Sunday, February 22, 2015

THE TOOLS of Global Population Reduction EXPOSED!- Dr. Russel Blaylock

Forward this video to everyone because the social engineers are using this on US NOW. The proof is in the pudding or should I say from their own dark evil mouths and books. WAKE UP the elite are calling for a 80 to 90% population reduction. Everything Dr. Russel Blaylock is 100% documented. The drinking water is poisoned/a mass medication, with sodium fluoride. Aspartame a neuro-toxin is added to various food products. It goes on and on. It is done on purpose to chemically lobotomize, dumb down, and exterminate US (who elite call useless eaters)

[Vaccination-Liberation] National Adult Immunization Plan

Since the 'controllers' have been collecting vaccine adverse reaction reports for many years; have statistics to prove the number of vaccine injuries have been escalating; and respond by increasing the number of vaccines on the CDC recommendation schedule . . . no other conclusion can be reached other than they are getting the results they desire.
Video: The Tools of Global Population Reduction exposed by Russell Blaylock, MD.

If we are to protect ourselves and our families, we have to look at a new strategy. Obviously the old ones are not going to work. This very real threat was discussed last night on In Defense of Humanity. The archived show can be located on this page.

Here are links to the information Ingri and I discussed on last night's program:

Solicitation of written comments on the draft national adult immunization plan

2015 Adult Vaccination Schedule

Forced Adult Vaccinations at Federal Levels - Comment Period Now by Catherine Frompovich
At the end of the article the author makes two recommendations. We do not agree that these actions should be taken. Both the contribution of comments and the signing of petitions are used for data mining and demographic analysis to identify and target the people who are aware of the dangers of vaccines and are refusing them.

Ten Little Known Facts about the Vaccination Program in the UNITED STATES

AL Whitney
Retired Registered Respiratory Therapist
Former Court Appointed Special Advocate for Children
Spouse of a retired Family Practitioner

People for Safe Technologies