Monday, November 19, 2012

Juicing and Raw Foods: Vaccine Side Effects

Juicing and Raw Foods: Vaccine Side Effects: There has been much recent concern regarding vaccines given to children, and their possible side effects. Particularly highlighted isthe link between early childhood vaccines and autism...

“Everyday millions of children are lined up and injected with toxic putrid substances grown on animal organs, cancer cells, aborted fetuses and other toxic substances. Few people are questioning how those viruses were obtained and how they were grown in a laboratory. If one would ask these sensible questions, one would become very enlightened about vaccine production. I warn you now, discussing vaccine-production will turn your stomach. Vaccines are made from the most vilest and filthiest substances on the earth. Since the definition of abomination is "anything that is filthy", the term describes vaccinations adequately and truthfully. The vaccine "cauldron" is full of putrid junk from bodies exposed to disease and excreting morbid purulence. Science gathers this junk up in hopes of making vaccines for "preventing" disease; and we are being fooled while vaccinations cause increases in diseases.”

Think For Yourself and Don't Let Others Do It For You

I like this guy!

Yeah, like vaccinating your children for one.