Saturday, February 14, 2015

One of the sickest examples of vaccine industry corruption – Wyeth internal memo.

*see bottom for all links.
“In 1978-79, eleven babies (all in Tennessee) were found to have died within eight days of a DPT vaccination. Nine of the eleven had been vaccinated with the same lot of pertussis vaccine, Wyeth #64201 and five (four from the same lot) had died within twenty-four hours of vaccination.”
*Now will you please take another look at the memo..
“read closely — a series of SIDS deaths in Tennessee is …prompting Wyeth officials to make sure that vials from a single lot don’t get distributed to a single state, county or health department.”
*SICK. Spread the death out so no one will know.
  “The statistical evidence in favor of a connection between the deaths and the DPT shot was strong. Would the medical authorities bite the bullet and admit the vaccine was related to the deaths? Absolutely not.
 It’s a long and unpleasant tale, but when all was said and done, “the tombstone was placed on what happened in Tennessee three years later, in the September 1982 issue of the Journal of Pediatrics, when Bernier and his colleagues at the CDC wrote their epitaph on the infant deaths. They made this amazing statement: ‘Whether or not this temporal association reflects a causal relationship remains undetermined; we found no evidence to support such a causal association.'”
*this honestly makes me sicker than I can explain. Yes, I will agree that this is old. Who cares about 1979 anyways? I do. Any parent should care if they knew what happened here. No, we no longer use the DPT now DTaP) but that doesn’t matter here. What matters is that this happened and there was never a resolution. There was never justice or an apology. Those precious babies meant nothing. Just like everything else, it was all pushed under the rug. (I cannot explain how angry it makes me that people who question these things are just called “crazy” and that’s it. No journalism. No Truth!)
**What has changed?! How are lots distributed now?
“Do the drug companies, the HMOs, the AAP and the CDC really have a track record of tracking down every report of side effects, encouraging the public to make use of the VAERS (vaccine adverse event reporting system) system and vigilantly monitoring the VSD database? Are they the ones we want to trust to tell us whether there is any “causal association” between vaccines and SIDS, or autism, or asthma, or ADD?”
  See this link for the full story:
and for the link to the PDF file of this memo see this:

Sunday, 2/15 - Wakefield, England and Elkordy on radio

Dr Andrew Wakefield Christina England Sallie Elkordy

Live at 3pm Uk Time And 10am Eastern

Sunday 15th February 2015

Share Far And Wide

Andrew Wakefield reveals the inside story of desperate parents trying to help their autistic children, only to be labeled as abusers by social workers, medical professionals, and the courts.

As the number of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders grows each year, new discoveries and controversies arise. Andrew Wakefield explores many of these in his thorough investigation of the recent trial case of the “Arizona 5,” which destroyed an Arizona family. Two parents, with five children on the spectrum, were accused of Münchausen syndrome by proxy—a rare form of child abuse—and were ganged up on by physicians, child protective services, and the courts, who alleged that the parents fabricated medical symptoms in all five children. However, Wakefield now presents ample evidence that was disregarded and which would have proven the parents’ innocence.

Families affected by autism suffer great hardship and prejudice, particularly as they navigate the uncertain waters of diagnosis, treatment, and education. The shocking story of the Arizona 5 family delves into the tremendous challenges some parents have to face, especially if their views on how to treat the syndrome don’t align with the medical world’s standards. Wakefield also includes numerous studies and research trials that support the controversial yet significant roles that vaccines and diet play in autism, factors many medical professionals wrongfully dismiss.

[Vaccination-Liberation] Vaccines and 'perception management'

The vaccine issue is not all about choice. Without full disclosure there is only the "perception" of choice. This is true across the board.

The American people have been victims of "perception management" schemes since before we were born. In fact, that is all the mainstream media has been for a long time. (See brilliant and entertaining documentary Psywar)

Dr Paul Offit is the pro-vaccine physician most frequently featured on TV and even in some alternative media forums. Yet rarely is it mentioned that Offit is an industry insider who has a vaccine patent and receives money from Big Pharma. How is that full disclosure?

Hubbie (retired GP) told me that he was instructed NOT to offer parents the package inserts for vaccines because they might frighten them. Instead doctors are given CDC propaganda "fact sheets" that conceal the truth. How is that full disclosure?

Parents who protect their children from dangerous drugs are making the only reasonable choice any parent who loves their children can make.

Here's an excerpt from Lies, Damn Lies and Medical Research:

In fact, the question of whether the problems with medical research should be broadcast to the public is a sticky one in the meta-research community. Already feeling that they’re fighting to keep patients from turning to alternative medical treatments such as homeopathy, or misdiagnosing themselves on the Internet, or simply neglecting medical treatment altogether, many researchers and physicians aren’t eager to provide even more reason to be skeptical of what doctors do—not to mention how public disenchantment with medicine could affect research funding. Ioannidis dismisses these concerns. “If we don’t tell the public about these problems, then we’re no better than nonscientists who falsely claim they can heal,” he says. “If the drugs don’t work and we’re not sure how to treat something, why should we claim differently? Some fear that there may be less funding because we stop claiming we can prove we have miraculous treatments. But if we can’t really provide those miracles, how long will we be able to fool the public anyway?"

