Friday, March 8, 2019

Juicing and Raw Foods: The Association Of American Physicians & Surgeons ...

Juicing and Raw Foods: The Association Of American Physicians & Surgeons "Strongly Opposes" Mandatory Vaccines ...: Vaccines put MERCURY AND FLUORIDE IN Y OUR BODY. And in children, administered before age 5, it makes them disabled and autistic . In older people, it makes and keeps you permanently sick. It is the CAUSE of diseases, not the cure for them....

There is no #MAGA, or MEGA (Make Earth Great Again) until all these damn devils are off Earth period.  And that includes all their pro-vax and other lamestream "code enforcers", such as nurses, hospitals (inhospitable death centers), pedophylles (including pedo pediatricians), insurance companies, schools, daycares, certain jobs, employers, police, kangaroo court, and just downright stupid spineless fucking people. I guess all the spines are dissolving too.  No wonder so many having back trouble! ALL these CONtract code enforcers & conTROLLers.  The swamp is deep full of sludge. And it stinks to high heaven.

Is this draining the swamp? POTUS and pals. The guy on the left poking at a swamp creature.

Granted Trumpy Cat has done some good things, and I still think he's best POTUS since JFK, but we are FAR from #MEGA. So very far from it.

Because we still have...

Vaccines that are killing children and adults.
Exemptions disappearing from states one by one
Nuclear power plants
Fossil Fuels
Dependence on utilities
Full term abortions in some states now
All these new devils coming out whom I had no idea existed until recently.
Fluoride in the water
5G and even Trumpy Cat wanting 6G. WTF?!
The Public Fool System with all manner of freaks mind conTROLLing children.
Human Trafficking and child sacrifice (although we have heard of and seen some evidence of arrests on Youtube, etc...)
And just plain weirdo everywhere in sight anymore.
Dead Holistic doctors who are STILL being murdered.
Runaway Lyme and Morgellons disease. Cancers, heart disease, and diabetes, etc...
Compromised supplements now (as shown on this blog and other blogs, youtube, etc...)
Our rights as God's people being taken away each and every day.

And the list goes on and on and on and on...

And we are BEYOND disgusted anymore. There is no dictionary that exists anywhere that can define how disgusted we all are.

And many others besides us are also beyond disgusted.

So we are past ready for the Heavenly smite team to come down and clean house.

MessiahMews Blogs: Help for Our Daughter - UPDATE

MessiahMews Blogs: Help for Our Daughter: Okay... On the 20th, my daughter had a major surgery of a cervical spinal fusion.  This is a major surgery, so she is no where near being cleared for going back to work anytime soon ...



Thank you to all for the prayers, support and love.  The transmission was too costly to get fixed/replaced, so they ended up having to get another used car.  Thanks to all the support, prayers from family and friends.  THANK YOU!

I have told her to please take it easy and allow herself to relax and heal.  She keeps forgetting that she isn't supposed to pick things up, turn her head, etc...  So we have to keep reminding her to let her husband pick whatever up, etc...

She is still going to be out of work for a while yet, as spinal surgery is a MAJOR deal.  I have two sisters who went thru spinal surgeries.  One with the exact cervical surgery, and the other lower back spinal fusion.

I actually need a temp job myself so I can help her out more.  And I still have to pay for my ABC, NCR, supplements, etc... Online stuff is taking a dip right now, so I may have to bite the bullet and take some outside work. My prayers are that our online stuff gets back up in the green again, as I am better at that kind of thing to be honest.

Here is their ride...


They have been blessed with all this goodness.  Thank you again EVERYONE!