Wednesday, December 6, 2017

List of Traitors to California's Children

Here's the shit list of California traitors who hate children.

Dickhead Pan

Here’s a peek at how much money Pan and others received in campaign contributions from pharmaceutical companies, to pass a mandatory vaccination law in California.

TOP DRUG MAKER RECIPIENTS – *Member of the Assembly or Senate health committees

Sen. Richard Pan*– D-Sacramento $95,150
Assembly Speaker Toni Atkins- D-San Diego $90,250
Sen. Ed Hernandez*– D-Azusa $67,750
Sen. Holly Mitchell*– D-Los Angeles $60,107
Assemblyman Brian Maienschein*– R-San Diego $59,879
Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de León- D-Los Angeles $56,648
Sen. Isadore Hall- D-Compton $52,400
Sen. Jerry Hill- D-San Mateo $50,209
Assemblyman Henry Perea- D-Fresno $49,550
Assemblywoman Shirley Weber- D-San Diego $47,000
Assemblyman Mike Gatto- D-Los Angeles $46,491
Assemblywoman Susan A. Bonilla*– D-Concord $45,600
Sen. Andy Vidak- R-Hanford $42,800
Assemblyman Tom Daly- D-Anaheim $40,300
Assemblyman Kevin Mullin- D-South San Francisco $38,400
Assemblyman Adam Gray- D-Merced $37,000
Assemblyman Rob Bonta*– D-Alameda $36,750
Assemblyman Anthony Rendon- D-Lakewood $36,200
Assemblyman Jimmy Gomez*– D-Los Angeles $33,850
Assemblyman Richard Gordon- D-Menlo Park $33,100
*Member of the Assembly or Senate health committees

This information came from the Sacramento Bee.

Thank you Jock Doubleday!


The recorded reaction of mercury and aluminum is also very similar in characteristics to the new disease Morgellons

Jason Christoff
December 4 ·

Hold on.......the recorded reaction of mercury and aluminum is more than disturbing. Right here... There is mercury and aluminum in many vaccines. The reaction you witnessed above in the video happens inside the blood of most people who still receive vaccines.

The recorded reaction of mercury and aluminum is also very similar in characteristics to the new disease Morgellons, directly associated with people who blindly take orders from corrupt authority figures to submit to vaccine and other medical based poisoning. This reaction is also very similar to what's called "The Pharaoh's Serpent" seen here, which of course ties this sort of chemical reaction back (on some level) to our ancient human farmers, who are Egyptian in origin. Oddly enough Egypt's original country name was Khem, from which we derive the word "khemistry" or as you know it "chemistry." Do you know what's going on? Are you sure? There is nothing new under the sun.


Now think about mercury and aluminum in vaccines...  Do you see what is going on here?  Is it any wonder how ANYONE can possibly be healthy and full functioning with all this shit in their bodies?

Our poor children.  And then add chemtrails, smart dust, nano-tech, shit processed food, shit supplements, fluoride, modern dentistry, GMOs, aspartame, glyphosate, and other evils to the mix?

How are any one of us still alive these days?

And then the Morgellon's with the metal fibers growing out and the associated parasites also implicated in Morgellon's and Lyme Disease.

How on earth are we still alive?
