Thursday, February 6, 2014

RI Proposes Worst Vaccine Regulation Ever Take Action!

From Autism Action Network:

RI Proposes Worst Vaccine Regulation Ever Take Action!

Mandatory flu shots, HPV and many others

Michael Fine, MD, the state of Rhode Island’s Director of Health, is pushing the adoption of the worst forced shots regulations in US history. Every shot on the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommended schedule, including the controversial HPV shot, will become mandatory to attend pre-school, daycare, elementary school, middle school, high school and college in Rhode Island. The ACIP is a federal commission composed of representatives of the vaccine industry with well-documented and pervasive conflicts of interest among its members. Fine has also proposed sweeping new vaccine requirements for employees of pre-schools. And unlike 20 other states where more than half the American population lives Rhode Island does not allow exemptions from vaccine mandates for secular reasons.

Children as young as six-months will be exposed through flu shots to quantities of mercury vastly higher than maximum exposure limits for adults. The HPV has an extremely bad safety record, and there is no data studying the effect of multiple injections of products the US Supreme Court has declared “unavoidably unsafe.”

Please click the Take Action link above to send a message to Governor Lincoln Chafee and your Rhode Island State Legislators stating your opposition to the plan.

Please Call Governor Lincoln Chaffee and politely state your opposition:

(401) 222-2080

Please call Dr. Fine and politely let him now that you are opposed to his proposal:


Fine has been a private physician in family practice, and his wife is currently a physician in family practice which gives the Fine family a direct financial interest in the implementation of his proposal. Rhode Island law requires any public official to declare a conflict of interest and recuse themselves from decisions in which they or their families have a direct financial interest. Fine clearly should recuse himself from the adoption of these regulations.

Unlike most states where adding vaccines to the mandated schedule requires the passage of a new law in the customary democratic way, in Rhode Island Dr. Fine has the authority to require these shots on his own directive just like a commissar in the former Soviet Union.

Shots Dr. Fine wants to compel students to get would include:

* Annual flu shots for children aged 6 months to 59 months
* Hepatitis A, rotavirus and an additional acellular diphtheria/tetanus/pertussis injection (TDaP) for elementary school students
* The controversial Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), a meningococcal injection, and an additional DTAP for middle school students;
* College levels student will be required to have had two doses of the Measles Mumps Rubella (MMR), a TDAP, 3 doses of hepatitis b, two doses of varicella (chicken pox), and two doses of a meningococcal injection,
* Employees of pre-schools will be required to get the following shots. Two doses of MMR, one TDaP, two varicella, and an annual flu shot. No exemptions for religious reasons will be allowed for pre-school workers.

The extent of the intrusion into personal and family rights proposed by Dr. Fine is so gross, and the complete disregard to demonstrate any need for the shots, or that the shots can actually prevent the targeted diseases in any significant way, has prompted the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) to challenge the proposal. The ACLU up this point has not involved itself in vaccine rights issues.

Aluminum: The Neurotoxin Far Worse than Mercury

Aluminum: The Neurotoxin Far Worse than Mercury...
See article here: