends is "ase", then it means Enzymes!
Right now, we've been taking the Arthur Andrew Medical brand of serrapeptase called Serratia. We empty it out of the celluose capsule and put in a gelatin capsule. We get the size 0 empty capsules from PureBulk. But we are going to be trying this one too.
And also remember what I've posted about the Protease too?!...
I've known about this for some times. Years, in fact. See: Proteases and Viruses (PDF) for info
Note: The above article is from archived site, so that company's products have more than likely changed (for the worst), and discontinued. Nature's Sunshine has a good clean protease proteolytic enzyme.
Also available from their official website:
And Dr. William Wong's article Fighting Viruses and Winning.
Those proteolytic enzymes do a number on the all-important exterior protein coating of the virus. They eat it! Remember the virus is active as long as it's coating is in tact. What happens when a virus cannot complete an Isoprin bond? Well, simply it becomes inert - harmless!
Protease eats up the protein covering (a virus's armor), thereby taking down the virus's defense.
Are y'all getting this yet?! Do you understand what this means? Maybe a way out of some of this hell?! Especially RIGHT NOW?!
See: Jumpers and how to protect
Please consider supporting this blog. We have no outside jobs, and we could use a little extra support for the time put into this. Thank you.
Now you all can just keep your heads up your rear ends and keep on ignoring me as usual, or get with the program and pay attention for ONCE and READ these SOLUTIONS that I have posted here for MANY YEARS already. Do you want to stay alive, protect yourself and get well? Or does everyone have a death wish? If you care about your life and others, then do read on please.
Some of the description snippets about this product below. Remember all this time what I've been saying about all this Cellulose in everything? And Tony Pantallereso has also been posting about in his posts, podcasts and videos?...
Candida Solutions™: Cellulase, Hemicellulase, & Serrapeptase:
This product focuses on cellulose dissolution, although it may have capabilities to dismantle many kinds of substances.
Plant cell walls are made up of cellulose and hemicellulose, as they may be the main components of the “glue” that holds it, and its biofilms together. The inner nucleus is made up of protein. They have a single cell that grows into a “root”, like a tooth, and allows it to stand up and stay in place, although it creates enzymes that degrade the tissue to do so. It uses this root to also feed as plant roots do! This root is called hyphae and it may puncture tissues and linings, which is how we get “leaky gut” and “leaky brain”.
Plant cell cellulose may be dismantled by the enzymes because they are designed by Mother Nature to do just that.
And Cellulose and Cellulase are TWO different things, although they sound similar. It ends is "ase", then it means Enzymes!
Right now, we've been taking the Arthur Andrew Medical brand of serrapeptase called Serratia. We empty it out of the celluose capsule and put in a gelatin capsule. We get the size 0 empty capsules from PureBulk. But we are going to be trying this one too.
And also remember what I've posted about the Protease too?!...
I've known about this for some times. Years, in fact. See: Proteases and Viruses (PDF) for info
Note: The above article is from archived site, so that company's products have more than likely changed (for the worst), and discontinued. Nature's Sunshine has a good clean protease proteolytic enzyme.
Also available from their official website:
And Dr. William Wong's article Fighting Viruses and Winning.
Those proteolytic enzymes do a number on the all-important exterior protein coating of the virus. They eat it! Remember the virus is active as long as it's coating is in tact. What happens when a virus cannot complete an Isoprin bond? Well, simply it becomes inert - harmless!
Protease eats up the protein covering (a virus's armor), thereby taking down the virus's defense.
Are y'all getting this yet?! Do you understand what this means? Maybe a way out of some of this hell?! Especially RIGHT NOW?!
See: Jumpers and how to protect
Please consider supporting this blog. We have no outside jobs, and we could use a little extra support for the time put into this. Thank you.
Wednesday, April 28, 2021
Warning From Jim Stone Freelance...
But go ahead and keep on ignoring me like everyone always does, and the many others who are warning you all about this. It at your own peril, after all.
Download from original source
Download from my server
Here is what just this small portion of this Pfizer document is saying:
1. If a man who was not vaccinated touches a vaccinated woman, or breathes any of the air she breathes, (in other words, walks by her in the office) and he then has sex with his wife, his wife can have an adverse event and she should avoid having children.
2. If a woman who was never vaccinated gets exposed to a woman who was vaccinated, she can:
A: miscarry,
B: spontaneously abort,
C. poison a baby via her breast milk
D: Have babies that have congitive difficulties.
This is universal, and very bad. Here is a small section of text I translated to English: Occupational Exposure
"An occupational exposure occurs when a person receives unplanned direct contact with a vaccine test subject, which may or may not lead to the occurrence of an adverse event. These people may include health care providers, family members, and other people who are around the trial participant.
When such exposures happen, the investigator must report them to Pfizer saftey within 24 hours of becoming aware of when they happened, regardless of whether or not there is an associated secondary adverse event. This must be reported using the vaccine secondary adverse event report form. SINCE THE INFORMATION DOES NOT PERTAIN TO A PARTICIPANT INVOLVED IN THE STUDY, THE INFORMATION WILL BE KEPT SEPARATE FROM THE STUDY."
TO CLARIFY: Vaccine study participants become super spreaders of something, they don't say what it is, but it triggers secondary adverse events in people that never had the vax, when they are exposed to people who did have the vax.
THIS IS SO BAD that right here, in this little bit of quoted text, it warns that un-vaccinated men who have been exposed to a woman who was vaxxed will then pass whatever is in the vax to another woman.
Even the relatively small portion of the document I have put below here says the vax triggers spontaneous abortions and reproductive problems when un-vaccinated people are exposed to the vaccinated and that breast milk from a vaccinated mom can harm the infant. And if anyone does not believe it, then click the link above and wade through that enormous and intentionally confusing document. It's for real folks, the vax is indeed the kill shot.
Do not permit the vaccinated to come anywhere near you, it is now official.
Here is a small portion of this huge document, straight from pfizer:
Study intervention - A vaccine test subject.
AE - Adverse event in someone who got the vax.
SAE: An adverse event in someone who was exposed to someone who got the vax.
EDP: Exposure during pregnancy
8.3.5. Exposure During Pregnancy or Breastfeeding, and Occupational Exposure Exposure to the study intervention under study during pregnancy or breastfeeding and occupational exposure are reportable to Pfizer Safety within 24 hours of investigator awareness. Exposure During Pregnancy An EDP occurs if:
* A female participant is found to be pregnant while receiving or after discontinuing study intervention.
* A male participant who is receiving or has discontinued study intervention exposes a female partner prior to or around the time of conception.
* A female is found to be pregnant while being exposed or having been exposed to study intervention due to environmental exposure. Below are examples of environmental exposure during pregnancy:
* A female family member or healthcare provider reports that she is pregnant after having been exposed to the study intervention by inhalation or skin contact.
* A male family member or healthcare provider who has been exposed to the study intervention by inhalation or skin contact then exposes his female partner prior to or around the time of conception.
If this vax is not shedding into other people, why would contact between vaccinated and un-vaccinated be an event worth noting? If this vax is not shedding, then WHY does a guy who has been around a vaccinated woman, even if he did not touch her or have sex, need to worry about getting a different woman pregnant?
That's not all, the following is detailed, and far worse.
The investigator must report EDP to Pfizer Safety within 24 hours of the investigator's awareness, irrespective of whether an SAE has occurred. The initial information submitted should include the anticipated date of delivery (see below for information related to termination of pregnancy).
* If EDP occurs in a participant or a participant's partner, the investigator must report this information to Pfizer Safety on the Vaccine SAE Report Form and an EDP Supplemental Form, regardless of whether an SAE has occurred. Details of the pregnancy will be collected after the start of study intervention and until 6 months after the last dose of study intervention.
* If EDP occurs in the setting of environmental exposure, the investigator must report information to Pfizer Safety using the Vaccine SAE Report Form and EDP Supplemental Form. Since the exposure information does not pertain to the participant enrolled in the study, the information is not recorded on a CRF; however, a copy of the completed Vaccine SAE Report Form is maintained in the investigator site file. Follow-up is conducted to obtain general information on the pregnancy and its outcome for all EDP reports with an unknown outcome. The investigator will follow the pregnancy until completion (or until pregnancy termination) and notify Pfizer Safety of the outcome as a follow-up to the initial EDP Supplemental Form. In the case of a live birth, the structural integrity of the neonate can be assessed at the time of birth. In the event of a termination, the reason(s) for termination should be specified and, if clinically possible, the structural integrity of the terminated fetus should be assessed by gross visual inspection (unless preprocedure test findings are conclusive for a congenital anomaly and the findings are reported). Abnormal pregnancy outcomes are considered SAEs. If the outcome of the pregnancy meets the criteria for an SAE (ie, ectopic pregnancy, spontaneous abortion, intrauterine fetal demise, neonatal death, or congenital anomaly), the investigator should follow the procedures for reporting SAEs. Additional information about pregnancy outcomes that are reported to Pfizer Safety as SAEs follows:
* Spontaneous abortion including miscarriage and missed abortion;
* Neonatal deaths that occur within 1 month of birth should be reported, without regard to causality, as SAEs. In addition, infant deaths after 1 month should be reported as SAEs when the investigator assesses the infant death as related or possibly related to exposure to the study intervention. Additional information regarding the EDP may be requested by the sponsor. Further follow-up of birth outcomes will be handled on a case-by-case basis (eg, follow-up on preterm infants to identify developmental delays). In the case of paternal exposure, the investigator will provide the participant with the Pregnant Partner Release of Information Form to deliver to his partner. The investigator must document in the source documents that the participant was given the Pregnant Partner Release of Information Form to provide to his partner. Exposure During Breastfeeding An exposure during breastfeeding occurs if:
* A female participant is found to be breastfeeding while receiving or after discontinuing study intervention.
* A female is found to be breastfeeding while being exposed or having been exposed to study intervention (ie, environmental exposure). An example of environmental exposure during breastfeeding is a female family member or healthcare provider who reports that she is breastfeeding after having been exposed to the study intervention by inhalation or skin contact. The investigator must report exposure during breastfeeding to Pfizer Safety within 24 hours of the investigator's awareness, irrespective of whether an SAE has occurred. The information must be reported using the Vaccine SAE Report Form. When exposure during breastfeeding occurs in the setting of environmental exposure, the exposure information does not pertain to the participant enrolled in the study, so the information is not recorded on a CRF. However, a copy of the completed Vaccine SAE Report Form is maintained in the investigator site file. An exposure during breastfeeding report is not created when a Pfizer drug specifically approved for use in breastfeeding women (eg, vitamins) is administered in accord with authorized use. However, if the infant experiences an SAE associated with such a drug, the SAE is reported together with the exposure during breastfeeding.
