Saturday, October 21, 2017

Cards Against Humanity (Children's Games Indoctrination)

Children's Games Indoctrination.  Yeah, with each passing day, the cards are stacked up against children and all of humanity.

Just like those children's' books I posted on an earlier post.  Looks like parents are going to have to start making their own children's' toys.

Mattel and other companies are using books and games to shame people for their [smart] choices and [informed] decisions!!!

Apples to Apples

Monica Brown
Yesterday at 8:12pm

I was vetting my daughter's new game before we played it and saw that board games have even been indoctrinated. 😡 Looks like I'm headed to the "returns" department tomorrow.

Look at this one that’s in cards for humanity

Here is a great game for you - it is called Wildcraft and teaches about using herbs to heal. My kids (9 and 11) love it. We played last night as a family and had a great time!
Karen Hanscom Hale

"That's why I call earth a cunt farm sometimes it's rare to find any humans with all these assjerks"
- Emma Gold

Our Spiritual World: THE STONES CRY OUT - Live Torah Seminar

Our Spiritual World: THE STONES CRY OUT - Live Torah Seminar

Luke 19:40 King James Version (KJV)

40 And he answered and said unto them, I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out.