Sunday, January 26, 2020

OPERATION CORONAVIRUS BIO-TERROR: A Complex Psyop Perpetrated to Distract, To Enforce Mandatory Vaccinations.

A Complex Psyop Perpetrated to Distract, To Enforce Mandatory Vaccinations.

There’s no better way to compel a populace to comply with draconian vaccination regimens than to scare them with the prospect of a deadly pandemic.  Governments around the world are constantly under pressure from the New World Order globalist cabal to implement the Super-Vaccination Agenda.

Toward that end, the world community of nations has been repeatedly victimized by manufactured measles outbreaks and ever worsening flu seasons, so they tell us. 

See: Annual Flu Shot Programs and Staged Measles Outbreaks Are the Central Pillars of the Super-Vaccination Agenda.

Breezy and Oracle

Captured some sweet pics of these two.  Made a nice graphic of it.

Breezy & Oracle.
These two lovely guys are such great blessings in our lives.
And special gifts from Dad, of course.
Ahhhhh!!! The simple things in life. And we give thanks for them.

Original cropped photo...

We SOOOOOO Love these little guys.

What Happened RIGHT Before The Coronavirus Outbreak Is KEY!!! It Explains Everything!...