Tonight on RBN at 8 pm EST, the topic will be "Vaccines: Without full disclosure, there is only the perception of choice".

AL Whitney
Retired Registered Respiratory Therapist
Former Court Appointed Special Advocate for Children
Spouse of a retired Family Practitioner

People for Safe Technologies

Airlines to require vaccinations for domestic flights?

Traveling by air may get even more complicated if a reported plan by major carrier airlines requiring passengers to be vaccinated comes to fruition. After the increasing problem of unvaccinated individuals contracting and spreading communicable diseases, airlines hope to be a stopgap solution to preventing larger outbreaks. An inside source with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) suggests that, “Multiple major carriers have begun discussing requiring vaccination records for all passengers before allowing them to board a flight.”

FullyRaw Strawberry Shortcake!

Gluten/Gliadin-free and Dairy-free.  And strawberries are my favorite fruit too!

Raw vegan strawberry shortcake! The perfect dessert to make for your loved ones or even yourself! 7 layers of sweet, fluffy heaven! BE MINE?!

A special Valentine's Cake to make for your loved ones or even for yourself! This recipe of EPIC MEAL TIME proportions will win the heart of ANYONE!

Ingredients for the crust:

2-3 lbs of pitted, fresh dates
1-2 cups of dried, raw mulberries
1-2 cups of raw, dried figs (white or black)
1 pinky of vanilla bean
1 tbs of cinnamon

Run all ingredients through a food processor until the mixture reaches a crust-like consistency. Push the crust into the bottom of a pie pan or a cake dish, and get ready for the next layer! If you want your cake to slice smoother, feel free to add wax paper lining on the bottom of the cake.

Add a sliced layer of strawberries onto your crust.

FullyRaw Cool Whip Ingredients:

2 cups of freshly prepared almond milk
Either 1-2 frozen bananas or a half cup of raw cashews
The meat of 2-3 young coconuts

Note: if you want the cake to be lower in fat, use the bananas instead of the cashews and replace the almond milk with coconut water.

Blend all ingredients in a high speed blender like a Vitamix. Spread this FullyRaw "Cool Whip" onto your first layer of strawberries. Add a second layer of sliced strawberries on top and get ready for another layer of Cool Whip!

For your FullyRaw Strawberry Cool Whip, simply use the remaining white cool whip and blend it with a few strawberries to turn it pink! Spread this layer on top of your second layer of sliced strawberries and top it with ANOTHER layer of sliced strawberries!

Ingredients for the Strawberry Glaze:
Half to one pound of fresh strawberries
Half a cup of fresh, pitted dates

Blend the ingredients for the strawberry glaze and spread it on top! Add your final layer of sliced strawberries! Place your cake into the freezer for approximately 4 hours to harden it. When ready, take it out, slice it up, and ENJOY! Share with family and friends!


Gliadin is a class of proteins present in wheat and several other cereals within the grass genus Triticum. Gliadins, which are a component of gluten, are essential for giving bread the ability to rise properly during baking. Gliadins and glutenins are the two main components of the gluten fraction of the wheat seed.

Vaccine Wag the Dog Underway to Take Away Parents' Rights

Big Pharma is scum . . . really

Wait till you see what these investigative reporters discovered about the little kid - that is 'supposedly' undergoing chemo so can't get vaccinated - and his parents!

Commentary from the youtube video description....


In an incredible and ongoing draconian response to the media hyped 'measles outbreak' at Disneyland, lawmakers are attempting to take away parents' rights to decide, or even influence, what is put into their children's bodies.

Bills in dozens of states and at the federal level are now being introduced to deny exemptions on philosophical and/or religious grounds and make vaccinations mandatory.

California, where the Disneyland 'outbreak' occurred, is leading the charge with a bill that would require all children to be immunized before entering schools, and would now disallow both personal belief and religious exemption reasons.

Some 13,000 kindergarteners claimed religious or personal belief exemptions according to California state records – now media-driven propaganda is demanding that they not be allowed to enter school until they are vaccinated.

But what is not being reported?

As usual, it is the telling conflicts of interest behind the figures who are most prominent in the media. 

Rhett Krawitt, Grandchild of a GlaxoSmithKline Consultant

Enter Rhett Krawitt. His face has been everywhere lately that the measles vaccination controversy has been.

That's because the 7 year old, who is recovering from child leukemia, is being exploited by his father as a key reason why the vaccinated should not be allowed in schools.

But what the dozens of prominent stories on the heartwarming – or alternately heartbreaking – case on Rhett Krawitt DON'T discuss, however, is that Rhett's grandfather is a medical doctor and a consultant to GlaxoSmithKline.

That's a conflict of interest, no matter how unimportant it may seem.

Meanwhile, the co-sponsor of the bill in California for mandatory vaccination is Senator Dr. Richard Pan, who is not only a pediatrician, but has taken campaign donations from Merck, GlaxoSmithKline and literally dozens of pharmaceutical companies.

p. 113 – Johns Hopkins advises recovering chemo/cancer patients from interacting with recently vaccinated individuals