Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The 21 curious questions we're never allowed to ask about vaccines

Look at all the pictures of the labels.

Eny purrson hoo sez sumfing CANT be DUN . . . shuddent interrupt da purrson DOOIN' it.

Eny purrson hoo sez sumfing CANT be DUN . . . shuddent interrupt da purrson DOOIN' it.

Don't ya dare tell me it can't be done!

That's for all you naysayers who keep saying that there's no cure for Alzheimer's, diabetes, heart disease cancer, etc...  The same naysayers, or rather doomsayers, who believe the lamestream media, and believe that vaccines are necessary to save lives. The ones who are responsible for killing people via vaccines, drugs, chemtrails, abortions, GMOs, etc....

These same devils who fear the truth coming out, so much that great measures have been taken to kill off the doctors who actually help patients.  Those docs were the ones that were doing what supposedly cant' be done.  May they rest in peace.  Lord protect the rest please.

Those devil doers have their day of reckoning and judgment is coming.  I'm looking forward to it.

Because I'm damn tired of seeing evil win over and over and over again and getting the upper hand. It's WAYYYY past time for the tables to be turned.  Enough is enough already!  Dear Lord, hear our prayers and smite the evil already!  Quit letting them win! Thanks.

Dr. Andrew Moulden: Finds "Every Vaccine Causes Harm", then Dies Suspiciously

Dr. Andrew Moulden: Finds "Every Vaccine Causes Harm", then Dies Suspiciously

"ALL vaccines are and have been causing ischemic (impaired blood flow) damages - to all - creating a plethora of chronic illnesses, disease, and in some instances...death. The injury from vaccination is additive, each  vaccination further injures.”  Doctor Andrew Moulden MD, PhD

Prominent Alternative Cancer Doctor Dies of Massive Heart Attack