Monday, October 22, 2018

An upside down Great White Shark looks just like a laughing devil..

An upside down Great White Shark looks just like a laughing devil..

Picture courtesy of Pictures In History
Photo/Shark Cage Diving - Calypso Star Charters


Reason to create your own Certificate of Live Birth

Reason to create your own Certificate of Live Birth

In the United States, state-issued Birth Certificates and state-issued Birth Affidavits are adhesion contracts, where your birth certificate is used to enslave your child to the National Debt of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and its corporate statutes. In case you were not aware, we lost our country completely when America went bankrupt in 1933, but also when our Republic was turned into a mere corporation (The Act of 1871.) See and


Substitute all words in blue with the factual information concerning the birth of your child. Eliminate as many underlines as practical. This 'form' is simply an idea in creating your own. If, at some point in the future, your child want to be in the system or obtain a passport, your notarized certificate of live birth will be sufficient to prove the fact that your child was born in this country. The reason you may want a witness on your certificate of live birth is because, in the event your child wants to opt into their system, the state will request the written testimony of a witness if you do not put one on your certificate of live birth.


.docx:  link soon
