Tuesday, January 30, 2018

The Daily Messenger: How I Shut Up My Doctor About Vaccines

The Daily Messenger: How I Shut Up My Doctor About Vaccines



Parents can just avoid all the drama by skipping the money hungry needle wielding  pediatrician to begin with.

Seriously, this can be avoided altogether.  People are doing this to themselves. They can find holistic doctors, chiropractors, or at least a family doctor, who have no bonus incentives.

Many parents are now wising up and have skipped going to these lamestream baby killers. Pediatricians are now reporting parents to CPS for refusing vaccines. So people are saving themselves the heartache and drama by canceling the appointments and/or never going to them in the first place.

Why? Because enough is ENOUGH!

Well baby checkups are voluntary and have never been mandated by law. Parents are free to go to any naturopath, if the need arises and if their baby happens to come down sick.

The 2020 Initiative for all pediatricians is to have FULLY vaccinated patients for their bonuses. It's called the Combo 10 Bonus.  See Dr. Sherri Tenpenny describe it here in this snippet from The Truth About Vaccines docu-series (Playing Now!).

So the best way to avoid this insanity is to quit using lamestream doctors to begin with. Use a naturopath and/or good chiropractor instead. There are many. People must search them out, as the good doctors are out there.

There are NO LAWS on the books anywhere that says parents have to use a mainstream clinic, doctor, pediatrician, or even go to a well baby checkups. That is an indoctrination (Mind Control) that has been bought, lock-stock-and-barrel. It's also for insurance company planning (a way to get your child into the EHR system and tracked for life from cradle to grave). There are many good naturopathic doctors out there. It's time to stop supporting mainstream, and start supporting the holistic and alternative. They'll get the message once everyone wakes up and start boycotting these places. Want to stop this corrupt beast system? Then starve the damn beast!

The Thinking Moms' Revolution: FUCK the American Academy of Pediatrics


The American Academy of Pediatrics is a private for-profit corporation ‘doing business’. You can refuse to CONtract with them by simply declining their offer to CONtract.

The AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS and the AMERICAN ACADEMY OF FAMILY PHYSICIANS are not health advocacy organizations. They are trade associations-corporations (listed on Dun and Bradstreet) that are head-quartered in the STATE OF ILLINOIS and the STATE OF KANSAS respectively, whose monetary compensation from the vaccine manufacturers contributes to the ‘fiscal’ health of their corporations.




INFORMED REFUSUAL = INFORMED CONSENT DONE RIGHT! "Informed Refusal Vaccine Warning!" -- by T. Matthew Phillips, Esq.!!

INFORMED REFUSUAL = INFORMED CONSENT DONE RIGHT! The World's First "Informed Refusal Vaccine Warning!" -- by Yours Truly!!

--->> "The purpose of this vaccine is to deliver a pathogen into your child’s body. A pathogen is a disease-carrying agent—either a virus or bacteria. This vaccine product contains a pathogen that scientists have weakened in the laboratory. According to mainstream science, once a weakened pathogen is injected into your child's body, it is supposed prevent stronger, naturally occurring versions of that pathogen from later infecting your child."

“I am going to plunge this hypodermic needle into your child’s thigh muscle and inject a pathogen, either a virus or bacteria, directly into the muscle, along with chemicals, preservatives, metals, human cells, animal cells, GMOs, and known carcinogens. Note: viruses and bacteria do not typically enter the body via the muscular system; rather, viruses and bacteria typically enter through the lungs (airborne) or through a cut in the skin (bloodborne). By injecting vaccine ingredients directly into your child's thigh muscle, the ingredients bypass the body's natural bloodborne and airborne immune defense systems, and this alternative means of entry, via the thigh muscle, may cause health complications because your child's body is neither prepared nor equipped to fight-off an infection at this point of entry. Once inside the thigh muscle, mainstream science cannot trace the route of any vaccine ingredient. Science does not know which ingredients exit the body, nor which ingredients accumulate in the body, or how long they remain."

"Once inside your child's body, the virus or bacteria can cause your child to develop a full-blown case of that disease. For example, injecting the measles virus into your child’s body can cause a full-blown case of measles; and injecting the pertussis bacteria can cause a full-blow case of whooping cough. Yes, flu shots can cause the flu—because, of course, flu shots inject flu viruses into the body. And, once viruses or bacteria are injected into a given person, that person can then infect others with that virus or bacteria—for several weeks after vaccination.”

“If, after vaccination, your child does not catch the disease for which he or she was vaccinated, you’ll never know whether it was because of the vaccine—or just coincidence. However, if, after vaccination, your child develops autism or dies from SIDS, federal law presumes it was a coincidence unrelated to the vaccine."

“This vaccine product has never been tested to determine whether it can actually prevent disease. This vaccine product has never undergone testing where test subjects, after being vaccinated with a weakened pathogen, were later exposed to a stronger, naturally occurring version of that same pathogen—to determine whether their immune systems can successfully fight-off that stronger version of the pathogen. In other words, this vaccine has never been tested under real world conditions to see whether it actually works or not."

