Monday, April 2, 2018

This insane propaganda campaign only STARTED a decade or so ago

Lynette Kennedy ·

As a retired grandmother/great grandmother I know my generation were NOT pumped full of vaccines from the day we were born!
I'm not into conspiracy stuff but the reality I have watched unfold over the decades -

WHO has been saved and who is at risk of WHAT dreaded diseases?

I grew up in the 50's my siblings and I were not vaccinated along with just about every other kid and we got all the natural childhood illnesses including the measles which were NO big deal, hardly anyone bothered going to the doctors with them, never knew or heard of any kids dying from them.
Today Our living standards have improved immensely even since those old days when I remember the old dunny can way at the end of the backyard and the old ice box.

In the 30's was the Great Depression, no employment, and poverty, no welfare, kids were malnourished with little nutrition, people lived in overcrowded slums with vermin, no personal hygiene, no access to affordable medical care, no electricity, no clean running water, poor refrigeration, there was rubbish & dead animals in the streets.

The baby boomers are still alive and kicking, even the Turnbull's were definitely NOT vaccinated at birth with today's "MULTITUDE of 72 vaccines starting at less than 24 hours old or in the uterus".
Tony Abbott publicly said he refused to vaccinate his daughters (WHY?)

In the 1960's the vaccine schedule was only 4/5 and it was OPTIONAL and NOT from birth and many people didn't even bothered with them.

There were no PRO or ANTI vaxxers (which was recently created by Murdoch's media) because NOBODY cared and people were not running around hysterical absolutely petrified of "somehow catching something off someone or throwing rocks at those people who chose not to vaccinate.

So When did these plagues and epidemics hit us here leaving hundreds or thousands dead in the last 60 years or so ? - NONE that I know of or remember.

WHY has Today's vaccine schedule increased to a massive 72 plus +++ vaccines starting from birth or in the uterus?

Back in the 50's/60's SID's was unheard of or as it was called "Crib death" but it was so rare that they didn't even bother to record it, it's the same with autism, febrile seizures, fatal allergies, childhood cancer etc.
In today's society it HAS now been SOCIALLY ENGINEERED into people that it's just an acceptable occurrence and just tough luck - that a perfectly healthy normal baby can just suddenly drop dead for no reason, or have convulsions, febrile seizures just "coincidentally" after it's been vaccinated!!!
NO that is NOT "normal" - when measles, mumps and chicken pox only last a week or two - the sorrow of a dead baby and autism lasts for a lifetime.
Check out these obedient citizens who once believed and took one too many for the herd only to suffer dire consequences and then get ignored, silenced, punished or shoved under the carpet.

Australia now has one child in 42 on the autism spectrum, some say it's now one in 21 so where are all the OLD autistic people - They do not exist.

Today the "SCIENCE" has NO ANSWERS for today's epidemics except that the pharmaceutical industry is now making billions and their investors/share holders are making millions - Lucky for Mr & Mrs Turdbull.
Wake up! This insane propaganda campaign only STARTED a decade or so ago -


Vaccination Song - Indoctrination Of Children

Vaccination MADNESS: Idaho Shakespeare Festival sings a song to brainwash children in grades K-6

(NaturalHealth365) Over 30,000 children in more than 100 schools are set to receive a heavy dose of vaccination propaganda in the coming months. An updated version of the classic work “80 Days Around the World” is set to be performed by the Idaho Shakespeare Festival (ISF). This musical, penned for Youth Company Performances, includes a very strangely tacked on five minutes of vaccine propaganda that ought to have every parent very concerned. (to say the least!)

The song section, in question, talks about vaccines you “have to” receive in order to travel and depicts administering vaccines, calling it “not a big deal” and saying that receiving them “doesn’t hurt.” The play also invokes Elon Musk as a “super-smart scientist friend who says vaccines are safe!”

As expected, there is never a mention of the possible (negative) vaccine side effects in the lyrics....

Idaho Shakespeare Festival turns Classic into Vaccine Propaganda Piece

Heading to your child's school is an updated classic 80 Days Around the World performed by the Idaho Shakespeare Festival. This musical, written specifically for the Youth Company Performances, takes you on a whirlwind tour of the globe and its people and includes five minutes of a very forced scene of vaccine propaganda. It is deeply upsetting that the director  of this play, Tom Ford, would either submit to pressure to include this lengthy scene about vaccinations prior to travel in order to send a message, or think that this is, in any way appropriate to include when vaccinations are not a part of the book or movie the play is based on...