Here's the clear part of this, that everyone can understand: Occupational Exposure An occupational exposure occurs when a person receives unplanned direct contact with the study intervention, which may or may not lead to the occurrence of an AE. Such persons may include healthcare providers, family members, and other roles that are involved in the trial participant's care. The investigator must report occupational exposure to Pfizer Safety within 24 hours of the investigator's awareness, regardless of whether there is an associated SAE. The information must be reported using the Vaccine SAE Report Form. Since the information does not pertain to a participant enrolled in the study, the information is not recorded on a CRF; however, a copy of the completed Vaccine SAE Report Form is maintained in the investigator site file.
An occupational exposure occurs when a person receives unplanned direct contact with a vaccine test subject, which may or may not lead to the occurrence of an adverse event. These people may include health care providers, family members, and other people who are around the trial participant.
When such exposures happen, the investigator must report them to Pfizer saftey within 24 hours of becoming aware of when they happened, regardless of whether or not there is an associated secondary adverse event. This must be reported using the vaccine secondary adverse event report form. SINCE THE INFORMATION DOES NOT PERTAIN TO A PARTICIPANT INVOLVED IN THE STUDY, THE INFORMATION WILL BE KEPT SEPARATE FROM THE STUDY.
My comment: This is why we have green screen Biden. They are ALL green screen now, we just caught Biden. They are green screen and working from sets because they have opened pandora's box and intend to hide out until everything is finished. This is why many people are claiming the white house is empty and that they are working from a set ad are not actually there. Because they are not there. If they do ever go on camera, they are not where they say they are.
India is having their disaster happen now because they started with the vaxxes first, and have more people vaxxed than any other country.
Our Paypal:
Please consider also supporting this blog. We have no outside jobs, and we could use a little extra support for the time put into this. Thanks.
But go ahead and keep on ignoring me like everyone always does, and the many others who are warning you all about this. It at your own peril, after all.
Download from original source
Download from my server
Here is what just this small portion of this Pfizer document is saying:
1. If a man who was not vaccinated touches a vaccinated woman, or breathes any of the air she breathes, (in other words, walks by her in the office) and he then has sex with his wife, his wife can have an adverse event and she should avoid having children.
2. If a woman who was never vaccinated gets exposed to a woman who was vaccinated, she can:
A: miscarry,
B: spontaneously abort,
C. poison a baby via her breast milk
D: Have babies that have congitive difficulties.
This is universal, and very bad. Here is a small section of text I translated to English: Occupational Exposure
"An occupational exposure occurs when a person receives unplanned direct contact with a vaccine test subject, which may or may not lead to the occurrence of an adverse event. These people may include health care providers, family members, and other people who are around the trial participant.
When such exposures happen, the investigator must report them to Pfizer saftey within 24 hours of becoming aware of when they happened, regardless of whether or not there is an associated secondary adverse event. This must be reported using the vaccine secondary adverse event report form. SINCE THE INFORMATION DOES NOT PERTAIN TO A PARTICIPANT INVOLVED IN THE STUDY, THE INFORMATION WILL BE KEPT SEPARATE FROM THE STUDY."
TO CLARIFY: Vaccine study participants become super spreaders of something, they don't say what it is, but it triggers secondary adverse events in people that never had the vax, when they are exposed to people who did have the vax.
THIS IS SO BAD that right here, in this little bit of quoted text, it warns that un-vaccinated men who have been exposed to a woman who was vaxxed will then pass whatever is in the vax to another woman.
Even the relatively small portion of the document I have put below here says the vax triggers spontaneous abortions and reproductive problems when un-vaccinated people are exposed to the vaccinated and that breast milk from a vaccinated mom can harm the infant. And if anyone does not believe it, then click the link above and wade through that enormous and intentionally confusing document. It's for real folks, the vax is indeed the kill shot.
Do not permit the vaccinated to come anywhere near you, it is now official.
Here is a small portion of this huge document, straight from pfizer:
Study intervention - A vaccine test subject.
AE - Adverse event in someone who got the vax.
SAE: An adverse event in someone who was exposed to someone who got the vax.
EDP: Exposure during pregnancy
8.3.5. Exposure During Pregnancy or Breastfeeding, and Occupational Exposure Exposure to the study intervention under study during pregnancy or breastfeeding and occupational exposure are reportable to Pfizer Safety within 24 hours of investigator awareness. Exposure During Pregnancy An EDP occurs if:
* A female participant is found to be pregnant while receiving or after discontinuing study intervention.
* A male participant who is receiving or has discontinued study intervention exposes a female partner prior to or around the time of conception.
* A female is found to be pregnant while being exposed or having been exposed to study intervention due to environmental exposure. Below are examples of environmental exposure during pregnancy:
* A female family member or healthcare provider reports that she is pregnant after having been exposed to the study intervention by inhalation or skin contact.
* A male family member or healthcare provider who has been exposed to the study intervention by inhalation or skin contact then exposes his female partner prior to or around the time of conception.
If this vax is not shedding into other people, why would contact between vaccinated and un-vaccinated be an event worth noting? If this vax is not shedding, then WHY does a guy who has been around a vaccinated woman, even if he did not touch her or have sex, need to worry about getting a different woman pregnant?
That's not all, the following is detailed, and far worse.
The investigator must report EDP to Pfizer Safety within 24 hours of the investigator's awareness, irrespective of whether an SAE has occurred. The initial information submitted should include the anticipated date of delivery (see below for information related to termination of pregnancy).
* If EDP occurs in a participant or a participant's partner, the investigator must report this information to Pfizer Safety on the Vaccine SAE Report Form and an EDP Supplemental Form, regardless of whether an SAE has occurred. Details of the pregnancy will be collected after the start of study intervention and until 6 months after the last dose of study intervention.
* If EDP occurs in the setting of environmental exposure, the investigator must report information to Pfizer Safety using the Vaccine SAE Report Form and EDP Supplemental Form. Since the exposure information does not pertain to the participant enrolled in the study, the information is not recorded on a CRF; however, a copy of the completed Vaccine SAE Report Form is maintained in the investigator site file. Follow-up is conducted to obtain general information on the pregnancy and its outcome for all EDP reports with an unknown outcome. The investigator will follow the pregnancy until completion (or until pregnancy termination) and notify Pfizer Safety of the outcome as a follow-up to the initial EDP Supplemental Form. In the case of a live birth, the structural integrity of the neonate can be assessed at the time of birth. In the event of a termination, the reason(s) for termination should be specified and, if clinically possible, the structural integrity of the terminated fetus should be assessed by gross visual inspection (unless preprocedure test findings are conclusive for a congenital anomaly and the findings are reported). Abnormal pregnancy outcomes are considered SAEs. If the outcome of the pregnancy meets the criteria for an SAE (ie, ectopic pregnancy, spontaneous abortion, intrauterine fetal demise, neonatal death, or congenital anomaly), the investigator should follow the procedures for reporting SAEs. Additional information about pregnancy outcomes that are reported to Pfizer Safety as SAEs follows:
* Spontaneous abortion including miscarriage and missed abortion;
* Neonatal deaths that occur within 1 month of birth should be reported, without regard to causality, as SAEs. In addition, infant deaths after 1 month should be reported as SAEs when the investigator assesses the infant death as related or possibly related to exposure to the study intervention. Additional information regarding the EDP may be requested by the sponsor. Further follow-up of birth outcomes will be handled on a case-by-case basis (eg, follow-up on preterm infants to identify developmental delays). In the case of paternal exposure, the investigator will provide the participant with the Pregnant Partner Release of Information Form to deliver to his partner. The investigator must document in the source documents that the participant was given the Pregnant Partner Release of Information Form to provide to his partner. Exposure During Breastfeeding An exposure during breastfeeding occurs if:
* A female participant is found to be breastfeeding while receiving or after discontinuing study intervention.
* A female is found to be breastfeeding while being exposed or having been exposed to study intervention (ie, environmental exposure). An example of environmental exposure during breastfeeding is a female family member or healthcare provider who reports that she is breastfeeding after having been exposed to the study intervention by inhalation or skin contact. The investigator must report exposure during breastfeeding to Pfizer Safety within 24 hours of the investigator's awareness, irrespective of whether an SAE has occurred. The information must be reported using the Vaccine SAE Report Form. When exposure during breastfeeding occurs in the setting of environmental exposure, the exposure information does not pertain to the participant enrolled in the study, so the information is not recorded on a CRF. However, a copy of the completed Vaccine SAE Report Form is maintained in the investigator site file. An exposure during breastfeeding report is not created when a Pfizer drug specifically approved for use in breastfeeding women (eg, vitamins) is administered in accord with authorized use. However, if the infant experiences an SAE associated with such a drug, the SAE is reported together with the exposure during breastfeeding.
Here's the clear part of this, that everyone can understand: Occupational Exposure An occupational exposure occurs when a person receives unplanned direct contact with the study intervention, which may or may not lead to the occurrence of an AE. Such persons may include healthcare providers, family members, and other roles that are involved in the trial participant's care. The investigator must report occupational exposure to Pfizer Safety within 24 hours of the investigator's awareness, regardless of whether there is an associated SAE. The information must be reported using the Vaccine SAE Report Form. Since the information does not pertain to a participant enrolled in the study, the information is not recorded on a CRF; however, a copy of the completed Vaccine SAE Report Form is maintained in the investigator site file.
An occupational exposure occurs when a person receives unplanned direct contact with a vaccine test subject, which may or may not lead to the occurrence of an adverse event. These people may include health care providers, family members, and other people who are around the trial participant.
When such exposures happen, the investigator must report them to Pfizer saftey within 24 hours of becoming aware of when they happened, regardless of whether or not there is an associated secondary adverse event. This must be reported using the vaccine secondary adverse event report form. SINCE THE INFORMATION DOES NOT PERTAIN TO A PARTICIPANT INVOLVED IN THE STUDY, THE INFORMATION WILL BE KEPT SEPARATE FROM THE STUDY.