“This vaccine product has undergone only minimal safety testing. It has never been tested in combination with other vaccines, over-the-counter medications, prescription drugs, or street drugs.”

"Neither the vaccine maker nor the government know whether this vaccine product will have any effect on your child's reproductive organs or fertility. The vaccine maker and the government both acknowledge that this vaccine has never been tested to determine what effects, if any, it has on reproductive organs or fertility."

"According to mainstream science, vaccines boost the immune systems of healthy individuals, however, vaccines harm the immune systems of immune-compromised individuals. In other words, vaccines are for good for the healthy, but bad for the unhealthy. If you have a compromised immune system or are undergoing chemotherapy, this vaccine will overwhelm your immune system and cause immediate adverse side effects that will be far more noticeable than in persons with healthier immune systems, and therefore, vaccination is discouraged. If you have eczema, it's a sign of liver toxicity, and this vaccine will overwhelm your liver and cause immediate adverse side effects that will be far more noticeable than in persons with healthier livers, and therefore, vaccination is discouraged."

“The vaccine manufacturer makes no guarantee or warranty that this vaccine product will actually prevent disease. In fact, this vaccine product comes with no guarantees or warranties of any kind whatsoever and no warranty plan is available to purchase.”

“According to mainstream science, vaccines work only on some people, and only some of the time; however, science has no way to predict "when" vaccines will work or "who" can successfully be immunized. After vaccination, if immunity fails to take hold, science cannot explain why, and if immunity does take hold, science still cannot explain why, nor can science predict how long immunity will supposedly last. Science has no way to predict which persons are at risk for vaccine injuries. When vaccines kill and injure, science is never able to identify what caused the death or injury. If this vaccine product kills or injures your child, science will have no explanation for how it happened.”

“The United States Supreme Court declares that all vaccines are unavoidably unsafe—because federal law presumes that all vaccines come with a risk of “unavoidable adverse side effects”—and federal law presumes that these adverse side effects are directly attributable to defective vaccine design. Compared to other consumer products, vaccines pose a heightened degree of safety risk. And, while it’s true that all medical products come with a “generalized risk” of potentially avoidable adverse side effects, this vaccine product comes with an “inherent risk” of presumptively unavoidable adverse side effects.”

“If this vaccine product kills or injures your child, you cannot sue the vaccine maker nor the doctor's office—because federal law presumes that your child's death or injury was specifically caused by defective vaccine design, and federal law specifically forbids all lawsuits alleging defective vaccine design.”

“So, do you still want this vaccine? Yes or no?”

T. Matthew Phillips, Esq.


[The Heavy Metals Summit] Day 2: Heavy metals affect our hormones, our genes and can make us an antenna for EMFs!

DAY 2 (January 30, after 10am US eastern)

Heavy metal toxicity is THE modern epidemic plaguing our lives. Join us today at The Heavy Metals Summit, where we\'ll focus on the lesser known dangers they pose to health, including how they affect our hormones, their relationship to cancer, their effect on our genes and how they make you an antenna for EMFs!

Registration Link:  http://healthaffiliate.center/13197-22.html

The connection between toxins and disease is UNDISPUTED, but it’s still being IGNORED by conventional medicine!

And, they’re everywhere: food, water, air, household products. Even the hosts of The Heavy Metals Summit, who have made it their life’s work to find them, say they’re constantly uncovering new sources of toxins in their lives.

[LEARN TODAY] Heavy metals affect our hormones, our genes and can make us an antenna for EMFs!
#HeavyMetalsSummit http://healthaffiliate.center/13197-22.html



Julie Matthews, BS, NC


What You'll Learn -
How heavy metals affect children with autism?
Sources of heavy metals
Therapeutic diet strategies

Visit this speaker's website


Elisa Song, MD


What You'll Learn -
Why are our children so sick today?
How to test for heavy metals in kids
Strategies to detox our children

Visit this speaker's website


Ben Lynch, ND


What You'll Learn -
What do genes do?
How do heavy metals affect our genes?
Strategize to optimize our genetics for healthy living

Visit this speaker's website


Joe Mercola, DO, FACN


What You'll Learn -
How heavy metals make you an antenna for EMF
Does your sauna have high EMF?
Tips for reducing EMF in your home

Visit this speaker's website


Sayer Ji
Founder & Director of GreenMedInfo


What You'll Learn -
Metals that affect hormones (and their role in promoting cancer)
How toxins contribute to obesity (it’s not just calories!)
How Flax helps to reduce the effects of estrogenic toxins

Visit this speaker's website


Thoughts and Commentary

If time permits...

Note: Some comments may be under an individual speaker, as applies to their topic.



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Heavy Metals Summit

[The Truth About Vaccines (TTAV)]: Episode 5

Episode 5

The Truth About Vaccines takes an in-depth look at the HPV and Hep B vaccines, along with two topics that will touch every parent.

