Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Our Spiritual World: Sneaky stuff to stall Truth

Our Spiritual World: Sneaky stuff to stall Truth: March 28, 2022 First, skanktube (Susan S, come on down) blacklisted me and shadow banned truth of this work, as well as deleting 95+ perce...

Unfortunately, I can NO longer keep on with posting, as each day passes, my eyesight gets worse and wrose.

We need prayer here. We have two months and the lease is up on this money hogging house.

And we HAVE to find an unvaxxed eye doctor, including unvaxxed staff, to get a correct diagnosis, which the retina of the eye is more than likely bleeding. And we do NOT have the $$$$ to do eye exams, and also have no extra $$$$ to pull the rest of my crumbling teeth. Hubby has problems with hsi teeth too. Thankfully, his eyes are still good.

So I can NOT continue to blog, post, etc... and burn out the rest of my reamining retinas. My husband has to read other blogs and comments to me, unless the font is HUGE. And he has to help me with system stuff, especially since I seem to be clicking on random stuff, because I can't see what is being clicked on. I have the browser in dark mode, and knowing finger placements on a QUERTY Keyboard. When videos play, I don't watch them, but rather listen to them. I can see the dark colored memes, but any meems and pics with bright light background totally turns white and alll I see is a white square.

We need to move and need help and NO ONE has our backs here. And it is extremely UNFAIR for my husband to have to do EVERYTHING. And he also gets to watch me have a total meltdown when I can't do a simple thing anymore, like a 4 ninute post, which ends up taking more than an hour to do now.

I am in no way lazy, and LOVE to work and stay busy, but am simply disabled. I have fallen down stairs, accidently stepped on the cat's tail, tripping over stuff, etc...

Look at the contributors here and you will see another contributor, who will end up taking over this blog. It will stay up as long as Googoo Nazis allow.

The best I can do now is PRAYER and I LOVE PRAYER. And that is easy peasy for me.

Annd... I can no longer do anyone's reasearch for them anymore. They HAVE to come here and do the search box in the upper left corner of the blog. People still actually expect me to find whatever for them, and I simply can't anymore. So there is more prayer time for me, and hopefully, I can do that part of Yeshua's Kingdom work right.

So pray for us please. Also please pray for our children. Two of them got whacked up with the vax weapon. One of them got sumg about it and mad and then hung up the phone, and the other had the decency to ask what can be done to detox and avoid some damage. It was also suggested to get on the knees and ask forgiveness.

Peopel think we're making it up, when we say some of our family members can't stand us.

The one who seemed remorseful about being forced the vax to keep a job, sent my hubby some $$$ to buy some groceries.

So my online work stops until there is a cure for all of this. People tell me med beds are coming, and while that is nice, I wonder if they are even real or exist. It's something that all the qanons talk about constantly, blah blah blah... I guess time will tell. But I"m not holding my breath for them to be honest.

I'll try to make another post with typeing, but at least I can manage reposts from other blogs. Enjoy what is still here. Only 5 posts got deleted by the Blogger nazis.

So sorry everyone.


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