My comment: This is why we have green screen Biden. They are ALL green screen now, we just caught Biden. They are green screen and working from sets because they have opened pandora's box and intend to hide out until everything is finished. This is why many people are claiming the white house is empty and that they are working from a set ad are not actually there. Because they are not there. If they do ever go on camera, they are not where they say they are.
India is having their disaster happen now because they started with the vaxxes first, and have more people vaxxed than any other country.
Our Paypal:
Please consider also supporting this blog. We have no outside jobs, and we could use a little extra support for the time put into this. Thanks.
Tuesday, April 27, 2021
Jumpers and how to protect
From Tony Pantalleresco...
Jumpers and how to protect
using different means of surging a charge to disenagage any engineered nano genetic from hopping
I have mirrored it here.
This looks like a way out of this hell for the ones who are unvaxxed with this killer vaccine. ONLY the unvaxxed ones. When he or someone posts the links to where to buy these things, like the Vandergraf generator, wearable ionizer, copper bracelets, and capacitor, I will come back and add them here. We are wanting to either buy or make one of those anti-nano triangles, but this looks awesome.
I think this is the Van de Graaf Generator, but unsure. It looks the same, but dunno if the capacitor plate is included.
Ionizer (Amazon US):
Ionizer (Amazon Canada)
eBay portable ionizers:
US Portable Personal Air Purifier Wearable Negative Ionizer Air Cleaner Necklace
Portable Wearable Air Purifier Necklace Personal Negative Ion Generator Fresher
For those spiky protein coverings on this thing...
Protease enzyme is a great virus fighter. Those proteolytic enzymes do a number on the all-important exterior protein coating of the virus. They eat it! Remember the virus is active as long as it's coating is in tact. What happens when a virus cannot complete and Isoprin bond? Well, simply it becomes inert - harmless!
See: Protease (eats up the protein covering of viruses (bad exosomes) and eats up biofilm in addition to serrapeptase. We get it from Natures Sunshine. It is still clean and comes in gelatin capsules already.
Proteases and Viruses (PDF) for info and Dr. William Wong's article Fighting Viruses and Winning.
We do not have any answers on the prion part of these Vaccidents Shedding, as of yet.
NOTICE that he mentioned the words "EXOSOME OVERLOAD". What have we've been saying all this time about exosomes?! Ding ding ding ding?!
Parasitic exosome overload? IVERMECTIN!!
Our Paypal:
Please consider also supporting this blog. We have no outside jobs, and we could use a little extra support for the time put into this. Thanks.
Jumpers and how to protect
using different means of surging a charge to disenagage any engineered nano genetic from hopping
I have mirrored it here.
This looks like a way out of this hell for the ones who are unvaxxed with this killer vaccine. ONLY the unvaxxed ones. When he or someone posts the links to where to buy these things, like the Vandergraf generator, wearable ionizer, copper bracelets, and capacitor, I will come back and add them here. We are wanting to either buy or make one of those anti-nano triangles, but this looks awesome.
I think this is the Van de Graaf Generator, but unsure. It looks the same, but dunno if the capacitor plate is included.
Ionizer (Amazon US):
Ionizer (Amazon Canada)
eBay portable ionizers:
US Portable Personal Air Purifier Wearable Negative Ionizer Air Cleaner Necklace
Portable Wearable Air Purifier Necklace Personal Negative Ion Generator Fresher
For those spiky protein coverings on this thing...
Protease enzyme is a great virus fighter. Those proteolytic enzymes do a number on the all-important exterior protein coating of the virus. They eat it! Remember the virus is active as long as it's coating is in tact. What happens when a virus cannot complete and Isoprin bond? Well, simply it becomes inert - harmless!
See: Protease (eats up the protein covering of viruses (bad exosomes) and eats up biofilm in addition to serrapeptase. We get it from Natures Sunshine. It is still clean and comes in gelatin capsules already.
Proteases and Viruses (PDF) for info and Dr. William Wong's article Fighting Viruses and Winning.
We do not have any answers on the prion part of these Vaccidents Shedding, as of yet.
NOTICE that he mentioned the words "EXOSOME OVERLOAD". What have we've been saying all this time about exosomes?! Ding ding ding ding?!
Parasitic exosome overload? IVERMECTIN!!
Our Paypal:
Please consider also supporting this blog. We have no outside jobs, and we could use a little extra support for the time put into this. Thanks.
Our Spiritual World: Where is the hope and what's to be done?
Our Spiritual World: Where is the hope and what's to be done?: Where is the hope and what's to be done? Don Bradley A year ago, we were given a sign, regarding the coronavirus, from On High. A great blessing indeed for those who are able to understand. ...
Most of the year, I have spent in tears too. Actually since 2008, I have been. Hubby has been sad too.
Every night before going to bed, we both are praying together. And in between talking about this or that. And adding others to prayers who need them too. We pray together, but also by ourselves like when I'm downstairs doing something alone.
Have also made affirmations of our faith in Yeshua, by mouth confession, and also to each other here.
I battle daily. and as a TI it is difficult, this daily battle, but I continue on, because battle, we must in these last days.. I know I never ever gave anyone or anything permission to violate my free will with unwanted intrusions of any kind. So it's a daily battle here. I have done what I can to make as many things right as I can. I openly said in prayer that I forgive all others no matter what was said or done, ask for forgiveness and help and go on. We are commanded to love one another and do good, and try to do the best by everyone that I can. We pray for the unsaved that they will be saved, and that all will come to know Yeshua and accept His work on the Cross that He did for all of us. The BEST gift ever and is FREE to all.
Regarding our teeth... We both need help with our teeth, but we are NOT going to go to the dentist. Besides we do not have that kind of money. Every dollar goes for bills, groceries, and any other emergencies. And we are having more than our fair share of emergencies it seems. I've been told by dentists, including holistic ones, that my teeth aren't worth saving, so I won't even bother. No amount of minerals, nutrition, cod liver oil, monosodium phosphate helps anymore. I do not have the flow to go to my teeth. There is some kind of blockages that is not allowing the minerals to our teeth. The nutrition seems to go to my hair, muscles and skin. But the calciums, phosphorus, etc... isn't getting to the desired destination. The nerve flow, energy flow and blood flow just isn't getting there to the teeth. The nanotech from the years of chemtrails blocks it. All I've ever wanted was a beautiful smile, and I have never had it. But I'm going to keep taking the minerals and nutrition, because they are great and good for us overall. I just happened to get birth bumped into a body that is a lemon. Us older ones in my family have had the most difficulty. The younger ones in my family has always fared better. They have the better bodies, looks, teeth and overall energy and strength. But we each do have our own weaknesses or quirks.
A lot of folks had great hope that Trump would be in office for 4 more years, and that we would have those technologies like the med beds. But it appears that it's not going to happen. But even while in office, he ended up trusting the wrong people, and warp speeded the killer vaccine instead. Plus he tweeted he wanted 5G and even 6G. So we are disappointed in him, for those two things. But he did do some good things though. Maybe AFTER the tribulation, we'll have the technologies to help all those and whoever is left remaining. Loren Zanier has a thing called BioUltraGen, but that isn't widely known, and no one seems to know where he is, or I would be contacting him to use that device. It rates right up there with the technologies that many people speak of.
Regarding our teeth, we just pray to Our Holy Father and Yeshua that He will release or switch on whatever it is, to allow us all to grow a third set. Sharks can regrow teeth all day long, so why can't mankind? So we just pray for equal tooth rights. Some people have grown extra teeth, here and there. So it's possible.
Most of us and all the people I love and personally know just want to live their lives in peace & love, and be able to provide for and love their families without interference. That's all any of us ever wanted and all other decent people we know. I see it all over GAB and other sites where people all want the same thing. We want our children, families, loved one, friends, pets, etc... to be safe from harm, and our families to flourish and live life in heavenly peace. And be loved. I think all of these are reasonable requests. It's what we ALL want and long for.
So we are just going to keep seeking Him, praying, repenting, doing right by others and even ourselves, loving one another and doing good, as commanded, and hope for the best. And doing that by standing with Yeshua, and the entire Yeshua team (Father, Son and Holy Spirit/Holy Ghost), whom I lovingly call Them the "Winning Team of Yeshua". Winning team also consists of His Heavenly Host, and Earth Team (us), the Bride of Christ/The Elect. And we openly state that Yeshua is Lord!! Yeshua is Our King and Christ and Yeshua is the True King of Earth. It's also hand written on the box that my laptop computer sits on, so that I can see it everyday. I also have scriptures taped on windows and mirrors, and I have this picture printed out and taped it above the bed. I also sleep with the Bible in the bed beside us.
And even in the midst of all of this sadness and stuff going on here on Earth, we still see the daily blessings, and we do give thanks for all things, no matter how small.
1 Thessalonians 5:18 King James Version
18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
I battle daily, but yet I love and give love. We both do here.
Please support The Daily Messenger:
Our Spiritual World and Daily Messenger Paypal:
Our Paypal:
Please consider also supporting this blog. We have no outside jobs, and we could use a little extra support for the time put into this. Thanks.
Most of the year, I have spent in tears too. Actually since 2008, I have been. Hubby has been sad too.
Every night before going to bed, we both are praying together. And in between talking about this or that. And adding others to prayers who need them too. We pray together, but also by ourselves like when I'm downstairs doing something alone.
Have also made affirmations of our faith in Yeshua, by mouth confession, and also to each other here.
I battle daily. and as a TI it is difficult, this daily battle, but I continue on, because battle, we must in these last days.. I know I never ever gave anyone or anything permission to violate my free will with unwanted intrusions of any kind. So it's a daily battle here. I have done what I can to make as many things right as I can. I openly said in prayer that I forgive all others no matter what was said or done, ask for forgiveness and help and go on. We are commanded to love one another and do good, and try to do the best by everyone that I can. We pray for the unsaved that they will be saved, and that all will come to know Yeshua and accept His work on the Cross that He did for all of us. The BEST gift ever and is FREE to all.