This song! it’s insane! We are actually listening to a played out forced vaccine set to a catchy tune. This is what they find acceptable to perform for children? - Executive Director, Miste Karlfeldt



Idaho has one of the highest vaccine exemption rates in the country.



Welcome to the doctor's office
Welcome to your waking nightmare
Welcome why the frown
Welcome now sit down
You're going around the world

But first, you are going to need something
Yeah first you're going to feel a sting
A sting
There are so many diseases you need to be protected against if you are going around the world
By injecting you with a small sample of each of the diseases your body will be able to fight those pesky illnesses away
"No Thank you I'm fine."
Time to begin the vaccine
tetanus and polio
stab the skin and there you go
diphtheria and hepatitis A and B (Whee)
Japanese encephalitis
"Don't you dare put that inside us!"
Well, Good Luck getting through Asia
Relax it's not like it's Euthanasia
If you want to avoid infection make sure you get your typhoid injection
And don't go playing with hyena babies or else you end up with a case of rabies
The two of you will not achieve a record time with yellow fever
Close your eyes and count to three 1, 3 Ha Whee
That will just about be it
These Vaccinations will permit you both to travel
At your own accord
But just to be safe we will stop the itching and chaffing with a couple of more to leave you tired and sore
Don't Cry
Just Comply
And you're done
So goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
And all aboard.

And After the song finishes the main character says something to the effect of: "my super smart, rich, scientist friend Elon Musk told me vaccines were OK... or I wouldn't have gotten them."

Yeah, well, it did not go over too well here.  Wrong state assholes!  LOTS of bad reviews on their page.


The lyrics include the line, "Don't cry, just comply!" Are you kidding me? And then for you to put this play in front of impressionable young minds, in the school setting? You should be ashamed of yourselves.
-Sarah Clendenon


When a company chooses to get involved in hot-button topics, they can't be surprised when the public responds.
Shame on you.
-Katie Halverson


Jessica Zam reviewed Idaho Shakespeare Festival — 1 star
March 12 at 2:47pm ·
My family along with several others attended Around the World in 80 Days and the entire scene dedicated to vaccine drugs did not belong in this play. ISF stated they will be touring all of Idaho with this production and hitting 90% of the counties schools. When several concerned parents reached out to ISF regarding the pro-vaccine propaganda they stated everyone is required to receive the multiple vaccine injections to travel which is incorrect. There is no law that states you must receive vaccine drugs to travel. ISF then deleted all of our comments off their page censoring concerned parents. I will no longer support ISF after the complete disregard for those with vaccine injured children and spreading of false information. Advertising pharmaceutical drugs has no place in theater.


Aaron Davidson reviewed Idaho Shakespeare Festival — 1 star
March 12 at 8:01pm ·
Watch for Around the World in 80 Days, coming to a school in your city. This is a complete propaganda hit piece on vaccines. If you believe in informed consent or have or know of a vaccine damaged child, and find out that your schools administration has booked this production, start making calls now and protesting their decision to bring this production to your school. The propaganda in this production is so forced and not very artful at all. This is NOT ART, this is a politicized propaganda piece and your child should not be forced to watch this garbage piece.


Miste Gardner-Karlfeldt reviewed Idaho Shakespeare Festival — 1 star
March 12 at 9:02pm ·
I was appalled when a Health Freedom Idaho member notified us about your Around The World In 80 Days play that is touring our schools with a clear message that forced vaccination is not only acceptable but encouraged. “Don’t cry just comply!” is sang to a catchy tune. Unacceptable! What’s next that a child should “comply” to? In today's world where pedophilia is at an all time high do you think this is an acceptable message for children? I certainly don't EVER want my children to receive this kind of message on ANY level. You have made a vaccine commercial, put it to a catchy tune, and then made forced vaccination appealing by putting it on a stage. I hope that you will do the right thing for our children and remove this scene of the program that was written especially for the Idaho Shakespeare Festival. In your advertising it was promoted, "Join us for a World Premiere Musical written just for Idaho Theater for Youth! An updated version of Jules Verne’s classic adventure novel, this musical takes you on a whirlwind tour of the globe and its people." This is confirmed in the Boise Weekly and on Alex's website. Now would be the time to remove this portion of the play, written specifically for the children of Idaho, and avoid subjecting them to this type of Nazi Germany type dictatorship. I would love to continue to enjoy the Shakespeare Festival performances with my family and friends. I often give tickets as gifts and bring visitors to see one of my favorite spots in Idaho. It would be quite disappointing to no longer be able to support something that we all love so much. 


