*see bottom for all links.
“In 1978-79, eleven babies (all in Tennessee) were found to have died within eight days of a DPT vaccination. Nine of the eleven had been vaccinated with the same lot of pertussis vaccine, Wyeth #64201 and five (four from the same lot) had died within twenty-four hours of vaccination.”
*Now will you please take another look at the memo..
“read closely — a series of SIDS deaths in Tennessee is …prompting Wyeth officials to make sure that vials from a single lot don’t get distributed to a single state, county or health department.”
*SICK. Spread the death out so no one will know.
“The statistical evidence in favor of a connection between the deaths and the DPT shot was strong. Would the medical authorities bite the bullet and admit the vaccine was related to the deaths? Absolutely not.It’s a long and unpleasant tale, but when all was said and done, “the tombstone was placed on what happened in Tennessee three years later, in the September 1982 issue of the Journal of Pediatrics, when Bernier and his colleagues at the CDC wrote their epitaph on the infant deaths. They made this amazing statement: ‘Whether or not this temporal association reflects a causal relationship remains undetermined; we found no evidence to support such a causal association.'”
*this honestly makes me sicker than I can explain. Yes, I will agree that this is old. Who cares about 1979 anyways? I do. Any parent should care if they knew what happened here. No, we no longer use the DPT now DTaP) but that doesn’t matter here. What matters is that this happened and there was never a resolution. There was never justice or an apology. Those precious babies meant nothing. Just like everything else, it was all pushed under the rug. (I cannot explain how angry it makes me that people who question these things are just called “crazy” and that’s it. No journalism. No Truth!)
**What has changed?! How are lots distributed now?
“Do the drug companies, the HMOs, the AAP and the CDC really have a track record of tracking down every report of side effects, encouraging the public to make use of the VAERS (vaccine adverse event reporting system) system and vigilantly monitoring the VSD database? Are they the ones we want to trust to tell us whether there is any “causal association” between vaccines and SIDS, or autism, or asthma, or ADD?”
See this link for the full story:
and for the link to the PDF file of this memo see this: