Sunday, May 6, 2018

Miracle. July 2006 - May 6th, 2018

R.I.P. Miracle. July 2006 - May 6th, 2018

Early this morning, our most precious and very much loved furbaby Miracle crossed the rainbow bridge.

We are both heartbroken, but we also know he is where he is surrounded by love.
Photo graphic art stuff by me.

Miracle passed away in Robert's loving arms, and is wrapped in love in our Father's loving arms.  As he passed, we both prayed and told him over and over how we so much love him.

Loving photo graphic made by Robert.

Today has been a very challenging day for my wife Donna and I. A few days ago I took my Miracle kitty to the vet for a hair cut and bath. He died this morning in our arms. My deepest LOVE and condolences to my sweet loving wife Donna for being here for us Miracle and I. RIP my sweet loving Miracle. ~Robert

Graphic caption and pic also by Robert.


Dear Miracle,

Please look for Smokey, Garfield, Tux, and Sassy . . . all sweet kitties who will be thrilled to romp with you through your Forever Home. Vicki MacNeil Hentz Gould

Oh, with all the dogs, cats, birds, opossums, pet rats, etc... we had, I will have an entire zoo waiting to greet me one day.


We are very grateful for the precious time we had to spend with him.  He had some fame on the Cheezburger, Paw Nation and other sites.  Made front page on Cheezburger several times and has a cameo in the ICHC (icanhascheezburger) Calendar from the former LOLMart store.

I will post the cheezburger link to this when I find it.

He will be cremated and we will have our own private service here, and scatter his ashes.

He will be sorely missed by us and our other cat Breezy (his baby brother).

Some various pictures of Miracle throughout the years.

He was notorious for peeing and pooping hearts.
He loved us long time.


I would love to thank everyone for the prayers, love and other support for us during this time.
Our hearts are broken now so we feel like this guy in the clouds.

Both of us also suffered loss in our families.  My mother 2 months ago, and Robert's brother almost two weeks ago.

2018 has sucked for ALL of us, and our families.

We still have cutie pie Breezy.  And he's fine.  Doing great!

Our beautiful Breezy. He is just fine.  :)
He's our other furbaby.

Love and blessings everyone!

Thank you for reading my blog.

Miracle Prayers (Pray for our Cat Please!)

Miracle could use all of your prayers right about now.

Would y'all also help in praying for Miracle.  Pray for a miracle FOR Miracle.  :)

Yes!  We Have Our Cats on Tee Shirts!
Miracle T-Shirt

We already know partially what's wrong with him, but everytime he gets his fur trimmed via cat grooming, it throws him for a loop.

They found initially high blood sugar.  No doubt from that damn kibble he's been addicted to, and we've had a hard time weaning him from it.  I have bitched about it for several years already. We have yet to find out if Type 1 or Type 2.  Type 2 is easier to reverse, and we already know what to do.  For those of you watching The Diabetes Summit,  you already know that Type 2 is insulin resistance.  He will be strictly ketogenic diet (that summit coming up this next week!), and he needs the colloidal minerals of chromium/vanadium as described by Dr. Joel Wallach, plus cats can have cinnamon.  We will probably go ahead and get the Wallach formula called SweetEZE, which has that, plus bitter melon, gynemma wylvestre and more.

Dr. Joel Wallach on Diabetes...

We did change to the meat only kibble, but prefer he eats the canned salmon, which he loves, as does Breezy.  Breezy has always ate closest to a cat's native diet, due to the fact he was a stray when he showed up, so he was fending for himself.

When grooming cats, the groomers or vets have to put them under, so we think he's reacting to whatever he was given for that.  We are having a talk with the vet about that too.

So right now, on hand, since he's having a slight fever. and won't eat or drink, we are giving him liquid chlorophyll to keep his blood built up.  Giving him pedialyte for electrolyte balance, and also gave hime some activatec charcoal for the anesthesia given and detox from that.  We also have the Hempworx CBD oil and have given him that.  Breezy gets his in his food. So we know what to do.  Just need the funds to get all the good stuff for him.

So I was lying down on the bed petting, rubbing and loving on him, and Breezy comes in there and gets on the bed with us.  So I pet Breezy and say to him, "Let's pray to our Father for your brother Miracle and for his healing, okay?  So I'm petting Breezy while praying out load for Breezy and Miracle both to hear.  After the prayer is said and done, Breezy perks up and start looking intently at the wall.  That tells me the prayer was heard and Breezy saw "action", no doubt.

Yes!  Breezy has a tee shirt too!

Our cat could use your prayers and we would so appreciate it very much!  Thank you!