Regarding our teeth... We both need help with our teeth, but we are NOT going to go to the dentist. Besides we do not have that kind of money. Every dollar goes for bills, groceries, and any other emergencies. And we are having more than our fair share of emergencies it seems. I've been told by dentists, including holistic ones, that my teeth aren't worth saving, so I won't even bother. No amount of minerals, nutrition, cod liver oil, monosodium phosphate helps anymore. I do not have the flow to go to my teeth. There is some kind of blockages that is not allowing the minerals to our teeth. The nutrition seems to go to my hair, muscles and skin. But the calciums, phosphorus, etc... isn't getting to the desired destination. The nerve flow, energy flow and blood flow just isn't getting there to the teeth. The nanotech from the years of chemtrails blocks it. All I've ever wanted was a beautiful smile, and I have never had it. But I'm going to keep taking the minerals and nutrition, because they are great and good for us overall. I just happened to get birth bumped into a body that is a lemon. Us older ones in my family have had the most difficulty. The younger ones in my family has always fared better. They have the better bodies, looks, teeth and overall energy and strength. But we each do have our own weaknesses or quirks.
A lot of folks had great hope that Trump would be in office for 4 more years, and that we would have those technologies like the med beds. But it appears that it's not going to happen. But even while in office, he ended up trusting the wrong people, and warp speeded the killer vaccine instead. Plus he tweeted he wanted 5G and even 6G. So we are disappointed in him, for those two things. But he did do some good things though. Maybe AFTER the tribulation, we'll have the technologies to help all those and whoever is left remaining. Loren Zanier has a thing called BioUltraGen, but that isn't widely known, and no one seems to know where he is, or I would be contacting him to use that device. It rates right up there with the technologies that many people speak of.
Regarding our teeth, we just pray to Our Holy Father and Yeshua that He will release or switch on whatever it is, to allow us all to grow a third set. Sharks can regrow teeth all day long, so why can't mankind? So we just pray for equal tooth rights. Some people have grown extra teeth, here and there. So it's possible.
Most of us and all the people I love and personally know just want to live their lives in peace & love, and be able to provide for and love their families without interference. That's all any of us ever wanted and all other decent people we know. I see it all over GAB and other sites where people all want the same thing. We want our children, families, loved one, friends, pets, etc... to be safe from harm, and our families to flourish and live life in heavenly peace. And be loved. I think all of these are reasonable requests. It's what we ALL want and long for.
So we are just going to keep seeking Him, praying, repenting, doing right by others and even ourselves, loving one another and doing good, as commanded, and hope for the best. And doing that by standing with Yeshua, and the entire Yeshua team (Father, Son and Holy Spirit/Holy Ghost), whom I lovingly call Them the "Winning Team of Yeshua". Winning team also consists of His Heavenly Host, and Earth Team (us), the Bride of Christ/The Elect. And we openly state that Yeshua is Lord!! Yeshua is Our King and Christ and Yeshua is the True King of Earth. It's also hand written on the box that my laptop computer sits on, so that I can see it everyday. I also have scriptures taped on windows and mirrors, and I have this picture printed out and taped it above the bed. I also sleep with the Bible in the bed beside us.
![]() |
Our Lord & Savior, Our King and Christ, the True King of Earth |
And even in the midst of all of this sadness and stuff going on here on Earth, we still see the daily blessings, and we do give thanks for all things, no matter how small.
1 Thessalonians 5:18 King James Version
18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
I battle daily, but yet I love and give love. We both do here.
Please support The Daily Messenger:
Our Spiritual World and Daily Messenger Paypal:
Our Paypal:
Please consider also supporting this blog. We have no outside jobs, and we could use a little extra support for the time put into this. Thanks.
Thank you! Giving Thanks To Our Supporters and Other Current Things
I want to take a moment to THANK the four wonderful people who have donated to us and this blog in the last couple of months.
Two guys, and two gals. Thank you so much guys!
We do not have a "fun budget". All monies goes towards bills, groceries and emergencies, which we are having more than our fair share of lately.
Here's what we are looking at...
Hub's SUV dashboard light thingy went out. He partially fixed it because a brand new one would be $500 and whatever else for labor. We are always guessing on the gas guage, and the speed limit thingy, because that part hasn't been fixed. He's watching youtube do-it-yourself videos to figure it out. He did get the light working again. So he just fills up the tank every time he goes out.
In a year's time, I had a tooth that just dissolved from the inside out and eventually cracked and broke off. I was wanting to save to fix that, but now with the CONvid vax shedding the crap that it is, it is UNLIKELY that I will ever get it fixed, because dental workers are getting the vax too. So that is a NO. I am at a loss on what to do about that.
We may have to move in with others before it's all over with. Someone locally, who also needs help. Might be a win-win for us all.
Was wanting to get another NCR session so that the nasal passage can be unblocked and I can breathe through the nose easier, but that's also a NO, as it involves traveling and extra expense. Plus again, who all will be walking around there spewing out CONVID cooties on us. Hopefully, we can talk the local ABC guy into it. He's had the training, but won't do it for anyone outside his family. Hubby has offered him the same amount as we paid the naturopath in WA State minus the traveling and gas expense.
Also, I have tried to keep this blog as helpful and positive (most of the time), by researching and bringing solutions to today's nasty problems, plus sharing from other blogs what needs to be shared and known. But I keep on being ignored and not being given the credit for the work and research I've done. Been doing this for MANY years now. We can NOT get regular jobs due to age, and the fact that BOTH of us here, have the dissolving teeth problem and loss. Face it, We're both just sitting here getting old and ugly. My own hubby broke down crying one day at a VA appointment because of his teeth. And I've been birth bumped into a body that is a "lemon", like a bad car. I've spent more time doctoring myself and blogging and doing this and that, and never really having a life. I've fixed alot of stuff, thankfully, but the teeth problem can NOT be fixed. NO ONE that exists on Earth can fix these teeth. NO ONE. Every dentist I've ever went to, including holistic ones, just want to pull them all out, collapse my face and skull, and has said they are not worth saving. So the fact is that both of us are unable to smile at people, so that means no jobs, because who wants to hire people who won't smile at others. So we stay at home and do affiliate programs, etc... and offer the best stuff we can to others in order to help them. And sometimes angels appear and donate, as stated above. :) Sweet people iindeed!
Plus, we are NOT going to be getting any "med beds". Do you honestly think with the death spree the satanists have gone on with the killer vaccines, that they are going to allow technologies that will save our lives, regenerate our teeth, and other things? If Trump had gotten in, maybe we would have, but nope, not gonna happen. Trump did win the election, after all, but they stole it, and he trusted the wrong people, plus he "warp-speeded" the vaccine and wants to take credit for it. WHO, in their right mind would want to take credit for something that is killing thousands and maiming millions more? Like Andrew Torba said in his email newsletter, where is the REAL Trump? What happened to him?
Frankly, I'm tired of doing all this never ending work which is going NOWHERE while it is being largely ignored and NEVER being given credit for. I've done it, because I want to help mankind and it's a commandment from Our Father to "Love one another and do good". That's why I do it. And I feel good doing so. It IS rewarding. But I can't keep going on like this, while NO ONE CARES and are never listening nor reading all this DETAILED info I have put up all these years. I guess people have a death wish, because in spite of all the warnings that my hubby and I BOTH have put up about vaccines, two members of his family went and got the jab, and even bragging about it on social media.
If we can't be helped financially, then at least we'd like to have the credit for our work. Most of his stuff is on social media, and most of my stuff is here, and now on Bitchute and GAB, since I get more views on those. This blog is still being basically ignored.
However, BIG THANKS to the THREE people whom I know link to here quite regularly. You know who you are. Much love to you precious guys and gals.
Here's how you can help us...
We have partnered with (affiliate) PureBulk. They have PURE supplements without all the cellulose and other nano-crap.
Life Enthusiast: Some of their stuff I recommend and some I do not. I will make a complete list and then add it to this post what products are the best. Here are a few...
* Vollara Air & Surface Compact Air Purifiers with Hydroxyl Technology
* Fibro-Ease from Earth Friend Herb Co
* Cellerciser Rebounder
Fascia Blasters: These devices are wonderful to work over the body with. They break up the adhesions of the surface fascia under the skin and some of the extra subcutaneous fat is broken up and eliminated.
CandyLipz Lip Plumpers:
Someone from a group turned me on to those a while back. My daughter loves them, as she got her some too. I've always preferred doing the beauty stuff the ALL NATURAL WAY, after all. This one for the ladies, mostly.
Online Summit Events: All the banners on the sidebar are posted. I used to do daily posts and reminders with commentary, but it made no difference, so I just post the banners. I have learned quite a bit from them, and I kind of consider them my "professors", since I can't go to a natural medicine school.
Smart Meters Covers and other EMF Protection:
Protection from Cell Phone Radiation
BLUblox signature Sleep+ red lens is the world's most advanced blue and green light blocker. Blocking 100% of blue and green light from 400-550nm.
PROTECTIVE CLOTHING: Clothing to protect your body from EMF. Restocking Soon!
SMART METERS Tools to protect your home from both RF radiation and Dirty Electricity that smart meters can create.
Hemp Underwear from WAMA. Hemp helps protect against radiation and other environmental poisons.
Some resources posted here from this post...
Some of those are other people's links, but still very important and helpful for healing, etc...
All kinds of various tee shirts from the sidebar here. I'll list individually later on, but they are on the sidebar and easy to find.
Two guys, and two gals. Thank you so much guys!
We do not have a "fun budget". All monies goes towards bills, groceries and emergencies, which we are having more than our fair share of lately.
Here's what we are looking at...
Hub's SUV dashboard light thingy went out. He partially fixed it because a brand new one would be $500 and whatever else for labor. We are always guessing on the gas guage, and the speed limit thingy, because that part hasn't been fixed. He's watching youtube do-it-yourself videos to figure it out. He did get the light working again. So he just fills up the tank every time he goes out.
In a year's time, I had a tooth that just dissolved from the inside out and eventually cracked and broke off. I was wanting to save to fix that, but now with the CONvid vax shedding the crap that it is, it is UNLIKELY that I will ever get it fixed, because dental workers are getting the vax too. So that is a NO. I am at a loss on what to do about that.
We may have to move in with others before it's all over with. Someone locally, who also needs help. Might be a win-win for us all.
Was wanting to get another NCR session so that the nasal passage can be unblocked and I can breathe through the nose easier, but that's also a NO, as it involves traveling and extra expense. Plus again, who all will be walking around there spewing out CONVID cooties on us. Hopefully, we can talk the local ABC guy into it. He's had the training, but won't do it for anyone outside his family. Hubby has offered him the same amount as we paid the naturopath in WA State minus the traveling and gas expense.
