Thursday, July 18, 2019

Fibrenza Proteolytic Systemic Enzymes to Help Support Vaccination Li8beration

For those of you who may be interested in Fibrenza proteolytic systemic enzymes blend, you can order from Vaccination Liberation at a much better price rather than Life Enthusiast, fyi.  We get ours from her and support locally, just like the sulfur crystals. We take this blend along with our regular serrapeptase from Arthur Andrew Medical for that extra kick.  The mix is great and is clean, we just change the veggie capsule out and re-encapsulate into a BSE-Free bovine gelatin capsule to avoid the cellulose.  That's what we do and it STILL works just fine, and just like the serrapeptase too.  Our friend could use your help.  THANK YOU!
P.S.  You can also get the organic sulfur crystals from her too (separate order)...


From: ingri
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 9:49 PM
Subject: Fibrenza order - let me know if you are benefiting from it.

TO my friends who supported the FIRST order of Fibrenza, 

I need to know if you want to reorder. Following is what I am sending out now since I had a couple drop off and need new people to replace them. It is still $95 to you guys for a two-month supply. With Paypal, we get dinged several dollars so a PayPal donation would be $100 to get a 2-month supply of Fibrenza.  Frankly, I love this product. Even though I am taking it on an empty stomach, my digestive system seems to have improved dramatically. I also eat much less and my energy level has increased.

Introducing Fibrenza, an amazing, high-quality systemic enzyme 
Vaccination Liberation needs funds to operate. Attached is information on Fibrenza, an incredible systemic enzyme that dissolves scar tissue along with a host of other health benefits. Think of all the people you know who have had C-sections! If you or someone you know is suffering from any of the ailments listed on the attached sheet, please consider ordering with us. Our webmaster for told me that she wouldn't be without Fibrenza and takes it daily... The product normally costs $129.99 for a 2-month supply. We are offering the same bottle for $100 if you prepay by July 22, 2019. You can PayPal us a donation of $100 here or send a check or Money order made payable to Vaccination Liberation along with your mailing address to:
Vaccination Liberation, P.O. Box 457, Spirit Lake, Idaho 83869

We will be ordering as soon as I round up 10 pre-paid orders and then I will send it off and you will get Fibrenza delivered to your mailing address.

Thanking you in advance for your support of our grassroots efforts!

In the Spirit of Truth,
Ingri Cassel, Director
Vaccination Liberation
P. O. Box 457
Spirit Lake, Idaho 83869
(208) 255-2307
Free Your Mind…
From the Vaccine Paradigm

Listen to “Immunize Wizely” on Saturdays, 5-7 PT, 6-8 MT, 7-9 CT, 8-10 ET on RBN –
“When we give government the power to make medical decisions for us,
we, in essence,accept that the state owns our bodies.”
 ~former U.S. Representative Ron Paul
To begin your journey on learning about vaccines, the biomedical paradigm and why the only truly informed choice
regarding vaccines is complete avoidance and refusal, we offer you the following weblink to well-footnoted articles and resources.


Q Baby at NC Trump Rally

Trump acknowledged Q baby.





The picture will be the signifier.
~Amanda Krashai






