Tuesday, July 29, 2014

[Vaccination-Liberation] Discrediting a new report falsely claiming vaccines are safe


Here is a newsflash about a new report from HHS regarding vaccine safety.

Notice they admit the report came from the RAND corporation.

Here is the explanation of the RAND corporation's 'device' for creating bogus (consensus) science.

By the way, the IPCC used the same 'device' to create their "consensus" on CO2 global warming.
So, why would HHS hire RAND to do a report on vaccine safety? Because their own experts walked out in 2006.

6 min audio clip of EPA-CDC whistleblower Dr David Lewis.
If we all aren't doing our best to expose the scientific fraud at the EPA and the CDC we are missing the boat completely. Whistle blower Dr David Lewis has given us a great new tool to use.


And... We still have to contend with fluoride, aspartame (Nutra Shit), NOT so Sweet N VERY Low, Monsatan, GMOs, MSGs, Wheat and Grains, Mind Control, The Public Fool system, Fuk u Shima, radiation, mainstream medical, dioxins, Agent Orange, petrochemicals, microwaves, Chemtrails, HAARP, pollution and other emissions including cow farts.

The Daily Messenger: JAPAN has LITERALLY LOST Their MINDS! Fukushima up...

The Daily Messenger: JAPAN has LITERALLY LOST Their MINDS! Fukushima up...

Just Japan?  I think the whole world has gone insane!

Vaccination Notice for Employees


The following notice is designed to inform your employer of the conditions under which you will comply with their flu shot (or other vaccine) request.  See Notice   http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Notice

Before filling out and turning in this notice, employees must request the vaccine package insert for the vaccine they are being asked to take. If this insert is provided, inform the employer that you must take it home to read and consider. DO NOT JUST READ IT AND HAND IT BACK. It could be used as evidence should you accept the vaccine and get injured by it.

If no insert is provided, fill out and deliver the Vaccine Notice (a). If it is provided use the Vaccination Notice (b).

This Vaccination Notice was designed as a tool to help employees decline unreasonable flu shot (or other vaccine) requests . . . and hopefully keep their jobs.

Vaccination Notice for Employees (PDF) with instructions

Employee-Student Vaccination Notices a and b.doc

Vaccination Notice for Employees-Students template 6-30-14.doc

All Vaccination Notices Listed Here


Notice to agent is notice to principal
Notice to principal is notice to agent

As an employee or student of XYZ MEDICAL CENTER, INC, I declare the following:

My employee or school is requesting that I accept a flu shot vaccine as a condition of my employment or attendance.

1) I am aware that those manufacturing, ordering and/or administering vaccines have been granted immunity from liability should I suffer from a vaccine caused injury or illness, such as Guillian Barre. The Vaccine Injury Compensation Trust Fund is not an acceptable alternative to me. (Reason listed below - #7)

2) Enclosing the adverse effects of pharmaceutical products is common practice for pharmacists. So, unless I am provided the vaccine manufacturer's package inserts, I will not have been given the information I need to make an informed decision regarding the risks of taking the vaccine. CDC, public health, or other vaccine information sheets and/or websites are not acceptable alternatives. (Reason listed below - #4).

3) I am aware that vaccine recommendations have been established by the CDC and are promoted by public health departments and other organizations.

4) I do not recognize the CDC as a government health advocacy organization. It is a corporation listed on Dun and Bradstreet and headquartered in the STATE OF GEORGIA, with strong ties to the pharmaceutical industry. Therefore, their recommendations are influenced by the 'fiscal' health of their own corporation.

5) I do not recognize the HEALTH, OHIO DEPARTMENT OF as a government health advocacy organization. It is listed on Dun and Bradstreet, is headquartered in COLUMBUS OH, has strong ties to the pharmaceutical industry and receives monetary compensation to promote vaccines. Therefore, the state public health department's recommendations and actions are influenced by the 'fiscal' health of their own corporation.

6) I am aware of multiple scientific peer-reviewed papers, such as "Thevaccination policy and the Code of Practice of the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI): are they at odds?" which have provided proof that governments have been concealing the dangers of many vaccines as well as the truth about the "herd immunity myth" of 1933.