Also, I have tried to keep this blog as helpful and positive (most of the time), by researching and bringing solutions to today's nasty problems, plus sharing from other blogs what needs to be shared and known. But I keep on being ignored and not being given the credit for the work and research I've done. Been doing this for MANY years now. We can NOT get regular jobs due to age, and the fact that BOTH of us here, have the dissolving teeth problem and loss. Face it, We're both just sitting here getting old and ugly. My own hubby broke down crying one day at a VA appointment because of his teeth. And I've been birth bumped into a body that is a "lemon", like a bad car. I've spent more time doctoring myself and blogging and doing this and that, and never really having a life. I've fixed alot of stuff, thankfully, but the teeth problem can NOT be fixed. NO ONE that exists on Earth can fix these teeth. NO ONE. Every dentist I've ever went to, including holistic ones, just want to pull them all out, collapse my face and skull, and has said they are not worth saving. So the fact is that both of us are unable to smile at people, so that means no jobs, because who wants to hire people who won't smile at others. So we stay at home and do affiliate programs, etc... and offer the best stuff we can to others in order to help them. And sometimes angels appear and donate, as stated above. :) Sweet people iindeed!
Plus, we are NOT going to be getting any "med beds". Do you honestly think with the death spree the satanists have gone on with the killer vaccines, that they are going to allow technologies that will save our lives, regenerate our teeth, and other things? If Trump had gotten in, maybe we would have, but nope, not gonna happen. Trump did win the election, after all, but they stole it, and he trusted the wrong people, plus he "warp-speeded" the vaccine and wants to take credit for it. WHO, in their right mind would want to take credit for something that is killing thousands and maiming millions more? Like Andrew Torba said in his email newsletter, where is the REAL Trump? What happened to him?
Frankly, I'm tired of doing all this never ending work which is going NOWHERE while it is being largely ignored and NEVER being given credit for. I've done it, because I want to help mankind and it's a commandment from Our Father to "Love one another and do good". That's why I do it. And I feel good doing so. It IS rewarding. But I can't keep going on like this, while NO ONE CARES and are never listening nor reading all this DETAILED info I have put up all these years. I guess people have a death wish, because in spite of all the warnings that my hubby and I BOTH have put up about vaccines, two members of his family went and got the jab, and even bragging about it on social media.
If we can't be helped financially, then at least we'd like to have the credit for our work. Most of his stuff is on social media, and most of my stuff is here, and now on Bitchute and GAB, since I get more views on those. This blog is still being basically ignored.
However, BIG THANKS to the THREE people whom I know link to here quite regularly. You know who you are. Much love to you precious guys and gals.
Here's how you can help us...
We have partnered with (affiliate) PureBulk. They have PURE supplements without all the cellulose and other nano-crap.
Life Enthusiast: Some of their stuff I recommend and some I do not. I will make a complete list and then add it to this post what products are the best. Here are a few...
* Vollara Air & Surface Compact Air Purifiers with Hydroxyl Technology
* Fibro-Ease from Earth Friend Herb Co
* Cellerciser Rebounder
Fascia Blasters: These devices are wonderful to work over the body with. They break up the adhesions of the surface fascia under the skin and some of the extra subcutaneous fat is broken up and eliminated.
CandyLipz Lip Plumpers:
Someone from a group turned me on to those a while back. My daughter loves them, as she got her some too. I've always preferred doing the beauty stuff the ALL NATURAL WAY, after all. This one for the ladies, mostly.
Online Summit Events: All the banners on the sidebar are posted. I used to do daily posts and reminders with commentary, but it made no difference, so I just post the banners. I have learned quite a bit from them, and I kind of consider them my "professors", since I can't go to a natural medicine school.
Smart Meters Covers and other EMF Protection:
Protection from Cell Phone Radiation
BLUblox signature Sleep+ red lens is the world's most advanced blue and green light blocker. Blocking 100% of blue and green light from 400-550nm.
PROTECTIVE CLOTHING: Clothing to protect your body from EMF. Restocking Soon!
SMART METERS Tools to protect your home from both RF radiation and Dirty Electricity that smart meters can create.
Hemp Underwear from WAMA. Hemp helps protect against radiation and other environmental poisons.
Some resources posted here from this post...
Some of those are other people's links, but still very important and helpful for healing, etc...
All kinds of various tee shirts from the sidebar here. I'll list individually later on, but they are on the sidebar and easy to find.
I have. Right here...
Please support The Daily Messenger:
Our Spiritual World and Daily Messenger Paypal:
Our Paypal:
Please consider also supporting this blog. We have no outside jobs, and we could use a little extra support for the time put into this. Thanks.

I have. Right here...
Please support The Daily Messenger:
Our Spiritual World and Daily Messenger Paypal:
Our Paypal:
Please consider also supporting this blog. We have no outside jobs, and we could use a little extra support for the time put into this. Thanks.
Monday, April 26, 2021
Triangle Anti Nano device - Our "Bermuda" Triangle 1 - EN
Comments from the manufacturer...
Aroy Mak
2 days ago
@Nicole Brook, there is nothing that can change the modification that this injection will cause to the genetic code of anyone who will receive it. The modifications will be permanent.
(This also includes much more elements and aspects, like for example, the ppl who get it, now can be considered property of the manufacture who has patented the material in the injection. The patent laws and rights, are very strong and specific and also overwrites even national laws. It is an aspect that is not discussed often but is extremely serious...)
The chances for a reaction of the body, are definitely higher than the possibilities of severe symptoms if was getting ill from the so-called pathogen that tries to be protected from.
Tony had mentioned last week in one of his shows, and in the interview with the nurse, some things we can do and also take to strengthen our DNA, for the ppl who may be in close proximity with those who have received the injection. And this is an important point because the "vaccinated" ones, will transmit the artificial created in their cells, genetically engineered, spike protein, and will transmit as if they were sick from it.
But for the person who will get the injection, unfortunately, there is nothing that we currently know to protect and prevent the genetic changes that will occur the hours, days, and weeks after the injection.
Pulsing with strong EMPS like for the anti nano tringle is recommended to disengage the nanoparticles that will be added, but as far as we currently know, It can not stop the mRNA.
It is really unwise to proceed with this experimental, UNAPPROVED from FDA, injection.
@ChildoftheKing777, it is a long but necessary process. There are more than one protocols that need to be utilized. Reduction or nano intake is important. EMP (electromagnetic pulses) as well are essential in order l to disengage the program of the nano.
Following are three links (which include more links) related to the nano detox. Maybe you have come across with them but if not I think will find them useful.
The fist is mine, the other two are from the Minds page of Bryan396
Also info about nano:
Antinano “Bermuda” Triangle € 367.00 – € 1,477.00
Antinano Bucket Simple –€ 187.00 – € 677.00
@Eric Leverett, yes 100% connected. Morgellons are created from the nano. There are synthetic biology. When you will address the nano, the morgellons also will be addressed.
It will be a long process, for total removal, since there have been decades of loads in our bodies, but relief will start from the first usages of these technology and the remedies to break the biofilm , flash them out from our cells and body and restore the health of our cells and DNA
Please consider supporting this blog. We have no outside jobs, and we could use a little extra support for the time put into this. Thank you. Thanks.
The Daily Messenger: What kind of a future do we have? II
The Daily Messenger: What kind of a future do we have? II: What kind of a future do we have? II Don Bradley In part I, it was discussed all things extant regards the whole vaccine/plague thing. Other than to emphasize that this is, as described historically and biblical, a PLAGUE. ...
And THIS!!...
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Please consider also supporting this blog. We have no outside jobs, and we could use a little extra support for the time put into this. Thanks.
And THIS!!...
Please support The Daily Messenger:
Our Spiritual World and Daily Messenger Paypal:
Our Paypal:
Please consider also supporting this blog. We have no outside jobs, and we could use a little extra support for the time put into this. Thanks.
Another Whoopsie...
From Jim Stone Freelance:
Public Health Act 2016 (WA) – Instrument of Authorisation – Authorisation to Supply or Administer a Poison [SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) VACCINE – Australian Defence Force] (No.2) 2021
Yeah, the bad guys are really showing their intentions and also messing up, so we can catch their "real intentions".
Public Health Act 2016 (WA) – Instrument of Authorisation – Authorisation to Supply or Administer a Poison [SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) VACCINE – Australian Defence Force] (No.2) 2021
Yeah, the bad guys are really showing their intentions and also messing up, so we can catch their "real intentions".
"They are running out of people who want to be euthanized"
[Jim Stone Freelance]:"They are running out of people who want to be euthanized"
"They are running out of people who want to be euthanized"
UPDATE: I got attacked so bad when trying to post this that I had to do a "pull the power cord" shut down and just hope this survived. It did. And it is stunningAaand I thought to myself, "Get that safe on the server QUICK
Served from here: News anchor freudian slips during a corona vax report that "They are running out of people who want to be euthanized".
This is bad folks, he said it straight and you can damn well bet he knows. Served from here because this won't survive where I found it, click to play, right click to save.
Please consider supporting this blog. We have no outside jobs, and we could use a little extra support for the time put into this. Thank you. Thanks.
[Jim Stone Freelance]:"They are running out of people who want to be euthanized"
"They are running out of people who want to be euthanized"
UPDATE: I got attacked so bad when trying to post this that I had to do a "pull the power cord" shut down and just hope this survived. It did. And it is stunningAaand I thought to myself, "Get that safe on the server QUICK
Served from here: News anchor freudian slips during a corona vax report that "They are running out of people who want to be euthanized".
This is bad folks, he said it straight and you can damn well bet he knows. Served from here because this won't survive where I found it, click to play, right click to save.
Please consider supporting this blog. We have no outside jobs, and we could use a little extra support for the time put into this. Thank you. Thanks.
Sunday, April 25, 2021
Tony Pantalleresco 2020/06/08 Read The Labels of the Products before you...
Tony Pantalleresco 2020/06/08 Read The Labels of the Products before your buy them
PureBulk was founded in 2008 by Timothy McNulty with a simple idea, that people can save money by buying what they want, not what they don't want.
Beauty Support Supplements - PureBulk, Inc.
PureBulk offers a variety of supplements to help support your beauty. Available in bulk quantities at affordable prices. Free domestic shipping on all orders over $49.00 in the US
PureBulk Supplements. 10% Discount via our Link
Discount Code will be automatically be applied if you choose to buy via the above link.
