Thursday, February 13, 2020

The Daily Messenger: NCOV becomes COVID-19

The Daily Messenger: NCOV becomes COVID-19: NCOV becomes COVID-19 by Don Bradley I'm sure the name change has something to do with numerology, gematria, etc but I'm too tired to work it out just now. I am still packing and moving the friend, with that last two trucks scheduled for this weekend, and this 5 week long full time job will finally come to an end. And then there is this job, gathering information, sifting lies from truth, going through video pieces, and writing the whole mess up on a daily basis. Given thorough exhaustion, I'm surprised it is as cogent as it appears, though not always, eh? ...


Well, we all know for the most part that doctors are liars anyway.  Had they done their real job instead of shooting us all up with disease carrying vaccines, we probably wouldn't be where we are today.

And any real doctors are killed off as the Dead Doctors that Erin Elizabeth at Health Nut News has covered.

So what's one to do?  Well,  do investigative research, look up everything, and watch online health series from the remaining natural and/or integrative doctors, and learn for yourself how to become your own doctor.  And most of the good stuff we've learned, thus far, has been from ordinary people like us, who just happen to be super smart and know stuff.

And also look to history from people like Max Gerson, Royal Rife (can't do frequency stuff now with nano tech in the body), Hulda Clark, John Christopher, Rene Cassie, etc...