7) I am aware that the corporation HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES, UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF (listed on Dun and Bradstreet and headquartered in WASHINGTON DC) determines claims paid from the Vaccine Injury Compensation Trust Fund via a secret administrative hearing that lacks due process and also profits by owning vaccine patents.

8) I am unaware of any state statute that grants XYZ MEDICAL CENTER, INC the authority to require employees or students to take a pharmaceutical product - that is not warranted as either safe or effective by the manufacturer - as a condition of their employment or admission. If such a statute exists, please send me the name, number and effective date.

For the reasons I have listed and more, I cannot comply with XYX MEDICAL CENTER, INC'S vaccine request unless I am provided with the vaccine package insert, allowed to determine if the health risks are acceptable, and receive a document stating that XYX MEDICAL CENTER, INC (not the Vaccine Injury Compensation Trust Fund) agrees to be financially responsible for any and all injuries, illnesses (as defined by the International Medical Council on Vaccination) or losses this vaccine might cause me.

NOTE: Please place this notice in my employee records file.

Employee: Jane Doe                         Address: 2425 Maple Lane, Grove City, Ohio

Signature:  Jane Doe                          Date: 5-15-14

Witness:   John Walton                       Date: 5-15-14

Witness:   Roy Rogers                        Date: 5-15-14



Notice to agent is notice to principal
Notice to principal is notice to agent

As an employee or student of XYZ MEDICAL CENTER, INC, I declare the following:

My employee or school is requesting that I accept a flu shot vaccine as a condition of my employment or attendance.

1) I am aware that those manufacturing, ordering and/or administering vaccines have been granted immunity from liability should I suffer from a vaccine caused injury or illness, such as Guillian Barre. The Vaccine Injury Compensation Trust Fund is not an acceptable alternative to me. (Reason listed below - #7)

2) I requested, received and reviewed the manufacturer's package insert for the vaccine I am being requested to take.

3) I am aware that vaccine recommendations have been established by the CDC and are promoted by state public health departments and other organizations.

4) I do not recognize the CDC as a government health advocacy organization. It is a corporation listed on Dun and Bradstreet and headquartered in the STATE OF GEORGIA, with strong ties to the pharmaceutical industry. Therefore, their recommendations are influenced by the 'fiscal' health of their own corporation.

5) I do not recognize the HEALTH, OHIO DEPARTMENT OF as a government health advocacy organization. It is listed on Dun and Bradstreet, is headquartered in COLUMBUS OH, has strong ties to the pharmaceutical industry and receives monetary compensation to promote vaccines. Therefore, the state public health department's recommendations and actions are influenced by the 'fiscal' health of their own corporation.

6) I am aware of multiple scientific peer-reviewed papers, such as "Thevaccination policy and the Code of Practice of the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI): are they at odds?" which have provided proof that governments have been concealing the dangers of many vaccines as well as the truth about the "herd immunity myth" of 1933.

7) I am aware that the corporation HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES, UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF (listed on Dun and Bradstreet and headquartered in WASHINGTON DC) determines claims paid from the Vaccine Injury Compensation Trust Fund via a secret administrative hearing that lacks due process and also profits by owning vaccine patents.

8) I am unaware of any state statute that grants XYZ MEDICAL CENTER, INC the authority to require employees or students to take a pharmaceutical product - that is not warranted as either safe or effective by the manufacturer - as a condition of their employment or admission. If such a statute exists, please send me the name, number and effective date.

For the reasons I have listed and more, I cannot comply with XYX MEDICAL CENTER, INC'S vaccine request unless XYX MEDICAL CENTER, INC provides me with a signed document stating that XYX MEDICAL CENTER, INC (not the Vaccine Injury Compensation Trust Fund) agrees to be financially responsible for any and all injuries, illnesses (as defined by the International Medical Council on Vaccination) or losses this vaccine might cause me.

NOTE: Please place this notice in my employee records file.

Employee: Jane Doe                               Address: 2425 Maple Lane, Grove City, Ohio

Signature:  Jane Doe                                Date: 5-15-14

Witness:   John Walton                             Date: 5-15-14

Witness:   Roy Rogers                              Date: 5-15-14