Antinano “Bermuda” Triangle € 367.00 – € 1,477.00
Antinano Bucket Simple –€ 187.00 – € 677.00
Please consider supporting this blog. We have no outside jobs, and we could use a little extra support for the time put into this. Thank you. Thanks.
The Daily Messenger: What kind of a future do we have?
The Daily Messenger: What kind of a future do we have?: What kind of a future do we have? Don Bradley Let's look at some facts, we now know to be incontrovertible. We know that the vaccine is no vaccine at all. It is a DNA remapper, the very companies and inventors that designed and made openly describe as a “rewriting human software.” They also call it, updating our software. Kind of tells us everything. ...
Please support The Daily Messenger:
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Please consider also supporting this blog. We have no outside jobs, and we could use a little extra support for the time put into this. Thanks.
Please support The Daily Messenger:
Our Spiritual World and Daily Messenger Paypal:
Our Paypal:
Please consider also supporting this blog. We have no outside jobs, and we could use a little extra support for the time put into this. Thanks.
Saturday, April 24, 2021
If you ever need blood for low blood count, etc... then consider the blood of plants called chlorophyll. Posted elsewhere on this blog. Available from any health food store.
Video also posted here:
Please consider supporting this blog. We have no outside jobs, and we could use a little extra support for the time put into this. Thank you.
If you ever need blood for low blood count, etc... then consider the blood of plants called chlorophyll. Posted elsewhere on this blog. Available from any health food store.
The chlorophyll molecule bears a striking resemblance to hemoglobin, the red pigment in human blood. The red blood pigment is a web of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen atoms grouped around a single atom of iron. Nature's green pigment is a similar web of the same atoms, except that its centerpiece is a single atom of magnesium.
Video also posted here:
Please consider supporting this blog. We have no outside jobs, and we could use a little extra support for the time put into this. Thank you.
To avoid wearing black nanoworm infested masks...
You have the right to not be forced participate in any activity that conflicts your religious beliefs.
Page 39, last paragraph, 2nd sentence #FDA admits #COVID19 has never been isolated:
Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available . . .
Although, I would be willing to wear a bandana to avoid those spiky protein prion cooties from vaccinated people. And shower ASAP as soon as getting in from errands, and throw all clothes into the washer.
Earlier Mask Exemption Form:
Please consider supporting this blog. We have no outside jobs, and we could use a little extra support for the time put into this. Thank you.
You have the right to not be forced participate in any activity that conflicts your religious beliefs.
Page 39, last paragraph, 2nd sentence #FDA admits #COVID19 has never been isolated:
Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available . . .
Although, I would be willing to wear a bandana to avoid those spiky protein prion cooties from vaccinated people. And shower ASAP as soon as getting in from errands, and throw all clothes into the washer.
Earlier Mask Exemption Form:
Please consider supporting this blog. We have no outside jobs, and we could use a little extra support for the time put into this. Thank you.
Friday, April 23, 2021
Warning about THE VAX Agenda:
Warning about THE VAX Agenda:
Please consider supporting this blog. We have no outside jobs, and we could use a little extra support for the time put into this. Thank you.
Please consider supporting this blog. We have no outside jobs, and we could use a little extra support for the time put into this. Thank you.
Vaccinated people are shedding something that is totally screwing up other family members. Un-vaccinated women are miscarrying, people are getting bruises everywhere, it is obvious the spike protein is sheddingand getting into people who were not vaccinated. The vaccine might be an extinction level event.
At least one variant of the Corona vax works for tattoo removal
Tattoos remain visible because the ink creates a constant immune reaction to them. And his body is now fighting something in the vax, and in it's boosted state went WAY overboard with it's immune reaction against the tattoos. We don't get videos of tattoos exploding from any sickness or any other vaccine, what's up with the corona vax???
Please consider supporting this blog. We have no outside jobs, and we could use a little extra support for the time put into this. Thank you.
Vaccinated people are shedding something that is totally screwing up other family members. Un-vaccinated women are miscarrying, people are getting bruises everywhere, it is obvious the spike protein is sheddingand getting into people who were not vaccinated. The vaccine might be an extinction level event.
At least one variant of the Corona vax works for tattoo removal
Tattoos remain visible because the ink creates a constant immune reaction to them. And his body is now fighting something in the vax, and in it's boosted state went WAY overboard with it's immune reaction against the tattoos. We don't get videos of tattoos exploding from any sickness or any other vaccine, what's up with the corona vax???
Please consider supporting this blog. We have no outside jobs, and we could use a little extra support for the time put into this. Thank you.
Gab Welcomes Pushback Against Experimental Vaccines
Gab News
Gab Welcomes Pushback Against Experimental Vaccines
I am not going to stop pushing back against this experimental covid vaccine. WE ARE HUMAN BEINGS NOT LAB RATS. I’ve seen far too many horror stories and this is too important.
The fact that Trump is pushing this vaccine and even proudly taking credit for it alongside the globalists is really disheartening, especially as someone who voted for him twice and faced down a mob of insane people for five years because of it.
Where is the Donald Trump of 2014 who tweeted “Healthy young child goes to doctor, gets pumped with massive shot of many vaccines, doesn’t feel good and changes – AUTISM. Many such cases!”
Where did that guy go?
If you log into Facebook, YouTube, Google, and Twitter today you will be bombarded with “GET THE VACCINE NOW” across every feed. You open up your email inbox or turn on the TV and it’s the same thing. It’s sickening. It’s the largest psychological conditioning operation in human history.
Being anti-experimental vaccine is not about being “anti-science.” It’s about being pro-humanity. It’s about religious liberty. It’s about free speech. This moment is exactly what Gab was built for.
If you can’t question the largest science experiment in history, if you can’t opt-out, if you can’t highlight all the problems with it, and if any medical professional who dares to question it is silenced then you are living in a state of global medical tyranny.
As I wrote earlier this month, the vaccine has become a religious ceremony and people have a right to not participate in it. I will not be peer pressured by government, globohomo corporations, celebrities, or even my friends and family to do anything; let alone inject a foreign substance into my body. Deal with it.
Gab will be the one place on the internet where it’s okay to say you’re not getting the vaccine and it’s okay to question it and it’s okay to talk about the horrific side effects that many people are experiencing.
Nothing and no one is going to change that.
Andrew Torba
Jesus is King
Please consider supporting this blog. We have no outside jobs, and we could use a little extra support for the time put into this. Thank you.
Gab Welcomes Pushback Against Experimental Vaccines
I am not going to stop pushing back against this experimental covid vaccine. WE ARE HUMAN BEINGS NOT LAB RATS. I’ve seen far too many horror stories and this is too important.
The fact that Trump is pushing this vaccine and even proudly taking credit for it alongside the globalists is really disheartening, especially as someone who voted for him twice and faced down a mob of insane people for five years because of it.
Where is the Donald Trump of 2014 who tweeted “Healthy young child goes to doctor, gets pumped with massive shot of many vaccines, doesn’t feel good and changes – AUTISM. Many such cases!”
Where did that guy go?
If you log into Facebook, YouTube, Google, and Twitter today you will be bombarded with “GET THE VACCINE NOW” across every feed. You open up your email inbox or turn on the TV and it’s the same thing. It’s sickening. It’s the largest psychological conditioning operation in human history.
Being anti-experimental vaccine is not about being “anti-science.” It’s about being pro-humanity. It’s about religious liberty. It’s about free speech. This moment is exactly what Gab was built for.
If you can’t question the largest science experiment in history, if you can’t opt-out, if you can’t highlight all the problems with it, and if any medical professional who dares to question it is silenced then you are living in a state of global medical tyranny.
As I wrote earlier this month, the vaccine has become a religious ceremony and people have a right to not participate in it. I will not be peer pressured by government, globohomo corporations, celebrities, or even my friends and family to do anything; let alone inject a foreign substance into my body. Deal with it.
Gab will be the one place on the internet where it’s okay to say you’re not getting the vaccine and it’s okay to question it and it’s okay to talk about the horrific side effects that many people are experiencing.
Nothing and no one is going to change that.
Andrew Torba
Jesus is King
Please consider supporting this blog. We have no outside jobs, and we could use a little extra support for the time put into this. Thank you.
Thursday, April 22, 2021
Jim Stone Freelance: A reader wrote and asked if I knew about the bank collapse in Canada, plus what to do if you take the covid vax.:
Jim Stone Freelance: A reader wrote and asked if I knew about the bank collapse in Canada, plus what to do if you take the covid vax.:
My response: I never heard of any major bank collapses in Canada -
If family members are wondering what they can do to "undo the damage" from the Covid vax, my guess is that after about day 3 or so the answer is nothing.
Right from the get-go there's serious damage which can be seen happening even at vaccine drive through locations (this has been caught on video with people in several cars at once having seizures or passing out) - the reactions are not mild or uncommon -
The problem is that the vaccine damages people in more ways than one. And there's nothing at all that can be done for some of the things the vaccines do. One major thing is to induce infertility. There's no recovery from that. Get the shot and if you don't hit the lucky saline shot, you're likely done. But the portion of the vax that causes you to make a spike protein might be possible to stifle if you knew ahead of time and took lots of zinc before the shot. Not proven, only a guess.
Problem: Most people getting the vax are all self-righteous "I'm doing society a favor" attitude when they go in for it because "they are not anti-science nut cases" and by the time they realize it was a mistake well enough to admit they were wrong, the damage is already done.
The people behind this con job can't have every shot be a kill shot and get away with it. They have to keep the damage stats low enough for people to scream "nutcase" at those who got hurt. That's why there will be multiple shots, to take people out in waves. But it's fairly obvious when someone gets nailed, and due to the "self righteous" factor my guess is that very few of these will take action on time to stop the full damage from happening. And once it happens, you're done.
We are in un-charted territory with this. No one knows anything about un-doing the damage from the corona vaccines, and if anyone did figure out a way to un-do the damage, they'd text it to one person and then hastily off themselves in a double tap "suicide." So they say practically all of Israel is vaccinated now. All shots are not created equal! Israel is going to have to do a great job of faking it if the American Jewish community does not want to be hanging from trees over this.
My conclusion: Nothing can be done to help anyone that got an actual kill shot. If family got vaxxed the only way to save anyone would be to prevent them from going in for another shot. If they got lucky, they got saline the last time and will be home free as long as they don't go in again.
