Friday, April 24, 2020

Digestion SOS: Rescue and Relief Docusummit

Often embarrassing and underdiagnosed, IBS, SIBO or leaky gut can be a warning sign and even trigger serious illness, like cancer, heart disease, autoimmune disorders, diabetes, Alzheimer's, even Lyme disease. But there are actionable solutions to chronic digestive problems, and we're here to share them with you!

The Digestion SOS Docusummit will help you with:

Understanding gut health
Discovering underlying causes
Testing for gut-health issues
Dietary protocols for gut health
Pharmaceutical and natural treatments
Alternative therapies to try (and avoid!)
And so much more!



The Digestion SOS Docusummit will help you understand and address the root causes of IBS, SIBO and leaky gut. Discover the latest research, dietary modifications, lifestyle changes and groundbreaking solutions that work -- from conventional to alternative -- so you can take back control of your gut health and get your life back!

Be sure to catch The Digestion SOS Docusummit from April 20-28, 2020, free and online!

Want to share and help? Affiliates are always welcome.


Digestion SOS Docuseries





Our local friends were telling us about this earlier.

Luke 8:17 King James Version (KJV)
17 For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.


[Encore] Learn to upgrade your brain… in ONE weekend

[Encore] Learn to upgrade your brain… in ONE weekend

--->Click here to listen to the encore of The Superhuman Brain Masterclass now! (start with ANY of the "featured talks!")

Find a few minutes to learn from the "FAN FAVORITE" talks:

+ Leaky Brain: Foods That Destroy Your Brain (And How to Fix It!), Dr. Tom O’Bryan
+ Natural Tools to Activate Your Vagus Nerve, Jodi Cohen
+ Causes of Brain Dysfunction and Incorporating Nootropics, Evan Brand
+ Eliminate the Root Cause of Brain Dysfunction, Dr. Edward F. Group III
+ Keto and Fasting for Next Level Brain Performance, Dr. David Jockers
+ Strengthen Vagal Tone to Upgrade Your Brain, Dr. Eva Detko
+ And more!



Here’s how BEST to take advantage of this expert health information:

--->>Start learning immediately when you join me for Encore Weekend!

I hope you take advantage of this tremendous opportunity to learn… for free!

Want to share and help? Affiliates are always welcome.


Superhuman Brain Masterclass


Pentagon Study: Flu Shot Raises Risk of Coronavirus by 36% (Read that Again!)

Pentagon Study: Flu Shot Raises Risk of Coronavirus by 36% (Read that Again!)

Melissa A Smith-Shepherd is with Bill Shepherd.
April 22 at 11:09 PM

Some people get corona and don't even know it! Why, because they have a healthy immune system, plenty of nutrients, and have an internal environment that is hostile to corona. FYI, did you know that flu shots make you 36% more likely to get coronavirus, and coronavirus is listed as a side effect of flu shots? - A 2020 study by the Pentagon found that the flu shot INCREASES the risks of coronavirus by 36%. “Receiving influenza vaccination may increase the risk of other respiratory viruses, a phenomenon known as “virus interference” and “examining non-influenza viruses specifically, the odds of coronavirus in vaccinated individuals were significantly higher when compared to unvaccinated individuals.”

FYI: anonymous hackers broke into the emails and files of the CDC, WHO, WUHAN LAB, BILL GATE FOUNDATION, etc. and have released the data for all to read. Pretty shocking. Also, President Trump announced that Obama funded the lab that created this virus in Wuhan China, using bats. We also now know that Bill Gates of Microsoft funded the lab and owns patents for coronavirus and the vaccine for it. When someone spends billions to create a virus and the vaccine for it, that means they expect to make a profit on it down the road. How? Release the virus. Create the problem and then provide the solution. There is apparently much malfeasance in this artificially created manmade pandemic. You will hear even more shocking things in the days to come.

And it's listed as coronavirus in this package insert...

Some comments...

There is evidence coming out of Italy and China that show is was elderly people who were given MANDATED VACCINES for flu, pneumonia and meningitis that contracted coronavirus. There is more evidence showing that coronavirus is a SIDE EFFECT of flu shots. Could coronavirus just be a vaccine side effect??????????



TTAV2020 went live last night!

TTAV2020 went live last night! 

Do you ACTUALLY know what’s in the vaccine that’s given to your child? Get the truth about vaccines, watch this video trailer now.
