JIM Novax O’Kelly
The cause of polio according to Dr. H. Shelton. From his book The Hygienic System ORTHOPATHY 1940
Definition: Known also as acute anterior poliomyelitis and acute infantile spinal paralysis, or infantile paralysis, this condition develops chiefly in young children, rarely in adults. Anatomically it is characterized by inflammation of the gray matter of the spinal cord with destruction of the nerve cells in the anterior horns, and clinically by fever and rapid atrophic paralysis of various muscles.
Symptoms: It begins with slight fever (101-103 F.) restlessness, headache, pain in the back and limbs, and muscular soreness. In a few cases there is vomiting or diarrhea, and occasionally convulsions. In the course of a day or two a flaccid paralysis develops. The legs are especially likely to be involved, but all four limbs, the trunk. The lower limbs, one limb only, a group of muscles, or the respiratory muscles may be involved. The paralysis reaches its maximum in a few hours or days, then begins to improve, in many cases very little paralysis remaining at the end of a few weeks or months, in other cases much paralysis remaining. Complete recovery is more frequent than is generally known. Where paralysis persists, permanent deformity often ensues from the failure of growth in the paralyzed parts and the over contraction of the unantagonized muscles.
The paralysis may be due to changes in the brain or in the spinal cord. Several forms are described, but these relate to location and not to the actual cause of the affection. In addition to the spinal form there are (1) abortive cases, in which the constitutional symptoms are unattended by paralysis and complete recovery occurs in a few days; (2) meningitis cases, in which the early symptoms closely simulate those of epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis; (3) bulbar cases, in which the nuclear centers in the medulla oblongata are involved; and (4) polyneuritis cases, in which pain in the limbs and general hyperesthesia are for a few days the most out- standing symptoms.
Etiology: those demanding a unitary, specific cause say poliomyelitis is due to a “minute anaerobic organism,” but care based on this premise is often worse than the organism itself.
Infantile paralysis is divided into intra-uterine and post-natal classes. Tilden says: “the anti-birth causes are not hereditary; for an influence to cause paralysis to be hereditary would prevent conception; or; in other words, sterility prevents such calamities.” Cases developing before birth are due to injuries and poisons. Doubtless most of these cases are due to injuries received at birth. Cases developing after birth result from infection, either from gastro-intestinal decomposition or from VACCINATION . epidemics of poliomyelitis develop at the end of each summer WHEN CHILDREN ARE VACCINATED. A plethoric state, due to over-eating is described by medical men as a “well nourished” state. They say that acute epidemic poliomyelitis “appears in children previously well nourished.” Such “well nourished” are commonly accompanied by intestinal sepsis.
Prognosis: Unless the initial symptoms are very severe or the respiratory muscles are affected, the prognosis as regards life is good. The death rate under medical care ranges from 5 to 30 per cent. In all cases that live, much of the paralysis disappears and occasionally the improvement is so marked that the usefulness of the affected parts is not seriously impaired. Undoubtedly many cases of death and permanent disability are DUE TO THE DRUGS AND SERUMS USED IN treating the patient in its early acute stages. I HAVE NEVER SEEN PARALYSIS DEVELOP IN A CASE UNDER DRUGLESS TREATMENT OF WHATEVER NATURE.”
Jims comment. This man fasted over 35,000 cases in 50 years. Most of those cases were given up by their doctor and told to go home and prepare their last will and testament.
“Care of the patient: rest in bed, with plenty of fresh air in the room is essential. Stop all food until all convulsions, twitching’s spasmodic movements, spastic contractions, fever, etc., are gone. After this, feed the child a fruit diet for a week, then feed it normally. Cases that are left with muscular and nervous incoordination require muscular and nervous re-education in the form of educational gymnastics, for which see Vol. iv of this series. The employment of the “iron lung” in cases of chest paralysis is only a spectacular grandstand play that robs the family of much wealth.”
JIM Novax O’Kelly
Founder of the new
Anti-Vaccination League of America
Vaccination Liberation - Indiana
Jim O'Kelly, director
P.O. Box 78
Wheeler, Indiana 46393
Jim O'Kelly, director
P.O. Box 78
Wheeler, Indiana 46393