You can't undo this. When's the last time you heard of someone un-doing autism? This time it is likely that plus infertility plus a spike protein re-write and God knows what else. If we can't even get honesty about MMR induced autism, what on earth can we expect about a vax that's many times worse?
Please consider supporting this blog. We have no outside jobs, and we could use a little extra support for the time put into this. Thank you.
My response: I never heard of any major bank collapses in Canada -
If family members are wondering what they can do to "undo the damage" from the Covid vax, my guess is that after about day 3 or so the answer is nothing.
Right from the get-go there's serious damage which can be seen happening even at vaccine drive through locations (this has been caught on video with people in several cars at once having seizures or passing out) - the reactions are not mild or uncommon -
The problem is that the vaccine damages people in more ways than one. And there's nothing at all that can be done for some of the things the vaccines do. One major thing is to induce infertility. There's no recovery from that. Get the shot and if you don't hit the lucky saline shot, you're likely done. But the portion of the vax that causes you to make a spike protein might be possible to stifle if you knew ahead of time and took lots of zinc before the shot. Not proven, only a guess.
Problem: Most people getting the vax are all self-righteous "I'm doing society a favor" attitude when they go in for it because "they are not anti-science nut cases" and by the time they realize it was a mistake well enough to admit they were wrong, the damage is already done.
The people behind this con job can't have every shot be a kill shot and get away with it. They have to keep the damage stats low enough for people to scream "nutcase" at those who got hurt. That's why there will be multiple shots, to take people out in waves. But it's fairly obvious when someone gets nailed, and due to the "self righteous" factor my guess is that very few of these will take action on time to stop the full damage from happening. And once it happens, you're done.
We are in un-charted territory with this. No one knows anything about un-doing the damage from the corona vaccines, and if anyone did figure out a way to un-do the damage, they'd text it to one person and then hastily off themselves in a double tap "suicide." So they say practically all of Israel is vaccinated now. All shots are not created equal! Israel is going to have to do a great job of faking it if the American Jewish community does not want to be hanging from trees over this.
My conclusion: Nothing can be done to help anyone that got an actual kill shot. If family got vaxxed the only way to save anyone would be to prevent them from going in for another shot. If they got lucky, they got saline the last time and will be home free as long as they don't go in again.
You can't undo this. When's the last time you heard of someone un-doing autism? This time it is likely that plus infertility plus a spike protein re-write and God knows what else. If we can't even get honesty about MMR induced autism, what on earth can we expect about a vax that's many times worse?
Please consider supporting this blog. We have no outside jobs, and we could use a little extra support for the time put into this. Thank you.
The Daily Messenger: Immunity doesn't ever wane. Not ever.
The Daily Messenger: Immunity doesn't ever wane. Not ever.: Any viral disease you ever had, chicken pox, measles, etc and you get over it, your body defeats if ever exposed. Any virus. Any flu. This the vaccine is waning after time and you need another one LIE is just that, A BIG LIE. Didn't any of you ever grow up or go to school. You learn this stuff in middle school or Junior High....
I had ALL of the childhood diseases, like the mumps, measles, chicken pox, colds and flu.
Replace the word virus with the word exosome or poison.
Think of a flu as your body ridding itself of a poison. We refuse to take Tylenol or such for fevers, etc... We just sweat it out, drinking cold water. The last flu I had lasted two weeks, but I just kept drinking cold water, and forced myself to sweat it out.
Anti-viral supplements are:
* L-Lysine amino acid. (moves them out. Also will block and/or move out herpes simplex.
* Protease enzyme (eats up that protein covering, including that spiky one.
* Colloidal silver & Lugol's iodine.
* Ivermectin (gets rid of parasitic exosomes).
* Vitamin A (decreases chicken pox, measles, and other skin pocking disease)
See: Our Take On What We Think Covid Really Is
See: Protease (eats up the protein covering of viruses (bad exosomes) and eats up biofilm in addition to serrapeptase. We get it from Natures Sunshine. It is still clean and comes in gelatin capsules already. See: Proteases and Viruses (PDF) for info and Dr. William Wong's article Fighting Viruses and Winning.
From Jim Stone Freelance:
My hubby and I both used Iver this past winter, when he was suffering with a flu for over a week, and I had a one day fever and stubborn lingering cold. Knocked it right out of us. Only squirted out an eighth of an inch from the tube.
We also take the Sodium Ascorbate Vitamin C along with Dr. Wallach's Youngevity Tangy Tangerine. And Dr. Harry's cardio product called Cardio 4 Life.
Where we get all of these things to help us...
Resources and list of things to take and used for all of this...
1. HCQ (Hydroxychloroquine) IF you can get a doctor to prescribe and IF you can find a pharmacy to fill the prescription. See Zelenko Protocol:
2. Ivermectin & Fenbendazole (In the US, Invermectin is the horse paste by Equimax or Durvet. See video in prior post on measuring and dosage for weight. Fenbendazole we get from Caroline's The Happy Healing Health Store. Ivermectin, you can get from your local animal supply store. Indicated for horses.
3. Lugol's iodine and SSKI (from Jimmy Pitticus eBay store)
4. Nutribiotics Vitamin C (Sodium Ascorbate)
5. IV Vitamin C
6. Vitamin D3 We also use Carlsen brand Cod Liver Oil and Ghee for our D3.
7. Vintage Sunlamps and infrared lighting
8. Vitamins A and E. (We use Youngevity's Tangy Tangerine)
9. Budesonide nasal spray (available in drug stores and pharmacies.) Helps with easier breathing.
10. Ozone Machines and Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber therapy
* Ozone machines are banned in California. Get a family member to order and have them to personally ship it.
11. UV Lights (suggested by Jack Willwakeu) Trump also mentioned something about the UV intravenous to clean the blood. See: Vollara Air & Surface Compact Air Purifiers with Hydroxyl Technology
12. Artemisinin tea (works with Ivermectin)
13. NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine) PureBulk NAC
14. Cryptolepis (Cryptolepis sanguinolenta)....Traditionally used to treat malaria in Africa, Cryptolepis also demonstrates systemic antibacterial properties and antiprotozoal properties. Cryptolepis has also been found to have anti-inflammatory (blocks COX2 and inflammatory cytokines) and anticancer properties. Provides antimicrobial activity against Babesia.
15. Alternative forms of HCQ (Quinine) are Cinchonia extract, and Cryptolepis. We got our Cinchonia powder from here: * Tonic water can be used. I saw a Q brand.
16. Serrapeptase to thin the blood naturally, plus eats up dead tissue. We use the Arthur Andrew Medical brand, however the icky "cellulose" capsules need to be changed out into safer gelatin capsules from Serrapeptase from Life Enthusiast.
17. Juicing and Raw foods to stay alkaline:
18. Heavy metal detox. We use Arizona Naturals EDTA capsules, and they already come in gelatin capsules. Plus magnetic clay baths.
19. Zinc Sulfate and/or Zinc Picolinate. Both are available from
* A warning on the zinc. It takes very little, so the capsules we use are just a tad in them, because taking too much, you will be sick and throwing up. Trial and error, you know.
20. Protease (eats up the protein covering of viruses (bad exosomes) and eats up biofilm in addition to serrapeptase. We get it from Natures Sunshine. It is still clean and comes in gelatin capsules already. See: Proteases and Viruses (PDF) for info
and Dr. William Wong's article Fighting Viruses and Winning.
Those proteolytic enzymes do a number on the all-important exterior protein coating of the virus. They eat it! Remember the virus is active as long as it's coating is in tact. What happens when a virus cannot complete and Isoprin bond? Well, simply it becomes inert - harmless!
Note: The above article PDF is from an archived site, so their products have more than likely changed. Need to find a good clean protease proteolytic enzyme. We use the Protease by Natures Sunshine. Serrapeptase will also eat up excess proteins.
21. L-Lysine (moves this viral 'dead exosomes' out). L-Lysine is also available and in safe gelatin capsules from
Choose capsules, and then gelatin
22. Quercetin (for coronavirus) works like HCQ. It, too, is a zinc ionophore
23. I have items in a list here as well...
24. Colloidal Silver. Make it yourself if possible. AVOID nano silver too. You can buy it from Herbal Healer Academy as theirs is real colloidal size. No nano.
25. Take activated charcoal capsules or loose powder (it's tasteless). Activated charcoal is known to move poisons form the body fairly quick. We saved a cat's life with it after she accidentally licked up bug spray from the floor many years ago. The apartment management was bent on poisoning all the apartments with it, and we had to get a doctor's note to opt out of bug spraying.
26. Use of essential oils such as oregano, thyme, cassia, cinnamon bark, lemongrass, clove are strong anti-microbials. Even with a flu, we have broken out the oregano and clove essential oils, and put a drop or two in those gelatin capsules.
27. Make use of raw onions and raw garlic. Those spices are also anti-microbial. You can also get a liquid garlic extract with stabilized allicin intact from Allimax.
28. MMS: For all interested, you can purchase CLO2 (sodium chlorite + 4% HCL) from
Watch this video called The Universal Antidote:
The information contained in this documentary, which was just released yesterday, second only I believe to the Gospel of the Kingdom, has the very real potential, to not only change your life, the life of your loved ones and friends, but the world, saving countless lives, and alleviating needless death, pain, and the poverty that goes with them. It deals with a simple, but remarkable, all-natural chemical compound (CLO2 -Chlorine Dioxide) aka MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution. CLO2 is safe and extremely effective at treating a host of the most serious adverse health conditions known to man (influenza, staph, MRSA, Lyme, autism, Covid, Malaria, Typhus, HIV, & Yellow Fever, Cancer, etc.) and has been the object of relentless attacks by bigpharma and FDA censorship for a decade. This is a game-changer in humanity’s quest for natural health and medical freedom. As the producer of a book on natural health and wellness, Health For All of Life, by Dr. Jason Garwood, I encourage everyone in the gab community to watch and share freely!
To those who discount the information as too good to be true, bear in mind, that the Gospel also sounds too good to be true.
Not included in the documentary, are additional uses for CLO2, As a natural herbicide and pesticide, Household disinfectant, and treatment for a host of pet, poultry and livestock pathogens.