Sherry Andrews Browne reviewed Idaho Shakespeare Festival — 1 star
March 13 at 8:58am ·
Why does ISF feel medically qualified to create an entire performance about vaccines? This song only shares half the vaccine story. Where is the verse about vaccine ingredients and side effects (these are both clearly listed by the pharmaceutical companies themselves)? We should all question the intention of an organization that only shares one side of a story. Very disappointing.


Best Review

Krissy Dawn Fulton reviewed Idaho Shakespeare Festival — 1 star
March 13 at 9:41am ·
I have never given a poor review before on Facebook and I'm deeply saddened to do so now.

I attended the premier preformance of "80 Days Around the World" play at the Morrison Center. The singing was amazing! The ASL interpreters were BRILLIANT! The actors were lively and the use of stage and props were fantastic! Thank you!

Sadly, I have to say though, that as a child development professional, teacher, and mother, the doctor office scene was very distressing (please see below for the lyrics to the song to judge for yourself). The actors told the adult doctors, "No" not once but TWICE and finally, a plea of "Don't put that inside us" and their good words were not honored. On the contrary, their words were ignored, they were told to relax then the message of "Do not cry just comply" was emphatically stated as the adults continued to move forward with their agenda anyway. It was heartbreaking and quite frankly a terrifying precedence to set for children!

I know it’s theater and it was presented as a 'funny' scene but kiddos take a lot of things at face value and that is NOT A MESSAGE WE SHOULD GIVE OUR CHILDREN!!! I was appalled. Additionally, they had to go out of their way to add this scene to the play as it strays 100% from the book or movie.

I’m glad I was there with my child to discuss the situation as it unfolded... to remind him that "NO means NO!" and that SAFE adults listen to good words! Parents who send your kiddos to their camps, workshops, or have them in your children’s school, please be aware and prepared to talk to your children.

I did reach out to Idaho Shakespeare Festival in private message, facebook and via email. The first response I received was that the information was accurate and that was what mattered. Even from that limited scope of objection, I highlighted, that there were no mandatory vaccines for the countries visited in the play and I did so using the information from the World Health Organization link they sent me.

Next, I was told that regardless of the information being accurate or not it's just a play and it wasn't their intent. AKA, we are not responsible for the content or potential harm, if we didn't 'mean it. ' How can we teach our children that words have meaning and power and that we must wield them responsibly with this modeling. This response from Idaho Shakespeare Festival sets the standard deplorably low for our educational system.

Regardless of whether Idaho Shakespeare Festival intended to put forth a horrifying model or misinform, I expected a higher ethos from an educational program. I honestly had hoped for a Maya Angelou ethic response to my email. An, " I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better." response. Sadly, my comments were erased. My emails were left unanswered and my FB message was given a cut and paste stock reply. I hope to change this review in the future as I am confident Idaho Shakespeare Festival will 'do better' and regain my trust.


Welcome to the doctor's office 
Welcome to your waking nightmare
Welcome why the frown
Welcome now sit down
You're going around the world

But first, you are going to need something
Yeah first you're going to feel a sting
A sting
There are so many diseases you need to be protected against if you are going around the world
By injecting you with a small sample of each of the diseases your body will be able to fight those pesky illnesses away
"No Thank you I'm fine."
Time to begin the vaccine 
tetanus and polio
stab the skin and there you go
diphtheria and hepatitis A and B (Whee)
Japanese encephalitis
"Don't you dare put that inside us!"
Well, Good Luck getting through Asia
Relax it's not like it's Euthanasia
If you want to avoid infection make sure you get your typhoid injection
And don't go playing with hyena babies or else you end up with a case of rabies
The two of you will not achieve a record time with yellow fever
Close your eyes and count to three 1, 3 Ha Whee 
That will just about be it 
These Vaccinations will permit you both to travel
At your own accord
But just to be safe we will stop the itching and chaffing with a couple of more to leave you tired and sore
Don't Cry
Just Comply
And you're done
So goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
And all aboard.

And After the song finishes the main character says something to the effect of: "my super smart, rich, scientist friend Elon Musk told me vaccines were OK... or I wouldn't have gotten them."


Shakespeare is surely rolling over in his grave.

