Friday, October 19, 2018

Juicing and Raw Foods: I Tried Medical Marijuana For My Chronic Pain

Juicing and Raw Foods: I Tried Medical Marijuana For My Chronic Pain


Occipital Neuralgia sucks too.  Which is what I have on the left side of my head.  Have had some pain the face, like an occasional electric shock.  Sometimes I am unable to lie on my left side.

The CBD DOES help one sleep better.  We LOVE our CBD!!  But I still have those weird HTML coded dreams.

These are the ones we LOVE and use...

Hempworx, Nutra CBD paste, and another paste and medibles (edibles) made by individuals (Petey and Chuckie).  Whatever we can get our hands on. And I don't need a damn "permission slip" either.  Hempworx CBD oil can be used internally and externally, plus they have a skin cream called Renew, which I LOVE.

Hempworx CBD oil is what you received as a gift from us.  :D
Learn how to get a 500mg free CBD Oil bottle here.

One night I took the Nutura paste, chased it with 700 mg Hempworx CBD oil, and then took a black seed oil from Rain International and I was SUPER relaxed.  Slept good too.

We also gave Miracle and give Breezy some in his food every now and then.

Other Healing and Corrective Techniques and Modalities...

This Trigeminal and Occipital Neuralgias also plays a part with and into the TMJ dysfunction and Atlantoaxial instability instability, for starters.

Atlantoaxial instability (AAI) is characterized by excessive movement at the junction between the atlas (C1) and axis (C2) as a result of either a bony or ligamentous abnormality. Neurologic symptoms can occur when the spinal cord or adjacent nerve roots are involved.

Occipital neuralgia is a condition in which the nerves that run from the top of the spinal cord up through the scalp, called the occipital nerves, are inflamed or injured. You might feel pain in the back of your head or the base of your skull. And on top of that a locked skull makes matters worse too.

Plato's site addresses this Trigeminal Neuralgia too.
TMJ, JAW PAIN: Get rid of teeth grinding in 30 minutes a day.

Besides the CBD/THC course of action, one must address the entire structure from head to toe.  This is why all the ABC, NCR, NRCT, AtlasProfilax, etc...  We have degenerated and are truly MESSED UP.

Meningeal releases via Advanced Biostructural Correction (ABC) and/or Meningeal decompression via Paul Whitcomb's Neurologic Relief Centers Technique (NRCT).

Oh!... And the missing teeth, and/or low dental height is also causing the skull to drop on the cervical spine and the meninges, thus compressing all of these nerves. We were never meant to lose our teeth.  And that includes wisdom teeth. Idiot dentists!  Remember, once a tooth is pulled, bone loss occurs, and things shift. And once that starts happening a cascade of other problems start happening, and there goes the whole damn neighborhood.  Look at the bio-mechanics in the below picture from the Starecta site.

Okay...,  remember that video I posted a while back with the woman having an episode due to her lowered dental height?  This video is a testimonial of the patients seen by Dr. Brendan Stack. Some of these patients suffer from Sleep Apnea, TMJ Problems, Involuntary Muscle Movements, Courtesy of Brendan Stack of TMJ Stack. It is also a dental split like the Starecta.

Back in the old days, she would have been deemed as being demon possessed, or having female hysteria, or some other stupid NON diagnosis.

All of this is due to cranial and spinal distortions and misalignments. The seizing up like this also causes even further damage.  Notice he said "cranial adjustment".  That's what I do when I have the Neurocranial Restructuring (NCR) from Hillary Lampers, ND.

And remember all my other various posts about the "Hardening of the Body?"  Like calcification, arthritis, Mucin Deposits, AGEs, hardened fibrin, amyloid plaque, fibrosis, etc...?

We know and have all the various remedies of those too, and some of the conditions are also due to some of the nerve, and meningeal adhesions/compression, etc...  The one thing causes another thing, and so on, etc...

And Fibromyalgia is also one of the side effects of these various meningeal and nerve compression.  And then the compression puts one in a constant state of sympathetic overdrive as in constant fight or flight.  The autonomic nervous system is adversely affected.

See:  Fibromyalgia and Meningeal Compression, Dr Paul Whitcomb -

We also have to address the lax capsular ligaments in the vertebrae, which can result in a stiff movement, like this video shows. This video is an animated demonstration of C1-C2 instability and is not meant to be an exact anatomical model. Atlantoaxial instability or upper cervical instability (C1 - C2) is explained by Ross Hauser, MD in this 3D animation.

Capsular ligaments wrap around each facet joint, which help to maintain stability during neck rotation. Each vertebra in the lower cervical spine (in addition to C2) contains a spinous process that serves as an attachment site for the interspinal ligaments.

And also STUCK OPEN Facet Joints need to be addressed and corrected, as shown in this video...

And with all of this constant irritation and inflammation, the meningeal adhesions result, which is what the ABC meningeal releases takes care of.  See how one thing causes another and on and on and on?

So, in addition to the CBD/THC products, we also have the serrapeptase proteolytic enzymes, which eats up scar tissue and decreases inflammation. Serrapeptase will also address those meningeal adhesions along with the ABC meningeal releases. So we have the structural correctsions, the enzymes, AND the various CBD products.  I'm all for taking the multi-pronged approach to anything and everything.  By the way, The Truth About Cancer docu-series talks about a multi-pronged approach in addressing cancer.

Did you know?...

That each nerve from the spinal cord and vertebrae all correspond with specific organs and areas of the body?  For instance, those with chronic C7/T1 misalignments will have a lower functioning thyroid.  All people with hypothyroidism have those two vertebrae out of alignment.  The T7 verrtebrae nerve corresponds to the Pancreas gland.  All diabetics have a misaligned T7 vertebrae.