29. Get HCQ from American Frontline Doctors
HCQ has been restricted by most State Governors - something that has never happened before in the history of our country. America's Frontline Doctors provides access to HCQ-knowledgable telemedicine physicians as a service to the American people.
Items to protect yourself from EMF, 5G, radiation, & more:
EMF Protection & Smart Meter Covers from EMF Essentials...
* Smart Meter Covers - SMART METERS Tools to protect your home from both RF radiation and Dirty Electricity that smart meters can create by EMF Essentials
* SHIELDING from EMF Essentials
* Protection from Cell Phone Radiation from EMF Essentials
* BLUblox signature Sleep+ red lens is the world's most advanced blue and green light blocker. Blocking 100% of blue and green light from 400-550nm. from EMF Essentials
* EMF METERS from EMF Essentials
* Microvascular Circulation Avacen 100 Machine. Increases the temperature of the blood by warming it up. The AVACEN 100 continues to warm the blood passing through the treatment palm, which then circulates throughout the entire body increasing core body temperature. When core body temperature rises, pre-capillary arterioles dilate causing normally collapsed capillaries to open further improving microcirculation throughout the body.
* Hemp Underwear from WAMA. Hemp helps protect against radiation and other environmental poisons.
* MMS: For all interested, you can purchase CLO2 (sodium chlorite + 4% HCL) from
I will be adding more to this last, as I find more helpful resources, and products to use for our health and wellness.
And ramp up the good energy with Uwantsun Orgone.
Also Orgonize Africa and CTBusters have orgone too. Since 2001
Please consider supporting this blog. We have no outside jobs, and we could use a little extra support for the time put into this. Thank you.
Also please consider supporting The Daily Messenger:
Our Spiritual World and Daily Messenger Paypal:
I had ALL of the childhood diseases, like the mumps, measles, chicken pox, colds and flu.
Replace the word virus with the word exosome or poison.
Think of a flu as your body ridding itself of a poison. We refuse to take Tylenol or such for fevers, etc... We just sweat it out, drinking cold water. The last flu I had lasted two weeks, but I just kept drinking cold water, and forced myself to sweat it out.
Anti-viral supplements are:
* L-Lysine amino acid. (moves them out. Also will block and/or move out herpes simplex.
* Protease enzyme (eats up that protein covering, including that spiky one.
* Colloidal silver & Lugol's iodine.
* Ivermectin (gets rid of parasitic exosomes).
* Vitamin A (decreases chicken pox, measles, and other skin pocking disease)
See: Our Take On What We Think Covid Really Is
See: Protease (eats up the protein covering of viruses (bad exosomes) and eats up biofilm in addition to serrapeptase. We get it from Natures Sunshine. It is still clean and comes in gelatin capsules already. See: Proteases and Viruses (PDF) for info and Dr. William Wong's article Fighting Viruses and Winning.
From Jim Stone Freelance:
My hubby and I both used Iver this past winter, when he was suffering with a flu for over a week, and I had a one day fever and stubborn lingering cold. Knocked it right out of us. Only squirted out an eighth of an inch from the tube.
We also take the Sodium Ascorbate Vitamin C along with Dr. Wallach's Youngevity Tangy Tangerine. And Dr. Harry's cardio product called Cardio 4 Life.
Where we get all of these things to help us...
Resources and list of things to take and used for all of this...
1. HCQ (Hydroxychloroquine) IF you can get a doctor to prescribe and IF you can find a pharmacy to fill the prescription. See Zelenko Protocol:
2. Ivermectin & Fenbendazole (In the US, Invermectin is the horse paste by Equimax or Durvet. See video in prior post on measuring and dosage for weight. Fenbendazole we get from Caroline's The Happy Healing Health Store. Ivermectin, you can get from your local animal supply store. Indicated for horses.
3. Lugol's iodine and SSKI (from Jimmy Pitticus eBay store)
4. Nutribiotics Vitamin C (Sodium Ascorbate)
5. IV Vitamin C
6. Vitamin D3 We also use Carlsen brand Cod Liver Oil and Ghee for our D3.
7. Vintage Sunlamps and infrared lighting
8. Vitamins A and E. (We use Youngevity's Tangy Tangerine)
9. Budesonide nasal spray (available in drug stores and pharmacies.) Helps with easier breathing.
10. Ozone Machines and Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber therapy
* Ozone machines are banned in California. Get a family member to order and have them to personally ship it.
11. UV Lights (suggested by Jack Willwakeu) Trump also mentioned something about the UV intravenous to clean the blood. See: Vollara Air & Surface Compact Air Purifiers with Hydroxyl Technology
12. Artemisinin tea (works with Ivermectin)
13. NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine) PureBulk NAC
14. Cryptolepis (Cryptolepis sanguinolenta)....Traditionally used to treat malaria in Africa, Cryptolepis also demonstrates systemic antibacterial properties and antiprotozoal properties. Cryptolepis has also been found to have anti-inflammatory (blocks COX2 and inflammatory cytokines) and anticancer properties. Provides antimicrobial activity against Babesia.
15. Alternative forms of HCQ (Quinine) are Cinchonia extract, and Cryptolepis. We got our Cinchonia powder from here: * Tonic water can be used. I saw a Q brand.
16. Serrapeptase to thin the blood naturally, plus eats up dead tissue. We use the Arthur Andrew Medical brand, however the icky "cellulose" capsules need to be changed out into safer gelatin capsules from Serrapeptase from Life Enthusiast.
17. Juicing and Raw foods to stay alkaline:
18. Heavy metal detox. We use Arizona Naturals EDTA capsules, and they already come in gelatin capsules. Plus magnetic clay baths.
19. Zinc Sulfate and/or Zinc Picolinate. Both are available from
* A warning on the zinc. It takes very little, so the capsules we use are just a tad in them, because taking too much, you will be sick and throwing up. Trial and error, you know.
20. Protease (eats up the protein covering of viruses (bad exosomes) and eats up biofilm in addition to serrapeptase. We get it from Natures Sunshine. It is still clean and comes in gelatin capsules already. See: Proteases and Viruses (PDF) for info
and Dr. William Wong's article Fighting Viruses and Winning.
Those proteolytic enzymes do a number on the all-important exterior protein coating of the virus. They eat it! Remember the virus is active as long as it's coating is in tact. What happens when a virus cannot complete and Isoprin bond? Well, simply it becomes inert - harmless!
Note: The above article PDF is from an archived site, so their products have more than likely changed. Need to find a good clean protease proteolytic enzyme. We use the Protease by Natures Sunshine. Serrapeptase will also eat up excess proteins.
21. L-Lysine (moves this viral 'dead exosomes' out). L-Lysine is also available and in safe gelatin capsules from
Choose capsules, and then gelatin
22. Quercetin (for coronavirus) works like HCQ. It, too, is a zinc ionophore
23. I have items in a list here as well...
24. Colloidal Silver. Make it yourself if possible. AVOID nano silver too. You can buy it from Herbal Healer Academy as theirs is real colloidal size. No nano.
25. Take activated charcoal capsules or loose powder (it's tasteless). Activated charcoal is known to move poisons form the body fairly quick. We saved a cat's life with it after she accidentally licked up bug spray from the floor many years ago. The apartment management was bent on poisoning all the apartments with it, and we had to get a doctor's note to opt out of bug spraying.
26. Use of essential oils such as oregano, thyme, cassia, cinnamon bark, lemongrass, clove are strong anti-microbials. Even with a flu, we have broken out the oregano and clove essential oils, and put a drop or two in those gelatin capsules.
27. Make use of raw onions and raw garlic. Those spices are also anti-microbial. You can also get a liquid garlic extract with stabilized allicin intact from Allimax.
28. MMS: For all interested, you can purchase CLO2 (sodium chlorite + 4% HCL) from
Watch this video called The Universal Antidote:
The information contained in this documentary, which was just released yesterday, second only I believe to the Gospel of the Kingdom, has the very real potential, to not only change your life, the life of your loved ones and friends, but the world, saving countless lives, and alleviating needless death, pain, and the poverty that goes with them. It deals with a simple, but remarkable, all-natural chemical compound (CLO2 -Chlorine Dioxide) aka MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution. CLO2 is safe and extremely effective at treating a host of the most serious adverse health conditions known to man (influenza, staph, MRSA, Lyme, autism, Covid, Malaria, Typhus, HIV, & Yellow Fever, Cancer, etc.) and has been the object of relentless attacks by bigpharma and FDA censorship for a decade. This is a game-changer in humanity’s quest for natural health and medical freedom. As the producer of a book on natural health and wellness, Health For All of Life, by Dr. Jason Garwood, I encourage everyone in the gab community to watch and share freely!
To those who discount the information as too good to be true, bear in mind, that the Gospel also sounds too good to be true.
Not included in the documentary, are additional uses for CLO2, As a natural herbicide and pesticide, Household disinfectant, and treatment for a host of pet, poultry and livestock pathogens.
29. Get HCQ from American Frontline Doctors
HCQ has been restricted by most State Governors - something that has never happened before in the history of our country. America's Frontline Doctors provides access to HCQ-knowledgable telemedicine physicians as a service to the American people.
Items to protect yourself from EMF, 5G, radiation, & more:
EMF Protection & Smart Meter Covers from EMF Essentials...
* Smart Meter Covers - SMART METERS Tools to protect your home from both RF radiation and Dirty Electricity that smart meters can create by EMF Essentials
* SHIELDING from EMF Essentials
* Protection from Cell Phone Radiation from EMF Essentials
* BLUblox signature Sleep+ red lens is the world's most advanced blue and green light blocker. Blocking 100% of blue and green light from 400-550nm. from EMF Essentials
* EMF METERS from EMF Essentials
* Microvascular Circulation Avacen 100 Machine. Increases the temperature of the blood by warming it up. The AVACEN 100 continues to warm the blood passing through the treatment palm, which then circulates throughout the entire body increasing core body temperature. When core body temperature rises, pre-capillary arterioles dilate causing normally collapsed capillaries to open further improving microcirculation throughout the body.
* Hemp Underwear from WAMA. Hemp helps protect against radiation and other environmental poisons.
* MMS: For all interested, you can purchase CLO2 (sodium chlorite + 4% HCL) from
I will be adding more to this last, as I find more helpful resources, and products to use for our health and wellness.
And ramp up the good energy with Uwantsun Orgone.
Also Orgonize Africa and CTBusters have orgone too. Since 2001
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