Tuesday, August 23, 2016

The Daily Messenger: Russia is blocked from accessing this blog

The Daily Messenger: Russia is blocked from accessing this blog: This blog went from 1,000 Russian visitors a day to NONE all at once. Not one ever since the witches sabbat last. What is being said here that has the US intelligence agencies so very worried about them seeing the truth of things, from a US perspective?...


Wonder if it would help if they used the .ru instead of the .com ?  You know, a different Internet country code.  .ru being for Russia.

Like this...

I've viewed mine with .ca , .co.uk , .ru , and many other of the various Internet country codes.

I found out that our Blogger blogs had the various internet country codes from raw clicks stats via the various back office dashboards. Some of the various affiliate programs show url stats where the clicks are coming from. Had no idea our Blogger blogs came with other internet country codes, until I started checking affiliate clicks statuses. Unsure how all that works, or how our blogs were made with the different internet country codes, but hopefully it would help if blog site was viewed with that country's code.

Here's a click on one of our things showing this blog with a different internet country code.
This click shows Internet country code .ca for Canada.

Internet Country codes for various countries:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Internet_top-level_domains

The Essential Oils Revolution 2 Summit Day 2: All about essential oils and women's health!

DAY 2 (August 23, after 10am US eastern)
Today, The Essential Oils Revolution 2 is about women’s health! But, don’t worry, there’s plenty of information for men! Learn how to balance hormones, mood and combat stress and anxiety with nature’s medicine: essential oils!

Your link to attendee registration:  https://un233.isrefer.com/go/eor2/MessiahMews/
Your link to the order page:  https://un233.isrefer.com/go/eor2/MessiahMews/
Your link to affiliate registration:  https://un233.isrefer.com/go/affref/MessiahMews/

Are you promoting to other potential affiliates? If you sign up other affiliates, you’ll receive 10% of any sales they generate? In other words, any affiliate you register gets 50% of any sales they make (just like you do for your sales), and you get a 10% bonus on their sales.

Know someone who would make a fantastic affiliate? Use this link to send them directly to the affiliate registration form and if you would like to help others and spread the word...
Your link to affiliate registration:  https://un233.isrefer.com/go/affref/MessiahMews/

We thank you!


Magdalena Wszelaki
Magdalena Wszelaki
How to Rebalance Your Hormones with Essential Oils
  • Balance hormones with the Three-Legged Stool analysis
  • How to use the most potent hormone balancing oils
  • Essential Oil Liver Pack Protocol to metabolize estrogens
Trudy Scott
Trudy Scott, CN
Addressing Anxiety with Amino Acids and Oils
  • Where to start if you’re experiencing panic attacks
  • Specific oils for anxiety (and how to use them!)
  • Practical steps to using oils for mood balancing
Melody Watts
Melody Watts
Essential Oils for Mood Management and Stress
  • Science behind essential oils and emotional health
  • Best oils to overcome feeling overwhelmed
  • Using the right oil for specific emotional imbalances
Mariza Snyder
Mariza Snyder, DC
Secret to Hormone Synergy with Essential Oils
  • Why women (esp. moms) must reset, recharge and balance
  • How essential oils support hormone health
  • Practical steps to integrate oils for hormone balance
Veronique Desaulniers
Véronique Desaulniers, DC
Using Essential Oils to Maximize Women's Health
  • 7 essentials for a healthier, happier you
  • Specific oils for women’s health and hormones
  • Debunking breast cancer myths


Commentary and Thoughts:

If I have time to write out a commentary and thoughts, then they will be right after each speaker list. And some speakers may not get a commentary, depending. However,  PDF transcripts are available to read


Magdalena Wszelaki

How to Rebalance Your Hormones with Essential Oils

What You'll Learn -

Balance hormones with the Three-Legged Stool analysis
How to use the most potent hormone balancing oils
Essential Oil Liver Pack Protocol to metabolize estrogens

Transcript:  Magdalena Wszelaki (PDF)
Website:  http://hormonesbalance.com/


Trudy Scott, CN

Addressing Anxiety with Amino Acids and Oils

What You'll Learn -

Where to start if you’re experiencing panic attacks
Specific oils for anxiety (and how to use them!)
Practical steps to using oils for mood balancing

Transcript:  Trudy Scott, CN (PDF)
Website:  http://everywomanover29.com/


Melody Watts

Essential Oils for Mood Management and Stress

What You'll Learn -

Science behind essential oils and emotional health
Best oils to overcome feeling overwhelmed
Using the right oil for specific emotional imbalances

Transcript:  Melody Watts (PDF)
Website:  http://melodywatts.net/


Mariza Snyder, DC

Secret to Hormone Synergy with Essential Oils

What You'll Learn -

Why women (esp. moms) must reset, recharge and balance
How essential oils support hormone health
Practical steps to integrate oils for hormone balance

Transcript:  Mariza Snyder, DC (PDF)
Website:  http://drmariza.com/


Véronique Desaulniers, DC

Using Essential Oils to Maximize Women's Health

What You'll Learn -

7 essentials for a healthier, happier you
Specific oils for women’s health and hormones
Debunking breast cancer myths

Transcript:  Véronique Desaulniers, DC (PDF)
Website:  http://breastcancerconqueror.com/



Tiny Kitten Gets Pulled From Wall

The kind of true stories I LOVE to read and hear about...