Spinal nerve chart with effects of vertebral subluxations and pinched nerves...

When you start studying the anatomy and how one thing plays into another, then you get the bigger picture. And yes, I got an A+ in Anatomy & Physiology, and we both took a live basic Advanced Biostructural Correction (ABC) seminar in 2014.  We want to take more, but the travel and $$$ required can be problematic.

I must be doing a good job at fixing my thyroid, because I have lost some weight and inches.

I have the regular ABC adjustments, had NCR recently, do fascia blasting, so some of the misalignments are corrected.

Been taking the Lugol's iodine with the co-factors of L-Tyrosine from BulkSupplements in gelatin capsules, and have a powdered selenium which I put in capsules myself. And other co-factors which are needed are Vitamin C, which I have in NutriBiotic Sodium Ascorbate, and the zinc and copper are already in the Youngevity vitamins and minerals. Did a liver flush, almost a month ago, and taking the NAC to help with glutathione production.  NAC also helps with fatty liver and removal of mucin deposits, which now my arms are slender again. The skin still has to play catch up.  Sent some of the above to my daughter, since she needs thyroid and liver support.

And I have to get down and seriously work on my skin due to the weight and inch loss, which also means I will have to do some lasering too.  Donations are accepted.  Bahahaha!


Last, but by no means least...  The VACCINES!!!

Remember the vaccines also cause neurological damage, as in lesions on the various cranial nerves.  See: Vaccinations as a Cause of Spine, Face & Eye Asymmetry -

Forrest Maready's video Are You Crooked?, to get into depth about that.  FYI.. It's TWO HOURS LONG!



Here are the links to some the providers of these various corrective techniques...

Advanced Biostructural Correction (ABC):

Dirk Farrell, DC
We Fix Bodies For Life - Align Wellness Seattle

Kirk Reynolds of Take A Breather Sandpoint
Take A Breather - Advanced BioStructural Correction, Posture

Neurocranial Restructuring (NCR):
NCR Doctors:

Dr Hillary Lampers ND

Atlas Profilax:

Atlas Evolution:

Paul Whitcomb, DC blog:

Neurologic Relief Centers Technique (NRCT)

Frantz Chiropractic and Acupuncture Clinic - Home
* Does Neurologic Relief Centers Technique

I have done ALL of the above corrective techniques and still doing them, and have used the individual providers listed.

Dental Splinting or lower GELB splint...


TMJ Stack (Brendan Stack, DDS in Virginia):

And then you have your other dental/cranial appliances like ALF, DNA Appliance, Myomunchie, etc...

Yes, I have a Starecta splint, and it's kind of big and bulky. Sometimes I use a dental impression tray to do a gentle stretch and separation of the upper and lower jaw. Both makes me drool a little.


When you are told that it's all in the head.  IT REALLY IS!!

Well... partially, because the spine plays a part too.

So instead of just treating the symptoms, also find the cause and make those corrections too.  So I do pretty much ALL of it.

See how we are all one cluster-fuck of a mess in our bodies?  WTF happened to all of us?

So with all this said, and the various great CBD/THC products and the various modalities I have provided to help correct and heal the structure, it's EXPENSIVE AF!!

This is one of the oh so many reasons it sucks to be stuck in an inferior biological betrayal unit (our bodies1).  And I am SO OVER these inferior bodies.


The Truth About Cancer [TTAC]: Weekend Encore Replay!

(TTAC) Replay Starts Tomorrow

We’re having a 48-hour encore replay of all 9 episodes tomorrow through end of day, Sunday, Oct 21st.

No opt-in... just pure complimentary content all weekend long plus the “2nd last chance” to buy our packages at special pricing.

HERE IS YOUR REPLAY WEEKEND LINK!  No Registration for weekend replay.


This Movement Is Changing The World…

Weekend Replay starts tomorrow!

Seen by millions of people all around the world, The Truth About Cancer sets people free and changes the way they see cancer. Hurry, all episodes available for 48 hours only.

This weekend (October 20 & 21) you can watch Ty and Charlene Bollinger’s, whole docu-series, The Truth About Cancer®: A Global Quest for free.

There’s no limit to what you watch.

You can watch all 9 episodes, or you can catch up on the episodes you missed.

All you need to do is click here to get instant access. You don’t even have to enter any details to start watching.

This is one of the most powerful things I’ve ever watched about preventing, treating and beating cancer. And now it’s completely free to see.

But only for this weekend. You have 48 hours to get your fill before it disappears.


The Truth About Cancer (TTAC) Amazing Lineup:

Episode 1: The True History of Chemotherapy & The Pharmaceutical Monopoly

Episode 2: Cancer Facts and Fictions, Breast Cancer, Hormones, Skin Cancer & Essential Oils

Episode 3: Cancer-Killing Viruses, Cancer Stem Cells, GMOs, Juicing & Eating the Rainbow

Episode 4: Excitotoxins that Fuel Cancer, Nature’s Pharmacy and Healing Cancer with Sound & Light

Episode 5: Cancer Causing Blindspots, Toxic Vaccines, Homeopathy & The Power of Emotions

Episode 6: The NOCEBO Effect, Healing Vaccines, Advanced Detoxing & Going Inside A German Cancer Clinic

Episode 7: Heal Cancer with Clean Electricity, Unique Water, Natural Sunlight & Combining Superfoods

Episode 8: Cannabis, Nature’s Epigenetic Switches, Peptides & Healing with Micronutrient Therapy

Episode 9: Cancer Conquerors & Their Powerful Stories of Victory


The Truth About Cancer Affiliate Program... 

"Quite possibly the most important and most profitable promotion you'll do all year" - Ty Bollinger.

