Sunday, June 24, 2018

[The Sacred Plant] Season 2: Healing Secrets Examined - Episode 5: Accessing The Sacred Plant: The Unjust Laws and How To Navigate Them

Now Airing [Episode 5]

Episode 5: Accessing The Sacred Plant: The Unjust Laws and How To Navigate Them
(Airs on Sunday, June 24th at 9 p.m. Eastern)

We’ll show you how the cannabis is grown and processed for medical use and what you can do if you live in a state where cannabis isn’t yet legal. You’ll also meet patients and parents who fought for legal access and won.

In this powerful episode we explore a bit of the dark side of the law and how Big Pharma, government, and lawmakers block access to the sacred plant and how unjust laws and greed keep people sick.

We also show you how medical cannabis extract and oils are made from the raw plant and how to obtain treatment.

It’s titled: Accessing The Sacred Plant: The Unjust Laws and How To Navigate Them.

Watch Episode 5 now

If you’re inspired and moved by what you’ve been seeing these past 5 episodes...if you’re excited about what you’re learning...

Then please take a moment to see what this important cause, movement and mission is all about. It literally saves countless lives.

Click here to learn more

Together we can save lives,
John Malanca


It's time! Episode 5 AIRING right here!

This is such a pivotal episode in our series as it addresses the question which so many of you ask; "How do I get access to the plant legally?"

Where to find and access medical cannabis is the most common and pressing question we get from viewers and subscribers.

The answer to this question is a bit complex due to the different state laws and federal regulations.

You’ll discover how to navigate these laws and how they’re changing as more and more people advocate for legal access to medical cannabis.

This episode is yours to view for FREE until tomorrow (Monday) evening at 9pm ET/6pm PT.

Enjoy...there is SO much to learn!

The Sacred Plant Docu-series Amazing Episodes Lineup:

Episode 1: The Sacred Plant…Examined
Episode 2: Stopping Pain, Insomnia, Anxiety and Autoimmune Conditions
Episode 3: Ending Suffering for Our Children: Autism, Seizures and More
Episode 4: Treating Cancer Part 2
Episode 5: Accessing The Sacred Plant: The Unjust Laws and How To Navigate Them
Episode 6: Extending the Quality and Quantity of Life for Us and Our Beloved Pets
Episode 7: Treating PTSD + Selecting Your Medicine, Dosage and a Qualified Doctor







The North Carolina State Bar, the agency that licenses NC attorneys, has taken the unprecedented step of filing a lawsuit against the nation’s leading vaccine rights attorney, Alan Phillips, J.D., to force Phillips to hand over years of his clients’ files or risk being jailed for civil contempt…

Attorney Phillips is the nation’s leading Vaccine Rights attorney, the only attorney whose practice is focused solely on vaccine exemptions and vaccine legislative activism, and who works with clients, attorneys, legislators and activists nationally in virtually every possible U.S. exemption setting.[1] North Alan Phillips, J.D.Carolina is known as “Vaccine Central” for its award-winning vaccine companies.[2] So, it’s not surprising that the NC State Bar is going after Phillips, with what Phillips claims are invented facts and law in a series of steps that appear to have been designed from the start to disbar Phillips, for helping people legally avoid vaccines. This is not just a personal attack against Phillips, it’s an attack on the entire vaccine awareness movement, given Phillips’ unique role in helping clients nationally with exemptions and legislative activism! So, please 1) share this story far and wide, 2) sign the petition linked below, 3) donate to support Phillips’ legal defense fund, and 4) stay tuned for updates to this story! (links below)...


Mini Beet Protocol (MBP)

Mini Beet Protocol (MBP)
by Robert Von Sarbacher



Which I got from this video I posted several posts back about dissolving biofilms.

We have juiced beets and carrots with celery and tomato before.  Once or twice added asparagus, garlic and onion to the mix.

Sort of like a homemade V-8 juice.

But we eat a veggie mix of beets, carrots, asparagus mixed with broccoli, cauliflower, and even with salad mixing.  We mix it up.

Beets Wonderful Beets!! - Kesti's
