Saturday, July 13, 2019

Sharing Information About Vaccines

For anyone who feels like I shouldn’t share information I’ve learned about vaccines because I’m not a doctor, I hope you

-Do not share recipes if you’re not a chef.
-Do not share diet tips if you’re not a nutritionist.
-Do not share fitness information if you’re not a personal trainer.
-Do not share your political views if you’re not a politician.
-Do not share pictures you took if you’re not a photographer.
-Do not rant about what your favorite football team should be doing if you’re not a coach
-Do not share scripture if you didn't write it

The list can go on and on and on

Since, ya know, we absolutely cannot be knowledgeable on a topic unless we have a degree pertaining to it or have a career specializing in that particular subject.

This is what pro-vax trolls tell us who share the vaccine information, because they accuse us of not being medical professionals, or scientists, etc...

It's time to stop the Insanity........ vaccines poison and kill.