Watch episode 5 tonight: http://go.thetruthaboutvaccines.online/?a_aid=550a00bc0bfa1&a_bid=ae3563aa


Hepatitis B Vaccine:

Package Inserts:

[PDF] Package Insert for RECOMBIVAX HB - FDA

[PDF] Package Insert - Engerix-B - FDA

Hepatitis B

Recombivax HB
Hepatitis B (recombinant)

[PDF] HEPLISAV-B Package Insert - Dynavax


Assaulting Newborns, Small Children and Adults with Hepatitis B Vaccines

We can opt out via an exemption (religious, philosophical or medical). Or we can decline all of the CORPORATIONS offers to contract by serving a legal notice called The Vaccination Notice.

Vaccination Notice for Physicians | Parents Against Mandatory Vaccines

The Vaccination Notice | Parents Against Mandatory Vaccines

Vaccination Notice for Employers | Parents Against Mandatory Vaccines

Our Government Is a CORPORATION:
And we can decline their "offers" to CONtract.

Religious Reasons to Refuse... 

The Hepatitis-B vaccine supposedly protects against a disease that is only transmitted through multiple sexual partners or street IV drug users and therefore usurps (my/our) parental authority to condemn such activity in (my/our) child. The acceptance of this vaccine promotes sexual promiscuity and immoral behavior in direct contradiction to the teachings of (my/our) faith.

A conflict arises because (my/our) religious convictions are predicated on the belief that all life is sacred. God's commandment "Thou Shall Not Kill" applies to the practice of injection of carcinogenic substances that can kill.

(We / I) {First and Last name(s)},________________________ as the {(parent (s) /guardian(s)} of (name of newborn child)____________________ are exercising (our/my) rights under the First Amendment of the US Constitution, [_____insert the title and paragraph number of your state law here._____] to receive Religious Exemption from Vaccination, ALL injections, & testing.

Applicable law has been interpreted to mean that a religious belief is subject to protection even though no religious group espouses such beliefs or the fact that the religious group to which the individual professes to belong may not advocate or require such belief. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended Nov. 1, 1980; Part 1605.1-Guidelines on Discrimination Because of Religion.

Our legal rights are guaranteed by the free exercise clause of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Recent court decisions have upheld the rights of individuals seeking exemptions from immunizations based upon personal and religious reasons. On the U.S. Supreme Court level in Frazee V. Illinois Dept. of Security, 489 U.S. 829, it was found that a state may not deny an exemption simply because a person is not a member of a formal religious organization.


HPV (Gardasil/Gardasil 9):

Package Inserts:

[PDF] Gardasil Package Insert - FDA

[PDF] Package Insert - Gardasil 9 - FDA

[PDF] Gardasil Package Insert - RHO Cervical Cancer

GARDASIL ® 9 (Human Papillomavirus 9-valent Vaccine, Recombinant)


Mandated Poison:

Assaulting our teens and pre-teen children.

Questions on Gardasil and the "Mandatory" Order of Texas Governor Perry

From Donna Voetee
November 6, 2007

Ever wonder how drugs get their very odd names? Sometimes it is due to their chemical nature, but sometimes I believe there is more to the story. For instance, Gardasil. "Guard" a "Sil" ? What is a Sil? Sci Fi was never my favorite genre of literature until I came to understand that much truth is hidden and esoteric. The following is from Wikipedia about Sil, a fictional alien from the TV series Dr. Who (1985): 

Sil was the representative of the Galatron Mining Corporation present on the planet Varos to extract concessions from the current Governor. Unbeknownst to the Varosians, the mineral Zeiton-7 which was abundant on their planet was not as they thought nearly valueless, but in fact rare, particularly to time travellers. The Varosians lived barely above the poverty line due to the exploitation of companies like the Galatron Mining Corporation and others Sil was a particularly vile creature by any standard...Devoid of morality and dedicated to getting the cheapest price he could for Zeiton ore by any means, he also enjoyed the various tortures which passed for entertainment on Varos... The Doctor interfered with Sil's plan and informed the Varosians of the true value of their natural resources, forcing Sil to concede...

Any similarity of Sil, a hideous reptilian alien, to Gov. Perry ("Particularly vile creature, devoid of morality, enjoyed tortures"); of the Galatron Mining Corp to Big Pharma ("mined" the abundance [health] of the planet [people]); of the Varosians to the American people ("lived barely above poverty due to the exploitation" [of their drugs]); and of Zeiton-7 to the most precious natural resource of all, our daughters' fertility (our ability as a society to "time travel" via our posterity), is purely intentional.


All Package Inserts:





TTAV Schedule:

January 25 - Episode 1: The History of Vaccines, Smallpox, Vaccine Safety & the Current CDC Schedule

January 26 - Episode 2: What's in a Vaccine? Are Vaccines Effective? … and … What About Polio?

January 27 - Episode 3: An Analysis of the MMR & DTaP Vaccines & Vaccinating for the Greater Good

January 28 - Episode 4: Examining Influenza, the HIB and Pneumococcal Vaccines & Herd Immunity

January 29 - Episode 5: Considering the HPV and Hepatitis B Vaccines, SIDS & Shaken Baby Syndrome

January 30 - Episode 6: A Closer Look at the CDC, Chicken-Pox and Rotavirus Vaccines & Retroviruses

January 31 - Episode 7: Natural Immunization, Homeoprophylaxis & Fundamental Freedom of Choice


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