Some folks are suggesting colloidal silver as a defense against
ebola. Others have concluded that colloidal silver only works against
bacterial infections. Apparently ebola depletes Vitamin C stores.
Again, vaccines will do more harm than good Linus Pauling concluded: "(I)t is known
that immunization and inoculation lead to the destruction of
vitamin C."
Here is more info on the topic from a forwarded email:
finally got the four pages about Ebola in Dr. Levy's book read, and
thought I'd pass the information along. This is on pages 105-108, in
chapter two under subtitle "Ebola Virus (Curable-?, Reversible-?,
Preventable-?)," in the book "Curing the Incurable: Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins" by Dr. Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD.
The front cover of the book says, "With over 1,200 scientific references."
On page 105:
is probably the best known of a class of viruses known as hemorrhagic
fever viruses....yellow fever, dengue hemorrhagic fever, Rift Valley
fever, (and many more)....The clinical presentation of these diseases is
similar to scurvy, which is also characterized by capillary fragility
and a tendency to bleed easily....
"In the classic form of scurvy
that evolves very slowly from the gradual depletion of vitamin C body
stores, the immune system will be sufficiently compromised for infection
to claim the patient's life before the extensive hemorrhage that occurs
after all vitamin C stores have been completely exhausted...."
On page 106:
viral hemorrhagic fevers typically only take hold and reach epidemic
proportions in those populations that would already be expected to have
low body stores of vitamin C, such as is found in many of the severely
malnourished Africans....
"To date, no viral infection has been
demonstrated to be resistant to the proper dosing of vitamin C as
classically demonstrated by (Dr. Fred) Klenner. However, not all
viruses have been treated with Klenner-sized vitamin C doses, or at
least the results have not been published....
"Cathcart (1981),
who introduced the concept of bowel tolerance to vitamin C discussed
earlier, hypothesized that Ebola and the other acute viral hemorrhagic
fevers may well require 500,000 mg of vitamin C daily to reach bowel
"Belfield and Stone (1975) reported enormous
success in the treatment of a variety of viral infections in animals,
emphasizing that they had found no virus to be unresponsive to
intravenous vitamin C....
"The experience of Belfield and Stone
with vitamin C and viral infections in animals certainly seems to agree
with the phenomenal success that Klenner reported to his treatment of
viral infections with vitamin C in humans...."
On page 108:
He goes on to mention the research of several others and then concludes the section about Ebola with:
of this evidence lends further support to the notion that encountering
the Ebola virus does not mean instant death. It is also unlikely that
Ebola virus could successfully sicken an individual with a good general
nutritional status, and who is taking a daily bowel tolerance dosage of
vitamin C."
(Dr. Levy used large IV doses of vitamin C to
successfully treat two cases of West Nile, according to the "Boulder
Weekly" newspaper several years ago.)
I wonder if the US medical
personnel who contracted Ebola in Africa had vaccinations before they
went there--and if so, how many. Dr. Archie Kalokerinos' 1981 book
"Every Second Child," about his work with aborigine children in
Australia, has a foreword by Nobel laureate Linus Pauling which Pauling
concludes by stating, "(I)t is known that immunization and inoculation
lead to the destruction of vitamin C. Dr. Kalokerinos deserves much
credit for having made these discoveries."
This from Jim Stone - supporting Vitamin C as a way to combat the effects of ebola.